Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : December 2005

Sending Christmas cards to friend from on-line

Categories: Friends
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Published on: December 20, 2005

I am wondering what the correct protocal about sending a Christmas card to some one you know from the internet, and never have meet in real person. I know how to get the persons mailling address, but would it be more appopiate to send an on-line greatting instead? There is one person on line, that[…]

My finger makes it to a UK bb, but they stealing my bandwidth, and faild to give me credit for my picture

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Published on: December 20, 2005

I was looking at my web logs today, some one is stealing my bandwidth. I find that some one posted directly to an image that I took of my finger after I cut it in October. Check it out at http://threads.fuk.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=47543&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=45 But people viewing that site will know soon, since it is comming from my[…]

The Statement that caused all the problems in PA

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 20, 2005

The Pennsylvania Academic Standards require students to learn about Darwin’s theory of evolution and eventually to take a standardized test of which evolution is a part. Because Darwin’s Theory is a theory, it is still being tested as new evidence is discovered. The Theory is not a fact. Gaps in the Theory exist for which[…]

Kids are not being taught to think for themselves in PA

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 21 Comments
Published on: December 20, 2005

Well it is a victory of narrow mindedness. A US court has ruled it is unconstitutional to mention that some one may not believe what is taught in schools. In this case it is evolution. All it was, was a two minute statement to the student that there are those out there that do not[…]

Christmas cards

Categories: Family, Friends
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Published on: December 19, 2005

I sent out the balk of the Christmas cards for this year. I had 27 to send out. I will probably get the last 2 in the mail tomorrow. I am only 29 and I have 29 people to send cards to. Well I hope they get to their locations in time.

Hockey stuff

Categories: Church, Hockey, Technology
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Published on: December 19, 2005

A friend from church, have me a bunch of magazines he had, from the beginning of the hockey season this year called “The Hockey News” So I will have to look thought them later, I probably will do it starting on Friday, when my Christmas Vacation starts. Thanks Russ. Also he is going to try[…]

Computer problems

Categories: Technology
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Published on: December 18, 2005

Today, I had something very odd happen to my Mac. I could not login to the system at all, I would login and it would just drop me at the screen with nothing on it. I looked around to what net to see what was wrong with. I could not find anything wrong with it.[…]

What is the world comming too? This just beats all

Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: December 16, 2005

Ok I saw a post on Free Republic that was reprinting an article from Jews for Life (I am assuming it is a Pro-Life Jewish group) That was titled “Christmas Desecrations: Anti-Christian Bigotry Reaches New Lows”. In that article it talked about a group called Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation There was another article on Free[…]

Pittsburgh Blogger changes their site

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Published on: December 16, 2005

It looks like the site Pittsburgh Blogger has changed their site setup. The have taken the list off of the right side of the page. And they are posting the most recent posts from the blogs right on the front page. I am not sure I like that, you will get less posts. I am[…]

Rush Limbaugh used some Pittsburghese today on his show.

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Published on: December 16, 2005

For those of you in Pittsburgh (or from), you know what the term “Hoagie” means, to the point where you can not image that some one might not know what that means. But there are many outside of Pittsburgh area that does not know what a hoagie is. Well today was having fun doing the[…]

What % of what belives in a god.

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Published on: December 15, 2005

Rob at unspace has a good break down of one of Gallup Poll poll’s about who belives in a god. Warning though if you don’t want to think it might hurt you head read.

Embryonic Stem Cell takes another hit.

Categories: News, Politics, Technology
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Published on: December 15, 2005

The BBC has a story on how the “pioneer” in embryonic stem cell faked his results. While Adult Stem Cells are already being used to cure things, embryonic stem cells is taking a hit, and it looks like it has less to offer then they claimed to have in the past. At the same time[…]

Attack of the spam bots

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 15, 2005

I turned off the trackbacks to try to stop the spam here, but they have just moved to the comments. I woke up this morning to find that I had 110 spam comments. Looking at the logs from the web server I see that was 1/4 of the spam attempts the 404’s listed in the[…]

Rush now has the Video Podcast going

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 14, 2005

Well today, Rush has started the first installment of the Video Podcast that he is doing. Basicly what it is, is he is doing a video recording of himself recording the Morning Update. It is basicly a very short monologue, about one topic. Not half bad, I first signed up for Rushes 24/7 site, when[…]

More hope for the use of Adult Stem Cells

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 14, 2005

The BBC has an artical up on how Adult Stem Cells are being proven here in the US to be more usefull then predicted. Also it should be noted that there are already real treatments that already use Adult Stem Cells, this is a proven technology, and it is being shown that it is more[…]

December 2005
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