Back on the 16th of this month I had my DVR record the Vancouver Canucks vs the Dallas Stars. And I just watched it today. It was a good game, during the second period of the game the two teams go into some really good hockey. There was a good amount of time where there[…]
I am finally starting to get caught up on my podcasts listening. As of 3 days ago I had 2.4 days of audio to listen to. I am now down to 1.2 days of audio. I hope to have it down to less then a day by the end of the day tomorrow. I also[…]
I guess the rumors were right. I wonder will this mean that apple will be soon selling movies though the iTMS, if they do I guess they will have to rename it to iTS (iTunes store) I wonder what the prices will be, and will we be able to burn them to DVDs so we[…]
Here is my final review of the Ohio Linux Fest. I went to 3.5 talks. One talk I was not interested in so I left half way though it, it was a good talk I just was not interested in it. The first talk I went to was the Linux Terminal Server Project talk. For[…]
I just checked over at and saw that the Ohio Linux fest was covered by News Forge I will admit it was a good time there (even with me cutting my finger) and I will be going next year. I will have to post more about it later, but I am still having a[…]
The Ohio Linux Fest was great fun. I got some good pictures. I will be posting them later. The talks were good. It was great fun. I got to have Bit more advanture then the rest of the people there. At the end when I was helping taking things down, I sliced my finger open,[…]
This site is running a story about how how Warner Music wants to cut off apple he appently believes that it is his music that is driving the sales of iPods. Well I only buy music off of the iTMS since I have an iPod, I did not get an iPod because I got music[…]
I have gone to the Ohio Linux Fest. Got here around 7pm tonight. It is starting to look like it is going to be a great time. Also when I got in the Central Ohio group was having their Traffic net, so I thought I would send back to Pittsburgh a radio postcard to the[…]
I think I am subscribed to too many Podcasts. I am so far behind on them, I have on my iPod about 1.2 days of podcasts (total listening to time) Today while at work I killed 7 of those hours, I am going to be up later to do more work tonight, and should be[…]
I have noticed that Google has seen the new address for my blog and it has indexed 2 pages from the new address already. I am sure after about a week it should have discovered all the pages are now at the new address, and I hope that they flush out the old links.
I was listening to the Rush Limbaugh’s podcast from Monday (I am that far behind on my podcast listening) and he mentioned how some of the 24/7 subscribers were saying they were having trouble with the “ditto cam” he said it was working and had been working. He went on to say the following “if[…]
Well today I found out that one of my domains I owned expired a while back, I never got notice of this, I never got a renewal notice for that domain either. Another one I have expires today, I can not for the life of me figure out how to renew domains with my registrar.[…]
The DVR I got from comcast is being a major pain. Not only do I have to deal with the 5:20am and 5:40pm freezing bug. I found that, that bug is very common on all comcast DVR’s. But now it is freezing every 30 minutes today. They have replaced it once already. If it was[…]
We finished up the scanner net at 10:05 EDT tonight. I have then cut some of the empty space from in front of the net and behind the net off, but other than that I left it pretty much the way it came across the air. You can find the podcast at I have[…]
I was just looking though my logs and found a hit that came from looks like google now has a search that returns only blogs, maybe they can use this to remove blogs from their main search site. That would be a good idea, when I go to google I am not looking for[…]