Renamed the blog

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Published on: August 16, 2004

Well If I can get a good hit on Google I am going to rename the blog to my correct full legal name. I don’t know how high I will get with my Full name on google but now people will be able to find my site when they search google for my name.

First on Google search

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Published on: August 16, 2004

If you search of “Mike OConnor” my site is the first to get hit by google check it out I just wish I could get it listed under “Mike O’Connor” and “Michael O’Connor” and maybe “Michael P. O’Connor” But hay I got listed (and first to boot) under “Mike OConnor”

Update: Sep 16, since I changed the name this is no longer true but if you search for Michael P. OConnor I am in the top 3.

My apartment

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Published on: August 16, 2004

Things are getting very crowed in my apartment I have been asking for the last 2 and a half years for some storage space in the storage lockers, that according to my lease I am entitled to. But as of yet I have not gotten it. Things in my apartment have gotten very crowed as of late. I will have to move in Dec since I just don’t have the room in this place. I have had to go vertical to keep things out of the way. One of my closets is so full that it is dangerous if you open the closets. But Dec is 3 and a half months away, and this condition is just going to get worse.


Categories: Web Site
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Published on: August 16, 2004

I saw over at MacZilla infomation about pinging now lets see if I can get pinging going on here.

What ever happend to the Linux community

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Published on: August 16, 2004

I wonder what ever happened to the Linux community. When I started to use Linux back in 97 there was a good community for it. If you had problems you could just go to any #Linux chat room and get help, or any usenet for Linux. Now if you go to a #Linux chat room you will see a bunch of people in there just saying the same thing “ya I run Linux”, “it is the greatest”, or “look at me I am 37337”. I bet if you were to do a nmap of their hosts you would find many of them are on XP. And don’t even think of asking for help in there, you will probably get something like “oh, you need help with that, that is so simple, I banish you from this room”. I remember back in 97 when I first stated Linux I went into #Linux on the undernet, because I could not get Linux on the internet. I went in at 10pm and got help there, some guy who went by the handle of iostream (I still love that handle) spent 6 hours in there as he gave me advice, and I would reboot to Linux try, fail then reboot into windows and give him what happened, well at 4 I finally got Linux to connect to the internet and got into the room and let him know that it was working, you will NEVER see that now. Don’t get me wrong I still love Linux as an OS, but I just don’t like where the community is going, or where it is now.

Bike ride today

Categories: Biking, Play
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Published on: August 15, 2004

I went for a nice short bike ride today, I did about an hour of up hill riding, I did some insane hills. I like the hill rides, the reason I love hill rides, is because once you get to the top of a very steep hill you get to come down it again. After the bike ride I went on down to the Walnut St. art festival, I got there at the very end so there was not much there for me to see.

Trying to get more room in my apartmen

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Published on: August 14, 2004

Today I tried to get more room in my apartment, I moved a few things around and took down a few things, and put some things away. Like I don’t watch my DVD’s that much any more, so I took the TV down and put it out of the way, if I want to watch a DVD I can do it on the eMac. I have to find a place to put some of this stuff until I can get more room, I am probably going to move in Dec when my lease is up. I am going to see if I can get a place that the living room is the same size as my current place, and has a separate bed room. I just think there has got to be a better way to get this place arranged to free up more room. If there is such a way I will find it, or will keep trying until I move out of this apartment.

RSS ver 2 Feed is up

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Published on: August 14, 2004

I was asked if I had an RSS feed, well at first I did not know what that was, when I put up this site, so I removed the link (good thing I did not remove the files for it) the RSS feed link is back and for those who are intersted in it, here is the link

Just put this site in a blog web ring

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: August 14, 2004

I just added this site to a web ring, so lets see if it generates a few visites now I have to find a place to put the following link to the blog web ring

This Blogging Webring site owned by Michael O’Connor.
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As soon as I do, I will give put it there.

Questioning some things

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Published on: August 13, 2004

I love Linux, from the first day I have used Linux it was how I though a computer should work. But for me I don’t seam to fit into what a classical Linux user should be. Nor do I seem to be what I see other Geeks as. I have slowly but surly (and not my own will, but by what feels like force from them) been cutting my ties from the “geek” and “Linux” community. I just don’t seem to fit in, in those communities. I have pretty much found only one community I truly feel that I fit into, and that community is my church. I would love to find some geek community that I could fit into, but I have found that 90% of geeks out there fall under this stereotype
1) Atheist, maybe if they are soft agnostic
2) Liberal
3) Anti-social
4) Have a superiority complex

And I don’t think I fall into any of those categories. Oh well, on with the next day.

This up coming weekend

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Published on: August 13, 2004

This Saturday if it does not rain I am going to go biking I have spent far to much time this week on computers. Not only my work time, but my home time was spent on the computers. If it rains, which it looks like it is according to the forecast, I will do some cleaning up on my apartment, I have that old aquarium that does not have fish in it anymore, and I am going to drain and clean it and store it. Plus I have a bunch of stuff in boxes that I have not trashed, but right now dont have a use for. I will probably at a later date keep fish again, so I dont want to trash the aquarium. This weekend will be my time to catch on my rest and sleep.

I have figured out what to do with the new computer when it finally comes

Categories: Play, Technology
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Published on: August 12, 2004

OK I figured out what to do with the new computer when it comes. I am going to let it stay a windows box. I will then get the data off of the gateway laptop, which is about 2 years old and windows starts to take a dive at that time. I will then convert the gateway laptop to a Linux based laptop, I will probably use fedora again. That should have all the newest drivers and the best bet to get the laptop working. Plus the speed boost for windows games will be nice too. Later I will have to post the specs of all my computers. But for now, I have some of the good ones to work with, and i will have 2 computers with each OS on them, and each will be one desktop and one laptop. Man the freedom I will have when I want to work on my computers.

The new Mac

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Published on: August 12, 2004

Well the eMac has come and I have setup it up. It did a great job of getting all my files off of the iBook, even the setting and program files came over. So I went ahead and deleted all the music and photos off of the iBook to save some hard disk room on the iBook. I have the screen set to a resolution of 1280×1024, it look so good to me. The only problem I am facing now is where to put the last computer when it finally gets here from gateway. Well for now if you want you can see a picture of my current setup

Now is that not a great setup for now, from left to right are the following OS’es Linux, Mac OS X, Mac OS X, Windows, Windows. The second to the last box is not really mine, it belongs to CMU, but I bring it home to do work. The last box is for the palm pilot, talking with Trish on YM, and Quicken. I am thinking Linux or BSD on the gateway when it comes, unless I find something (or hear of/ or read in my comments) of something that catches my fancy.

Well the eMac came today

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Published on: August 12, 2004

I am now having it copy my files over to the new computer. This could take a bit of time, it will be faster then if I tried it over the network, but still might take time, I have about 15Gb of data on the iBook. When I finish I will probably take the music and the pics off of the iBook to save room. The music is portable on the iPod, and the pics are for home use only for the most part.

The new mac should come today (I hope)

Categories: News, Technology, Work
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Published on: August 12, 2004

Well I pulled an all nighter to get some work done that needed to get done. John is designing a database for use with a program I am working on, I was there to answer any (the few he had) about the variables in the program, and I looked for some ODBC drivers for C++. So during the night I kept an eye on the shipment last update was 6:17am Arrived at FedEx Ramp in Pittsburgh PA. I just hope it gets delivered today. I want to get started to migrate all important Mac data to it. I probably use the iBook for note taking during meetings and during class. Also I just want to test out the power on that baby. 1.25 G4, with a gig of ram, this computer is going to be sweet. More the database, most everything else for this program is a bit stalled while this database gets done. I will probably spend the day extracting the data for one city to excel so it is all ready for the database when it gets done.

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