Tonight I turned on my Short Wave radio for the first time in about a month and a half, I had not turned it on in a while since back about a month and a half ago the bands seemed to be dead aka I was not getting anything. Well tonight I am getting a[…]
Well as I said in the post “Watch out for the fire storm in Ham radio to start” Well over at QRZ the fire storm did really start around page 10 it is starting to get really funny, there is major hate going on. There is one guy there that when ever someone posts a[…]
QRZ is running store on how the FCC is highly likely to drop the CW tests for entry into the HF bands of Armature Radio I will say watch out for the Holy Wars on CW to start, I am thinking I might not want to go on the air for a while; it is[…]
On a lark I decided to start up a new yahoo group. I call it Irish Lutherans. I know of one other Irish Lutheran, but I wonder how many people out there have Irish ancestry and are Lutheran, not a common combo to my knolage. The group is at I have not really set[…]
I is nice to see that the Olympics does not have that stupid trapazoid behind the goalie net. I want to know what drunk thought up that for the NHL. I really wish the NHL would get ride of the new rules, they have really hurt the game of hockey. I will admit I miss[…]
I would have to say that DVR’s are great things to have. I wanted to watch the hockey games of the Olympic, but since they are on during the time that most people are at work, how can one watch them. Well I have setup the DVR to grab them for me (except for the[…]
I am going to try to watch as many of the Hockey games for the Olympic as I can, and I will probably blog about them. I am hoping that the US wins both the Women’s and Men’s ones. You will see at first a lot about the Woman’s hockey team since the Men are[…]
I am right now watching the Canada vs. Russia woman’s hockey game. I will have to say, I like how the Canadian’s play, they are aggressive and willing to attack the other team. They keep on getting penalties. In the second period one of the Canadians got a penalty, when she sat down in the[…]
I was watching Bill O’Reilly and he talked a bit about the guy that Dick Chaney shot. I first Read about this story on unspace and Rob predicted that many would use this as a way to attack the VP, no Rob is not a Republican he (I believe) is a Democrat (as far as[…]
Rob over at UnSpace has an artical abuot some one that is doing a dissertation on Christian spirituality and marriage. She is has a Questionare up on the web and is asking Marred Christians to fill it out. I am not able to take it since I don’t meet the requierments. Rob as asked if[…]
I know in Pittsburgh we have been saying “One for the Tumb” for so long. Now what will we say next year when the Stealers go to the Super Bowl? Will we be saying “One for the other Tumb”? or what?
pittsburghdish is running an artical that is a bit of a joke, on Pittsburgh apologizing for the Super Bowl win and “Dan Rooney, who promised to petition NFL Commissioner Paul Tagliabue to change the record books and indicate that the Seattle Seahawks had, in fact, romped over the Steelers, adding that a score along the[…]
For those of you that are WPLUG members, or mailling list members, or regulars at the meetings, etc. I have setup a blog roll, that I am going to list WPLUG people in. I have added any one that is already on Planet WPLUG I have already added you, if you don’t want to be[…]
I am going to turn on comments that don’t have any HTML code in them, will go live, I will do a trial run for the next week or so. If i find that I get to many spam posts that are going live, I will shut down the test, if things go well I[…]
Well I just finished watching the US woman’s hockey game where they 5-0’ed the German team. Not a half bad game. The one thing I was disapointed in was I did not see any fights, I love fights in my hockey games, but it was still a good game. Next game for them is against[…]