Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : February 2005

Spammers are idiots

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: February 24, 2005

Ok in my inbox today got two of those Nigeria scams today, normaly I just delete them but for some reason I was so board I read them for the humor factor. The first was for a lotory I never entered WOW I won 500,000GBP wow 😉 I can not belive that there are people[…]

Added comments to the picture section

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: February 24, 2005

I have given people the ability to add comments to the Photo section of my web site. I will see how this goes, if I see that there to many spam or hate posts I will disable them, but for now I am going to see how it works out.

OK now I have seen everything

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: February 24, 2005

I was looking though the logs for the web site to see where people have been coming from and I see the following hit, http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?rank=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mikeoconnor.net%2F. So it looks like some one was searching for my blog on a search engine, out of curiosity I looked at their about page, and find out they are a[…]

Microsoft wants to help cure aids?

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Published on: February 23, 2005

I don’t know about others, but I would be afraid of a medicine developed by Microsoft, I don’t want any parts of my body to crash like their OS crashes. I can just imagine it now, some one is driving down the road after getting some medication helped devolved by MS and then their brain[…]


Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: February 17, 2005

I could not resist it. Today I picked up a Betta, and a 2 gallon tank for it. He is a beautiful fish. You can see pictures of him here. I am sure that once he start to settle into his new home. I know that there is a myth out there that Bettas can[…]

So looking forward to the spring

Categories: Biking, Friends
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Published on: February 16, 2005

I am so looking forward to the coming of spring. I do not like the winter; I am looking forward to the warmer weather when I can go biking again. When the temps start to get into the 50’s consistently the time will be ripe for the bike to be pulled out. And more pictures[…]


Categories: Technology, Web Site
Comments: Comments Off on Sweet
Published on: February 12, 2005

I just looked at the web logs for my web site, and found some one came in for a search “Michael O’Connor” normally I am use to my web site being hit #1 for “Michael P. O’Connor” but I never thought that I would get in the top 10 on Google for just “Michael O’Connor”[…]

No Kills Required

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: February 12, 2005

The other day while walking though Wean hall down at CMU, I saw the following poster, some one had put a push pin where the S in the No Skills Required was, so at first I read No Kills Required. I have enclosed a image of the flier (sorry about the low quality of it[…]

Some fun tonight

Categories: Friends
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Published on: February 12, 2005

I had some fun tonight, I had a few friends over, we played a verity of games. First we did some Egyptian Rat Screw, then some Fluxx (2 games with the basic rules, and a game with some of my custom rules, found that 2 of the ones I made I did not like it[…]

The captured US doll in Iraqi

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: February 9, 2005

I found this link on the net, it is the possible next 10 threats from terrorists. All I can think of is how those terrorists have mistreated that poor doll; well they must be bad they can pick on a doll. I am sorry this story is just too funny to let go unposted about[…]

Making some headway with those gmail invites

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Published on: February 8, 2005

I have given 19 of them away, keep the requests coming guys (m.p.oconnor@gmail.com), and I will keep sending the invites out until I am all out of them, as of right now I have 31 invites left. I am wondering just how long it will take me to blow them all. I just want to[…]

Something is up with Google

Categories: Technology, Web Site
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Published on: February 8, 2005

Today I have noticed google really crawling my web site like it has never been before, I seen the googlebot coming from 6 IP address. It is also going to pages that google has not crawling before; the Photo section of my site google has never done before now there are 6 of their bots[…]

49 gmail invites

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Published on: February 7, 2005

To any one reading my blog I just got 50 gmail invites today to give out. I have posted to other boards for any one that wants one to email me at my gmail accoung (m.p.oconnor@gmail.com) If any one wants an account and you see this post just email to the before hand mentioned email[…]

Supper Bowl party

Categories: Games, Play
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: February 6, 2005

I just got back from a supper bowl party. It was fun, I did not watch much of the game about only 20 minutes of play, I spent more time playing cards with my friends that were there. We played 2 different games Fluxx and Pounce. See the link for info on how to play[…]

The Oakland Neighborhood of Pittsburgh.

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Published on: February 5, 2005

It is a nice place to live, don’t really need a car to live here, but it does lack in one thing inside the area, it needs a good pet store. You do need a car if you want to go to a pet store, the closes pet store Oakland (that I know of) is[…]

February 2005
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