Happy Birthday Dad

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Published on: May 11, 2005

Today is my Dads birthday, Happy Birthday Dad, I love you.

A car wreck

Categories: News, Pittsburgh stuff
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Published on: May 11, 2005

Today on my bike ride I saw the remains of a car wreck in the strip district at around 5pm (click here for a picture), It looked pretty bad, but it did not look like any one got hurt, but there was gas spilled, and it looked like a car tried to make a left hand turn from a right lane, and got smashed by a SUV. The Fire department was there also.

Referendum on the May 17 Ballot

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Published on: May 10, 2005

On the day of the Primary there is also going to be a vote on a referendum. It is being promoted as Growing Greener environmental bond. Since I have a bit of a distrust for referendum’s on a election, I looked further into the act that is in question. I found the text from the PA senate (warrning the link is a PDF) on the act. The good news is as the law is writen now, there should be no new taxes. This is going to issue bonds to raise the money for this act. Also they do, for the most part, spell out what the money is to be used for. I do have a bit of a concern about the phrase “other environmental initiatives” in the text, but for the most part I think this might be a good referendum to vote “Yes” on. We do need to be good stewards of the earth God did give us. So after looking into the text of the bill I think I will probably more then likely vote yes on this one.

Wild Turkeys

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 9, 2005

Today when I started out on my bike ride today, I saw a couple of wild turkeys in the path, by the time I got my camera out they were off the path in the woods, but I did get a few pictures of them. Also I got some great pictures of the Point state park fountain, the sun to my back, making a beautiful rainbow on the face of the water. I finally finished the bike ride off with a trip up Greenfield Avenue from the Jail trail to Frank St then returned down Greenfield Avenue and though Schenley park. The great thing about biking up a long semi-steep hill is the knowledge of the trip back.

Happy Mothers day

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Published on: May 8, 2005

Mom if you see this Happy Mothers Day, I hope you had a good one.

Biking today (new personal best speeds)

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 8, 2005

I went on a nice short 1 and a half hour bike ride today. I am very happy with the speeds I made today, coming back from the city on the jail trail I was going between 18 to 21 mph the whole way, this is about 8 to 11 mph faster then my old cruising speed, and I am very happy that I kept the speed up for the whole length of the trail. Those toe clips I got for this year are really worth the money, and if any one is considering them, I would say they are worth it, I got the $20 ones, the ones you don’t need the shoes for, I have a friend that said that the ones that take the special shoes allow you to be more efficient at the pedal, but since I am not really racing I can play around with these toe clips that just are a small plastic cage you slip your feet into.

Hair Cut

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Published on: May 8, 2005

Some of my friends have been getting on my case about getting a hair cut, so I thought I would get the cut they have been teasing me about for the last year or so.



Well they have been trying to get me to shave it for awhile so I though I would not let them know I was going to do it, and see if I could shock them when they saw me. Well unfortunately all but one was not shocked; they were a bit suppressed but not shocked. The one that was shocked I loved the expression on his face when he saw it, it was priceless, Ben this goes out to you, you made my day.

Got a great bike ride in today

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 6, 2005

I went out for a great bike ride today. I got to try out the new toe clips I got on Monday, and I have to say I am impressed with them. I was going 50% faster then I did before with the same effort, and I did not have to down shift as soon as I usually have to, and I was able to keep the gears in a high setting then I normally have to. I got some good pictures at the point, also I took some videos, I might put the video up on my site later, but the pictures are up already.

The Secret of Nimh

Categories: Politics
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 4, 2005

This is just scary, a movie that my sister loved as a youth, is now looking less like fiction and more like perverted experiments. The one line that a friend of mine said was odd was “immediately killing any that display human-like behavior” and then he proceed to ask “what exactly would be considered human-like behavior” All I can say is that the researchers are not themselves showing human like behavior, I just get the image of Dr. Frankenstein’s lab when I read reports like this.

The Red cross needs help

Categories: News, Pittsburgh stuff
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Published on: May 4, 2005

I got in email today that the Red Cross will need some help this Saturday. I would go but I have made a commitment to my church 6 months ago that involves a meeting tomorrow at the same time, I will probably tune my HT over to 146.09 to see if there is any activity on the are about it, but here is a link to more information. this was first posted about at unspace And he has put out a general request to get the word out. If you have a blog with readership from Pittsburgh please repost this information.

The Greek Food Festival

Categories: Pittsburgh stuff
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 3, 2005

I just got a notice in the mail about the Greek Food Festival this year. They usually have very good food there. I will probably see if I can organize a group from work to go over for lunch some time next week. The nice thing is that the place that has this festival is less then a 5 minute walk away from the building I work at.

I Got my bike back today

Categories: Biking
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Published on: May 2, 2005

Well I went up to bike tech today to get my bike back. It looks good now, even got the handle bars fixed. Unfortunately it was to cool to ride today. I hope it warms up by the weekend; I would love to go biking. If I can go biking this weekend I will probably get a few pictures.

Cheap software programmers

Categories: Geekdom, Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 1, 2005

Small But Disorganized has an entry on a company SeaCode that wants to “anchoring a 600-cabin cruise ship off of California just outside the three-mile limit” so that they can “outsource” out side of the US, so they don’t have to pay US taxes. To me I would think that they found some way to be inside the letter of the law, but they are in gross violation of the spirit of the law. I would hope that before this company is alowed to continue with this idea, that the goverment might step in and put a stop to this. But this is just my opinion.

Cleaning out some old junk drawers

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Published on: April 30, 2005

As I was cleaning out some old junk draws I found an old film camera, it also had some film in it, and also I found a second roll of unused film. I am thinking I will use up the film in the camera and use up the other roll of film. It is that advantix film, I think I got this camera back in 1999, and I don’t think I used it after 2000. In 2001 I got my first digital camera, and since then I have not used any normal film camera. I have used a disposable camera, only because it was water resistant and I wanted to take it kayaking.

Burning up the network

Categories: Technology, Web Site
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Published on: April 30, 2005

I am moving some videos off of my Mac that I have put on there, I am moving them to the Linux file server, have moved 50Gb from the eMac to the Linux box, it was receiving the files at about 12.6MB/s. The Linux server has a 250 GB drive and I have a 120 GB drive I will be adding onto it in a few days. While the eMac only has a 160 GB internal drive and a 100 GB external hard drive. But during the transfer of the data, I was burning the networks internal bandwidth up. Next after I do that, I will be taking a video I took in Jan onto the computer, from the March for life in DC. I might also add it to the video section of the web site.
I think the 120 GB drive will be come a video only drive I never thought I would start to take up so much space with video files.

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