Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : April 2005

Cleaning out some old junk drawers

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Published on: April 30, 2005

As I was cleaning out some old junk draws I found an old film camera, it also had some film in it, and also I found a second roll of unused film. I am thinking I will use up the film in the camera and use up the other roll of film. It is that[…]

Burning up the network

Categories: Technology, Web Site
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Published on: April 30, 2005

I am moving some videos off of my Mac that I have put on there, I am moving them to the Linux file server, have moved 50Gb from the eMac to the Linux box, it was receiving the files at about 12.6MB/s. The Linux server has a 250 GB drive and I have a 120[…]

The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: April 29, 2005

I just got back from seeing the “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” movie, and I am happy to say it was good, it was worth to be named after the: book, BBC radio show, TV mini-series, the game*. And in the great grand tradition of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy stuff, it was[…]

Microsoft can not win

Categories: Geekdom, Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: April 29, 2005

No this is not an anti-MS post. I feel sorry for them in this post. They are getting pressure from 2 sides of a HOT political issue. The issue is homosexual stuff. First let me say I do not believe homosexuality is a moral activity, but the contrary is an abomination to God as stated[…]

Exploding Toads? Science Can’t Solve All Our Probs?

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: April 29, 2005

Pastor Stiegemeyer, a pastor here in Pittsburgh (LCMS) found an article about Frogs exploding. Exploding frogs, I wonder if we could use that on our war on terrorism. Better yet, could we cross bread them with the frogs that excrete the hallucinogenic drug. LOOK OUT IT AN EXPLOSIVE HULLUCINOGENIC FROG!!!!! Sorry I could not resist[…]

Price Shock

Categories: Biking
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Published on: April 28, 2005

I never know how much it could cost to get a simple tune up for a bike. I took it in today for a tune up that the bike really needs (I have not had a tune up for my bicycle since I got it last year) and the cost was more then I though[…]

I love the Cartoon network parody of lawyer commercials

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: April 26, 2005

Cartoon network has a parody of the lawyers commercial. Tonight they had one on about “if you have hurt your self and sue yourself for the money you may not be entitled too” Last night when I first saw it, I thought it was brilliant; the guy who came up with that one deserves a[…]

Being a Conservative in Pittsburgh

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff, Politics
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Published on: April 26, 2005

Being a Conservative in Pittsburgh is something that is almost unheard of. In Pittsburgh it is almost a crime to be a conservative, remember the 2 parties in Pittsburgh politics are democrats and “out of office” I know I will not get to vote for the major in the elections. Why do I say this,[…]

Hollywood has lost touch

Categories: Geekdom, Politics, Technology
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Published on: April 26, 2005

There are some people out there that want cleaned up versions of movies that are out there (I am not one of those people, but maybe I would be if I had kids) and Hollywood is upset that parents now have technology that can make sure that the objectionable stuff in movies and TV shows.[…]

MS must be scared of Linux now

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 24, 2005

I just saw a commercial on TV for windows. And from what they commercial said I am sure the people that worked on it was thinking of Linux when they made it. Why do I say this? Well one of the older FUD’s from MS is, “Linux is nice but there is no software for[…]

Snow in April?

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Published on: April 24, 2005

What gives, we have had snow for the last two days. And they are predicting more snow till Tuesday. Then after that they are prediction rain for the rest of the week. Back in the 90’s the environmentalists promised us global warming. But when I look at the weather this weekend I don’t see it.[…]

Only 5 more days

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: April 24, 2005

I am so excited only 5 more days till “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” opens up. I have put together a small group of friends to go see it. Also I have plans already to see it a second time with some other friends of mine.

Computer magazines

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 22, 2005

I have been considering subscribing to one of the programming journals out there. Right now the 2 journals I am thinking about are 1 “Dr. Dobbs” and 2 “C/C++ Users Journal” I picked up a copy of both tonight when I was out with some friends at the South Side works. I figure I will[…]


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Published on: April 21, 2005

My mind started to think about all the nicknames I have had in the past, for no real good reason. And since 95 I have only had 4, these would be either in real life (3 of them would count) and in virtual life (2 again would count there). They are: Crazy Mike; this one[…]

I hate this fix but…

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 20, 2005

I spent the night doing a lot of coding, some great code, if I say so myself. But my code is dependent on 3 Libraries, one written by me, and 2 others by other people. I include the headers for the first library, all is fine, and works well, I include the next library, and[…]

April 2005
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