The Blessed Sacrament of the Alter

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Published on: August 24, 2004

This is truly sad, but first some back story. It has been 2 months since I got to read the Lutheran Liturgy mailing list. The last hot topic was the Perpetual Virginity of Marry (PVM). The confessions teach the PVM. But now the hot topic it looks like are Allergies and modifying the Eucharist. I find such a thought wrong. I for one am allergic to alcohol. But I would not dream of asking my Pastor to use non-alcoholic wine or grape juice. Why? Because if you do you just start to call into question the sureness of the Sacrament. The Sacrament as part of the Blessed Gospel is about assurance, how can I be assured of the Sacrament if we start to tamper with it, the only assurance that will come is if we do it they way that came down to use via the Holy Scriptures.

Conservatism (long post)

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Published on: August 23, 2004

I am a Conservative, why? Because there is an issues where I just can not support. Abortion, for one, that is murder pure and simple, life starts at conception. And to end (or as the other side uses terminate) a life is murder. And for being conservative, what do we get? We get vilified and deionized all the time. The lift says they are the part of understanding, and love. Ya right, I see more hate coming out of the left then any were on earth. Take my car for instance, it gets sprayed painted, it gets keyed, the muffler gets riped off at times. And why because of my pro-life stickers. OK I can not prove that the keying and the muffler are because of the pro-life stickers, but the spray paint is defiantly because some one did not like my stickers. How do I know, well because where the spray paint was, there were 3 shots on my car, all 3 were over the stickers. And the worst part was when I called the police because of it, I get “why are you upset you were making a political statement and they were just making theirs?” Why was I upset, because it is MY car, my car to put my stickers on, not their car to spray paint, they can spray paint their car all they want I will not care, but when you hit my car, I care because it is mine. It has gotten to the point where I don’t bother calling the police because I have to fight them just to take the report, and I get an attitude from them that I am just wasting their time. But if it was a pro-murder’s car, it would be classified a hate crime, and they would be all over the place trying to find the person who did it. And now over at slashdot (I have stopped posting there, I don’t know why I still read the articles anymore) they are having a bash the Conservatives day. I guess that is better then their usual bash the Christian days.

As for who I am going to vote for this year, well I heard some rumors about bush not being pro-life, that gave me some grief as to think he might not get my vote. So I did some research, what did I find, well it seams to be a lie from the left that is perpetrating it. So who am I going to vote for, I am going to vote for BUSH from what I can find, he is pro-life. Kerry is the one who tries to be on both sides, but that is a lie, from what I can see his voting record says he is pro-murder. From what I can find, usually I don’t use but it being very very very left (well on this issue) is attacking Bush for is support for the sanctity of life, tells me I can in good conscience vote for Bush, hay a use for the enemy.

As for what else, I think I just might sign up to help on the campaign, not that in liberal Pittsburgh it is going to do any good, the democrats always win here. This place is still stuck in the union mindset, even though the unions have crawled away.

Living in Pittsburgh and being a Conservative some times I feel alone in that there are not many Conservatives around, yes there are many in my church, but when I walk down the street, I know most of the people around me are liberal, and if they knew I was Conservative, I would not make it home alive.


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Published on: August 21, 2004

Well one of my friends got married on (well I guess technically) yesterday. I was a nice ceremony. I hope for the best for Mike and his new wife. Mike is a very good friend of mine, he is the one that connected me to Jeff at work who gave me my interview there, which lead to me getting hired there. So in a sense Mike is the one that helped me get my dream job (a programming job). As soon as the current DVD I am working on finishes burning (I have obtained a copy of the video of my sisters wedding from 2 years ago, and as a gift to her I am making a DVD out of it) I will copy the video I took today of Mike’s wedding and make a DVD for them out of it. I never realized how long it would take to burn a video DVD.


Categories: News
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Published on: August 21, 2004

I finally got my APT setup for the way I think might be the most optimal till I move in Dec. Sadly it took the falling apart of my sitting chair to help me find it. But I also brought my TV back out since I have gotten a Game Cube. Here are the pics that I have taken of my place.
So that is my home for now. I have to many things pluged in for this place, I have 6 6-plug adaptors and on 9-plug adaptor all in use, and only 2 of them have any spare ports on them for anything. I am just glad I don’t us AC, that would really be a major draw on the power I use. No I don’t pay for my Utilities, those are included in my rent, but I don’t think my apartment could take it if I had that with all the electronics that I have in this place.

People tring to mess with the web site

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: August 20, 2004

I find this funny some one is tring to add a link to my site, I don’t know what they want to add, but the link section, I have deleted the add.php file so that no one can add a link to the site unless it is me. But some one at the following address has tried 7 times last night to do it. from the log of the web server

[Thu Aug 19 23:34:47 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/Links/add.php
[Thu Aug 19 23:00:31 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/Links/add.php
[Thu Aug 19 19:44:49 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/favicon.ico
[Thu Aug 19 18:44:55 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/Links/add.php
[Thu Aug 19 18:43:26 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/Links/add.php
[Thu Aug 19 18:38:55 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/Links/add.php
[Thu Aug 19 17:34:11 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/Links/add.php
[Thu Aug 19 17:26:28 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/Links/add.php
[Thu Aug 19 13:43:55 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/favicon.ico
[Thu Aug 19 13:42:06 2004] [error] [client] File does not exist: /home/mike35/public_html/favicon.ico

remember that is all in PST. Sorry people only I may add links to the Links section. And why is the guy tring over and over again you would think that after the first 404 he/she would stop and figure out that it is not going to happen.

New computer is now setup

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Published on: August 18, 2004

I am not going to blast the laptop for now, this way if there is anything I forgot to get off, I will not distroy it. I will not use the laptop for now, but if I don’t find a need to go to the laptop in the next 3 weeks I will then blasted the laptop and make it eather Linux or BSD or something else. If any one have any suggestions I am willing to listen, just let me know what you suggest and why.

Forgot what a pain it is to setup up a windows box (part 1)

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 18, 2004

I have typed in so many CD keys today, I wish that the software companys would find a better way to protect their software. Besides I do not think that these CD keys help. But I am almost finished setting up the CD stuff, next I have to install the stuff I downloaded to the laptop that I would like to have on the desktop, and install a few programs from the servers from work so I can connect to the office when I am at home.

Forgot what a pain it is to setup up a windows box

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 18, 2004

Well the new computer came, I had to wipe it clean from all the preinstalled shit. Then now I am installing all the software that will make it useful. First I had to install VC++ 6.0 so for the days I want to work from home. I had to install all drivers for all the hardware I had rall ready owned. Just installed the Palm pilot software. Now I just have to install quicken. I am going to throw on a few games I own but have not played in a long time, but I forgot how often you have to reboot windows when you first set it up. Then I will be adding the IM programs that Trish likes to use so I can talk to her.

The new addtion to my desk

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 18, 2004

Well I went out to home depot to get the wood planks. But before I went my pastor suggested that I should go into the shelving secion and look first. So when I went in there I found some nice looking shelfs with an oak finish on it. Matchs my desks very nicly so I got 2 of them, they are not fully oak, but have a oak looking finish on it. So I picked up 2 of them they are 10 in by 3 feed. They make a nice addtion to the desks.

The last of my new computers

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Published on: August 18, 2004

Well looks like the last of my computers will come tomorrow. So I will get to set that up in the morning, I will be heading out to my parents place, I am going to go over later at their request since they are driving back from Florida today, in fact I called them at 1:30 and they were still an hour away from home. So they are going to be tired on the morrow. I am use to these strange night sleeps and, I lost the ability to do it for a while, but for some reason that ability has come back, I don’t like it to much but hay it is life. After I post this blog entry I probably will go and do an 6 or 7 hour reboot of my body. I plan on getting up at 9 so I can get to church for Matins at 9:30am. Back to the original topic of this entry, I will probably need another table for the new computer. or simply 2 2×4’s, I am leaning to the 2 2×4’s First they are cheaper, and second they are a bit more portable if I need to move things around. And finally they will take up less room. I figure I can put the 2 blocks of wood as a cross beam to bridge the two desks, and put the LCD screen on one of them and the key board and mouse on the other one. At that point the 2 oak desks I have will form a “U” with the wood boards connecting them and making the bottom of the “U”. If I do that, I will probably spread the two screens of the other desktops out more on the main computer desk, and move one of the laptops onto the boards with the LCD and keyboard of the gateway computer. Then spread the to laptops out a bit more for more room on the secondary computer desk. Well I will figure out what to do tomorrow, I probably stop by Home Depot to see what they have in the way of 2×4’s I would like some that are nice think Oak so that it will match my desks.

Ham Radio stuff

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Published on: August 17, 2004

It has been a while since I had been to a meeting of the ham club that I am a member of, it feels good to be back. The people here are generaly good people. You can see the clubs site. I will post more when I get home later today or tomorrow when I get up. Well if it is tomorrow it probably will be later since the new computer should come tomorrow and I will probably take some time to set it up.

My Vacation starts tomorrow

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Published on: August 17, 2004

As of tomorrow I have a week off of work, but I will probably still do some work over my vacation since we have a major demo comming up again in September. The reason I am taking my vacation is not that I need a break, work is good, but my sister is in town from Austria, and I would like to visist with her when she is in. This way I don’t have to make sure I get into work hyper early in the morrning, I can get up at my normal time (or maybe later) and still have time to spend with my sister. This weekend I really hope we can go to the Renasaunce Festival out in Ohiopile, my whole family always enjoy it.


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Published on: August 16, 2004

I got a gmail account a while back, I don’t use it much right now, but right now I am sitting on 1 invite. Any of my readders want a gmail account, just leave a comment here, and the first to leave a comment here will get the gmail invite, just leave you First and Last name, and your email address, just make sure you put anti-spam text into your address. And good luck.

Keeping the web site up todate

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Published on: August 16, 2004

I though I could mount my ftp site for my web site on my Linux box, I found a program called lufs. It promises to be able to mount file different systems as a file system on a Linux box. I tried it out, but I kept getting the following messages in my system logs “could not resolve host”. And I kept losing contact with the server. I just need to find a way to keep two copies of my web site in sync, a local copy and a remote copy (the copy you are looking at.) If any one knows of a good program for keeping files for a web site on Linux in sync I would love to hear about it, just leave a comment and point me to it, and I will take a look at it. Right now I can use Midnight commander to read and write my files over ftp, but it is not emacs, and I am a big fan of emacs for any time of editing be it C++ programming or HTML or PHP (well for when I learn PHP)

New Blogging software

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Published on: August 16, 2004

I Just got a Blogging software for Linux to post to this blog. The Software is called BloGTK from It has all the features that I wanted in a software. It works on Linux it has spell checker and I can select the Category for my Posts. So now I have some software for windows when I am at work, I have some software for my Palm Pilot when I am on the go, and when I am at home I got some software for posting to my blog off of my Linux box, where I will do most of my web site stuff. I am finally getting the Linux box setup to a point where it works well for me and will do things that I need it to do. It is nice to be back into Linux once again.

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