Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Pittsburgh stuff

PVGP 2010

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Published on: July 26, 2010

On the weekend of the 24 and 25 of July I helped out in the PVGP again as a ham radio operator. I have a few pictures you can see them at http://photos.mikeoconnor.net/thumbnails.php?album=55 (also for the record I did not take these pictures, one of the flag operators took them for me, I am having[…]

Pictures from the Pittsburgh Area Reformation Celebration

Categories: Church, Pittsburgh stuff
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Published on: October 30, 2006

The Pictures from the Pittsburgh Area Reformation Celebration for this year are up now.


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Published on: July 15, 2006

I just got back from the Pittsburgh Vantage Grand Prix. I was working as a ham with the other hams to do the communication for the race. I was working at turn 5 there. I will also be working on it tomorrow, I will be going in late since I do have church in the[…]

Trying to get something together for July 4

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Published on: June 29, 2006

I am trying to get a few friends together for July 4th this year. I am hoping to go biking with some friends, stop for some lunch as some out of the way place, and end up at the North Shore to watch the Fire Works this year. If I could get that done, I[…]


Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: March 6, 2006

OK, as I promised here is a post that has some real content in it, and for me this is also some big news, probably the biggest news I have shared on my blog since I started it up in July of 2004. Back then I had been work here in CASOS group of ISRI[…]

What will be said next year?

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Published on: February 13, 2006

I know in Pittsburgh we have been saying “One for the Tumb” for so long. Now what will we say next year when the Stealers go to the Super Bowl? Will we be saying “One for the other Tumb”? or what?

Comment to the people that do pghcast

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Published on: February 8, 2006

For those of you that know about it There is a podcast called pghcast that covers topics of interst for the Pittsburgh regions. Well on Monday they did a show on the Super Bowl win (well no shocker there) but they said that they would cover the Pens next week. So I thought I would[…]

Calling all Pittsburghers to defend our home

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: February 6, 2006

Some guy in Seattle, Dave Fox’s Outbursts does not seam to think there is much to be happy about in Pittsburgh. I would say go over there and tell him what you love about Pittsburgh.

The claim that we will have people come in from out of state to play at our Casinos

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: January 7, 2006

They claim that the reason we need to have casinos in Pittsburgh is to stop the out flow of money from the region, and we will have an inflow from people comming in from out of state. I don’t think so. The people in West Virgina will not come to Pittsburgh to gamble when they[…]

Companies on the North Shore oppose casinos there

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: January 7, 2006

Mark Rauterkus is reporting that companies on the north shore are opposing casinos on the North Shore. This is great news for me, I don’t want to see any casinos there. There is a bike trail that I bike on allot, also I like going there for the 4th of July fireworks. And I don’t[…]

Ed Rendell claims to spend more on Pittsburgh then Philadelphia

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Published on: January 6, 2006

Ed Rendell claims to spend more on Pittsburgh then Philadelphia, but lets look at the numbers that comes from KDKA (a liberal news source) and they quote Rendell’s numbers from his people. The proof they use to claim they spend more on Pittsburgh is the per person cost in Pittsburgh compared to Philadelphia. Now lets[…]

Google Earths view of the Point

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 23, 2005

I was messing around with Google Earth. I zoomed in on the point (Point State park) and when I looked at it, there was something out of place. When I zoomed in closer there were boats on the land. And I realized that the picture that they are using for that view is from last[…]

Politics, diffent communities and some thoughts

Comments: 10 Comments
Published on: August 10, 2005

I have been doing some thinking about groups and politics. I have been thinking about this since I started to look into the biking “community” in Pittsburgh. I have found that this so called community is very intolerant of any one that holds any political view that is not their own. I tried to ignore[…]

The Bike races & some random rambaling.

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 21, 2005

I have been watching the Tour of France lately. I have been finding it very exciting. It is nice to see that Lance is in the lead still. Since they are on at 8:30am when I am getting ready for work, and go well into the time I am working, I just have my DVR[…]

The last day of Bike Fest

Categories: Biking, Pittsburgh stuff
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Published on: June 27, 2005

I went to the 2nd to the last event for Pittsburgh bike fest, it was a ride around the ‘burgh and a bit of history about civil unrest in the Pittsburgh area. It was a pretty good ride that lasted about 3 hours. I got some pictures from it in my picture section. I did[…]

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