Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : August 6, 2004

The Jerks over at wplug

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Published on: August 6, 2004

Ok I have a few friends in wplug, not all of them are jerks. My friends have said over the last few years that things have gotten better at wplug. So ok I trusted my friends on that one. So tonight I go into the chat room for wplug. Well we were talking about money[…]

Kerry is so damn funny it not funny

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Published on: August 6, 2004

this site http://kerryoniraq.com/ shows all his flip flops when it comes to Iraq, both times. Kerry make up your damn mind.


Categories: Technology
Comments: Comments Off on slackware
Published on: August 6, 2004

Boy do the makers of slackware make it ever hard to get a copy of slackware, it took me about an hour before I went to the slackware chate room on the freenode irc servers, to ask for where I could get one, so now I am killing my bandwidth downloading 2 ISO’s right now.[…]

More computer stuff

Categories: News, Technology
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Published on: August 6, 2004

Well the question now is I want to move all my music and Pictures from my iBook to the eMac when it comes, I just wish I did not have to want till the eMac comes, but I think I figured out how to move the music. I found the XML for the Music and[…]

50 Posts have been done

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Published on: August 6, 2004

That last post I did was the 50th post for this web site, cool. This post is post 51. I cannot believe I have done that many posts in such a short time. What am I doing at this time? I have Lord of the Rings on and the fight scene in the mount is[…]


Categories: Play, Technology
Comments: Comments Off on Computers
Published on: August 6, 2004

So I have decided that I would like to get some more computers (2) My mother also said that if I want to buy a house in 2 years I should let some debt ride a bit, so I got an eMac (a cheap but good computer) and a cheap but reasonable gateway computer. The[…]

August 2004
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