Michael P. O'Connor archive
Author : Michael O'Connor

South Park

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: April 12, 2006

I love the show South Park, but this season they are really attacking many religions. I will admit I am afraid when they go after Christians for the first time this season. This is going to be a great season of South Park, but a lot of people will be offended this year, it is[…]

The High D on the Irish Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: April 10, 2006

I don’t seem to be able to hit the high D on my Tin Whistle, this is driving me crazy, according to my chromatic I am hitting an A and not a D. I wish I could get that high D, I do ok if I try to play that note alown, but if I[…]

What a week

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Published on: April 9, 2006

As I have posted in my last post, it has been one heck of a week. First (these problems are nothing compared to what I will post at the end of this post) On Tuesday I had to take my bike into the shop. I don’t get it back till Saturday. I could have gotten[…]


Categories: Ham Radio
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: April 5, 2006

Well tonight I finally got around to going to a SkyWarn class, so in a few months I should have a SkyWarn number. I have been doing the SkyWarn nets on the ham radio for a couple of years now, so it is about time I finally got to one of the SkyWarn classes. It[…]

Flooding in Europe (This worries me)

Categories: Family, News
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Published on: April 4, 2006

The BCC is running a news item about Flooding in Central Europe. This worries me. Why you might ask, my sister lives in Modling, Austria (this is just about 30 minutes outside of Vienna) , so I am worried about her, I am going to give her a call tomorrow to see how things are[…]

Bike Problems

Categories: Biking, Friends, Work
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: April 4, 2006

Well Yesterday after work I went out to get my bike, only to find my back tire completely flat. So I ask my pastor to give me a lift home, I did not plan on it snowing last night so I did not take a coat. After I get home, I stash the bike in[…]

If the weather holds up like this, my plans for the weekend

Categories: Biking
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Published on: March 30, 2006

If the temperature stays around to what it was this afternoon, I think I will go biking on Saturday after the WPLUG meeting. I am so looking forward to weekend bike rides, it is going to be so great.

Almost 2 weeks done at my new job

Categories: Biking, Work
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Published on: March 30, 2006

I am learning about how the code works at my new job, and getting use to the coding procedures that must be followed for coding. I also been biking to work every day, I will admit I am getting hunger and hunger during the day. It is nice to get the extra exercise in, but[…]

The last 2 weeks have not been good to be my stuff

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Published on: March 30, 2006

Last Thursday the gem stone fell out of class ring. Then today, my iPod fell on the ground, and then bounced once. That distorted the hard drive. I hope that is the last thing to get damaged, but I fear it is not.

What the heck is wrong with the french

Categories: News
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Published on: March 29, 2006

Well France is in the news again, for riots. I wonder what is wrong with that country. A couple a months ago it was muslems rioting, now it is the unemployed rioting. That country is going to either fall into civil war, or collapse soon.

The Irish Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: March 28, 2006

Well I have been messing around with the Irish Tin Whistle for all most a month. I still stink at it, but at lest when I am practicing, it is starting to sound like the song that it is labeled. I do need to find a book with Irish Tin Whistle music in it at[…]

It is begining to look like spring

Categories: Biking, Work
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Published on: March 27, 2006

Well the temp is starting to go up. This is good news for me since I have been biking to work every day since I started my new job at The Switch last Monday. Also I am quite pleased with myself today, I was able to bike up Bates St with out stopping. I probably[…]

Respect for other peoples propriety

Categories: Biking
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: March 26, 2006

What ever happened to respect for other people’s property. Case in point, today I biked down to the store to pick up some stuff. I locked up my bike out of the way, to get to it you had to go out of your way. Well when I come out of the store, some on[…]

Todays workout

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Published on: March 25, 2006

Today, I went down to the gym, I will admit I have not really worked out, until recently. I went for the leg press, last year I was up to 650 on the leg press. When I set at it today, I started out at 400, but over the course of about 45 minutes I[…]

This should stop the defacement of my video section

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: March 24, 2006

I have set the promotion of the uses in the database for me video section to select only, if I need to add something I can change it for the time that I need to, then reset it. But for now in the video section the promotion is set to select only, that why the[…]

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