The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

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Published on: April 29, 2005

I just got back from seeing the “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” movie, and I am happy to say it was good, it was worth to be named after the: book, BBC radio show, TV mini-series, the game*. And in the great grand tradition of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy stuff, it was nothing like the book, radio show or anything, just like the book was not like the radio show or the TV series was not like the book. Also for fans of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, there were some parts that they just cut out, other things they added. But I would say that they did keep with the integrity of The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Also keep an eye out if you seen the TV series you might recognize a few things here and there, trust me. I would say well worth the money to see it.

*Yes there was a game, a zipcom game.

Microsoft can not win

Categories: Geekdom, Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: April 29, 2005

No this is not an anti-MS post. I feel sorry for them in this post. They are getting pressure from 2 sides of a HOT political issue. The issue is homosexual stuff. First let me say I do not believe homosexuality is a moral activity, but the contrary is an abomination to God as stated in the Bible. But what is going on is MS was backing a pro-homosexual bill, they got pressure from a local pastor (local to their area) so they decided to just pull support, and they are neither supporting it nor speaking against it. Now the pro-homosexual groups are threading a boycott, and if they were to support it, some of the people in the Bible belt would threaten a boycott. So it looks like MS in unpleasant area, and I think they are making the right decision (as they do in abortion) they have no voice on the issue, because the stock holders and employees will have all kind of options, and to take a stand on a political issue that is HOT and not part of their business is just a bad idea, and a way to loss customers and make stockholders upset. So I feel sorry for MS and co, they have found themselves where they do not belong, nor do they belong.

Exploding Toads? Science Can’t Solve All Our Probs?

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Published on: April 29, 2005

Pastor Stiegemeyer, a pastor here in Pittsburgh (LCMS) found an article about Frogs exploding. Exploding frogs, I wonder if we could use that on our war on terrorism. Better yet, could we cross bread them with the frogs that excrete the hallucinogenic drug. LOOK OUT IT AN EXPLOSIVE HULLUCINOGENIC FROG!!!!! Sorry I could not resist that last joke. But Pastor Stiegemeyer does bring up a good point, this does not fit into the “theory” of evolution, how does this fit into the mantra of “survival of the spices”

Price Shock

Categories: Biking
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Published on: April 28, 2005

I never know how much it could cost to get a simple tune up for a bike. I took it in today for a tune up that the bike really needs (I have not had a tune up for my bicycle since I got it last year) and the cost was more then I though it would be. The bike needs a new base for the handle bars, the handle bars are not stable anymore, the bike needs a new chain, new break pads. The wheels need to be straitened. I have also decided to get toe clips for the paddles; I also need to get new paddles since the paddles that came with the bike will not hold the toe clips.

I love the Cartoon network parody of lawyer commercials

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: April 26, 2005

Cartoon network has a parody of the lawyers commercial. Tonight they had one on about “if you have hurt your self and sue yourself for the money you may not be entitled too” Last night when I first saw it, I thought it was brilliant; the guy who came up with that one deserves a large bonus. I would love it if they were to play that either before or after a real lawyer commercial, that would be way to much.

Being a Conservative in Pittsburgh

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff, Politics
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Published on: April 26, 2005

Being a Conservative in Pittsburgh is something that is almost unheard of. In Pittsburgh it is almost a crime to be a conservative, remember the 2 parties in Pittsburgh politics are democrats and “out of office” I know I will not get to vote for the major in the elections. Why do I say this, well since I am registered Republican and the mayoral race for Pittsburgh is decided by the democrats’ primaries. It would be nice if the people of Pittsburgh woke up and figured out that since 1933 we have had nothing but a democrat for mayor, maybe it is time for a major change, try a republican for 10 years, and lets see what happens, the democrats got us where we are now, maybe a Republican can get us out of this mess that we find ourselves in as a city.

Hollywood has lost touch

Categories: Geekdom, Politics, Technology
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Published on: April 26, 2005

There are some people out there that want cleaned up versions of movies that are out there (I am not one of those people, but maybe I would be if I had kids) and Hollywood is upset that parents now have technology that can make sure that the objectionable stuff in movies and TV shows. It looks like the Family Entertainment and Copyright Act, which a lot of pirates are scramming bloody murder about but all it does in that area is that it increases the penalty for pirating prerelease items, but this law also makes the DVD players that let people have the stuff edited out automatic fully legal, and protects the makers of such technology immune from MPAA legal attacks.

Free speak protects your right to say something, it does not force me to listen to you, if I want to listen I will listen if I don’t I can shut you out, and leave, or edit you out, I have taken flack from others on this site because I have not approved posts I do not approve of, in fact I will delete them, I usually delete mostly spam, but I have deleted some hate posts I have gotten from some self proclaimed liberals, I have maybe one liberal that posts here that I do not delete, but he does not make mindless attacks, of course he is also a friend so it probably will not just post insults with nothing else.

I personally don’t think I would get a DVD play that does this editing, but I am glad it is available for those that want it. I figure if I believe a move or TV show is overly obscene, then I will vote with my wallet and not watch or buy it, but of course I also watch and enjoy “South Park”

Finally I believe that this is a good law.

MS must be scared of Linux now

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 24, 2005

I just saw a commercial on TV for windows. And from what they commercial said I am sure the people that worked on it was thinking of Linux when they made it. Why do I say this? Well one of the older FUD’s from MS is, “Linux is nice but there is no software for it” and the commercial claimed “With all the software available for windows the choice is yours” It sounds like MS is really worried about Linux now, if they are advertising this to the end consumer; this was on the Food network.

Snow in April?

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Published on: April 24, 2005

What gives, we have had snow for the last two days. And they are predicting more snow till Tuesday. Then after that they are prediction rain for the rest of the week. Back in the 90’s the environmentalists promised us global warming. But when I look at the weather this weekend I don’t see it. This cold weather is unreal, I can not want till the weather warms up again, and the rain stops. But I think this week is the week I should get my bike up to the bike store for a tune up that it needs.

Only 5 more days

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: April 24, 2005

I am so excited only 5 more days till “The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy” opens up. I have put together a small group of friends to go see it. Also I have plans already to see it a second time with some other friends of mine.

Computer magazines

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 22, 2005

I have been considering subscribing to one of the programming journals out there. Right now the 2 journals I am thinking about are 1 “Dr. Dobbs” and 2 “C/C++ Users Journal” I picked up a copy of both tonight when I was out with some friends at the South Side works. I figure I will read both of them and see which one I like the most, if I like either one.


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Published on: April 21, 2005

My mind started to think about all the nicknames I have had in the past, for no real good reason. And since 95 I have only had 4, these would be either in real life (3 of them would count) and in virtual life (2 again would count there). They are: Crazy Mike; this one was in high school and was used in real life; Crazy Mike was a very short lived nick name I had, at first I did not like it but later I started to like it a bit; this one died when I graduated high school. Mpost4 that was in collage and only existed in the virtual world, this one did not fully die till the end of last year when I stopped reading Slashdot. This one came when I needed a name for /. but could not think of anything good, so I used my Pitt login for it, then I started to use it in more and more places online. I started to use it on my Linux box as a log in, I used it on many internet based BB’s so I count it as a semi-valid nickname because some people know me by that name. Mpop, first don’t ask to many questions on this one just believe me, I picked this one up in 2000 my last year at Pitt, this one has been used both in the virtual world and the real world (said m-pop) This one is still in use today, in fact 2 of my email address have it in it mpop at cs dot cmu dot edu and mpop at mikeoconnor dot net. And one I used for a few years in the Battle Tech league here in Pittsburgh was bug. I have one other nickname, but I don’t real count it as a nick name since it is only used for legal reasons, and when dealling with others at the times that it is needed, they also know my real name and for the most part will call me by my real name is KB3HCG and that is on the ham radio bands.

I hate this fix but…

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 20, 2005

I spent the night doing a lot of coding, some great code, if I say so myself. But my code is dependent on 3 Libraries, one written by me, and 2 others by other people. I include the headers for the first library, all is fine, and works well, I include the next library, and I find that a library it uses, causes MAJOR issues with the first library that I included into my code. The library that is causing all the problems is the mysql++ library. The do a lot of defines of common terms that a lot of programmers might use, such as “UNKNOWN”, and them being define and not anything else they are persistent though the include chain after their include files are called. And there are many of these, so to have a bunch of undefs is not an option. I so I finally broke down and use another hack fix that I don’t like but it is better, I do a “extern class object” this will allow me to use the object and all its functions with out polluting my namespace, and just link it in at the last minute. But I have a bad feeling that this will come back to haunt me in the linker down the road.

Red Swingline Stapler

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: April 19, 2005

Yesterday when I was out on one of my “fun” quests (see yesterdays post about the printing of the poster), I found a Red Swingline Stapler. You know like the one Milton had in the movie “Office Space” and no I did not pay the $30 that you will see on websites. It was just dumped in with a bunch of other swingline staplers, black ones. And I got it for $7, I needed a stapler and that is the normal price for a stapler, so I had to get it. It is not a collectors version either, that what makes it all the more special, it is a normal ordinary red Swingline.

Printing a poster from Visio

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Published on: April 19, 2005

Well today was fun, I needed to print a poster from Visio. A 36″ by 56″ one. The plotter I would normally use was down, has been down for some time now. So I call up Kinko’s and ask if they can do it, they said yes, I asked if they could print from a Visio file, they said yes, I asked how much, they say $5. So I hope a bus down to Kinko’s to get it printed out. I hand them my Jump Drive with the file, and tell the guy at the desk the name of the file. I get told it would be done at 3:45. Ok cool, I got 45 minutes to kill, and I have not had my lunch for the day. I drop by the McDonalds next door for some food. Come back 45 minutes later and get told that they could not open the file. Ok so I ask do they have Visio (again) and they said no this time, this is the same store I called earlier. Next they suggest that they can send the file to a central place for it to be converted for an extra $10!! Ok, I will not spend 2x the price it would be to print it up just to convert it so I leave. So I go back to the office, and get the rest of the stuff done that I needed to do for the day. Get home get a few more things done that I needed to get done, had some friends over for dinner, then get back out the door and to Kinko’s by 10pm. This time I have the jump drive and my laptop, with Visio on it. So while there I find a format that they can print to that I can export to. We finally hit on one. I finally get it printed (at a cost of $6.50, but it was larger then I thought it would be, so I can not blame them there) and get the print out back to my office around midnight. What a day.

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