What gives, we have had snow for the last two days. And they are predicting more snow till Tuesday. Then after that they are prediction rain for the rest of the week. Back in the 90’s the environmentalists promised us global warming. But when I look at the weather this weekend I don’t see it.[…]
My mind started to think about all the nicknames I have had in the past, for no real good reason. And since 95 I have only had 4, these would be either in real life (3 of them would count) and in virtual life (2 again would count there). They are: Crazy Mike; this one[…]
Well today was fun, I needed to print a poster from Visio. A 36″ by 56″ one. The plotter I would normally use was down, has been down for some time now. So I call up Kinko’s and ask if they can do it, they said yes, I asked if they could print from a[…]
This is cool I just found a web site that lists blog of people that are in the Pittsburgh area. The only problem when they list places people might live they did not list the neighborhood of Pittsburgh, so I just filled in the “other field” and put in Oakland. Well technically I should have[…]
Jon Fortt’s Technofile has some very good stuff on it, I stopped reading slashdot back at the beginning of the year, but been looking for a good site to get some tech news from for a while, and I think I found it. Jon Fortt’s site is interesting, it focuses mainly on Apple related stuff[…]
I found this post on Backup DNA on another blog. Would it not be cool if humans did have this same backup DNA built in. If humans did, maybe we could find a way to cause the backup to be brought forth. This probably would have to be done very early in a womans pregnancy.[…]
I love the show South Park; it does things so absorber it is funny. Right now I am watching some DVD that I am borrowing from my dad. I am on season two.
Well I have rearranged my home, freeing up some room in the center of the place, it looks bigger now, I have also did some cleaning of the APT, maybe some time I will finally get around to doing a video tour of the place for my friends and family. I still do not know[…]
More pain then normal. First I ordered TurboTax back in Nov, well I never got the software, so I call back in Jan. Still I did not get the software. So I call back again today. This time I ask since there has been a major problem with the shipping of the software, if they[…]
I must be boring, I just finished watching NOVA on WQED (Pittsburgh’s PBS) on string theory and I find it very interesting. It is kind of interesting to see the current thoughts on how the universe physically works. And I am watching it while I do some work I brought home that I want to[…]
Well today was “fun” my computer (laptop) was hacked into by some one, I assume it was just some stupid kiddy scripter. Why do I say it was probably just a stupid kiddy scripter, was because the stuff that was put on. A ftp server was put on, so it makes me think it was[…]
Ok in my inbox today got two of those Nigeria scams today, normaly I just delete them but for some reason I was so board I read them for the humor factor. The first was for a lotory I never entered WOW I won 500,000GBP wow 😉 I can not belive that there are people[…]
I have given 19 of them away, keep the requests coming guys (m.p.oconnor@gmail.com), and I will keep sending the invites out until I am all out of them, as of right now I have 31 invites left. I am wondering just how long it will take me to blow them all. I just want to[…]
To any one reading my blog I just got 50 gmail invites today to give out. I have posted to other boards for any one that wants one to email me at my gmail accoung (m.p.oconnor@gmail.com) If any one wants an account and you see this post just email to the before hand mentioned email[…]
It is a nice place to live, don’t really need a car to live here, but it does lack in one thing inside the area, it needs a good pet store. You do need a car if you want to go to a pet store, the closes pet store Oakland (that I know of) is[…]