The XXX domains

Categories: Politics, Technology
Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: August 19, 2005

I have heard a lot about the XXX domains out there. I am sad to say that my fellow Christians out there are against it. I think it is a good idea, and let me explain why I am for it. But let me first say this, I would love to see the day where porn was not on the internet, but being realistic that day may never come. But if we had a XXX domain set, we could then maybe pass laws where porn has to be on that set of domains. When that is done, it makes it easy for people like me that do not want to see porn to block on my computer all domains that end in .xxx, the nice thing here is no one has there rights violated. The porn people can keep there free speech, and I as a individual (and parents can do for there children) can exercise my free choice of not viewing such stuff. I do not like the fact that I can search for some thing innocent such a scuba and find that a link I clicked on is a porn site, and it disables the ability to go back, and when you try to close the web browser it will pop up 2 more windows. So if they were all on an xxx domain, I can then setup my computer to resolve any xxx domain to (or some other address that will not bring up the porn). So in short I do support the xxx domain area, but I also want a law that will put all porn sites there, and prevent them on the com net org (etc) domain sets.
We are commanded as Christains to be in the world but not of it. What does this mean to me? This means we have to be realistic, we can not stop porn, but maybe we can put it in a place we can protect ourselves (and our children) from it. We have all heard the story of the father who was helping their kid do a school paper on the government, and he wants to take them to the White House’s web site, but by mistake types in, instead of most people are used to typing .com on everything, so that father made an innocent mistake that has horrible consciences. Just thing of it if that porn site had to have xxx instead of com, the father probably would not have typed the xxx in the address, but lets assume for some strange reason he did type xxx instead of gov, they parents (him and his wife) could have some software on the computer to prevent such a mistake from happening.
Some are arguing that the xxx are bad ideas because it will increase the number of porn sites. I am not going to argue that point, but can we get them off of com and net and all the other ones? Next they claim that it will “normalize” the behavior. Believe me the people that do this believe it is normal already, by having this set of domains will not affect them one way or the other. They also believe this will give the impression of government approval of this. Well lets put it this way the government does not care one way or the other, if the government cared one way or the other, it is more likely that the government would want it because of tax revenue (sad but true.) Finally if every one in the US wants the porn industry to failed, I got a simple solution, don’t patronize it, if no one when no one would bother to try to sell it, sadly some one is going, and there are probably people that publicly try to fight it the loudest, probably under the cover of dark go themselves. I say we can not get rid of it, lets put it in a place where we know how to avoid it, so we don’t have to look at it at all.
Just what I think, I don’t want to see, it even by acident, so give me a way of not having to see it.


Categories: Technology, Work
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 18, 2005

I was angry with myself today. I spent 2 days debugging my code because I believed that there was an error in the code, because it was not working the way I wanted it to work. I kept going though all the objects and the code, and could not figure out why what was wrong with the code. Today around 3 I figured out what the problem was. The code was working perfectly, it was the configuration file that I was reading it prevented what I wanted to happen from happening, and the code was perfect. I was able to show that the code was working and was able to show that if the data of the config files were different that the thing I wanted to happen would have happened.

Rush’s Podcast

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Published on: August 17, 2005

I really like listing to Rush Limbaugh’s radio show. But today I could not listen to it for some reason or another. But I have setup the software he provides for his pod cast. For the Pod cast they take out the bumper music and the commercials. So instead of 3 1 hour shows, you get 3 36 minute shows. So today is the first time I have listen to the Rush Limbaugh pod cast instead of the radio show. I think that I might listen to it this way instead of in real time more in the future, that way I can listen to more talk “radio” (podcasts) in the future. The only problem will be I will be a day behind on the show, but it might be worth it to get 1.5 hours of more talk shows in during the day.

SCOTUS Aftermath

Categories: Politics
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Published on: August 17, 2005 is running an entry about the bad call of the SCOTUS’s bad ruling on steal land of the government from private people. That ruling was so horrible, Rush Limbaugh spent a whole show bad mouthing the ruling. Now the Government is now just punishing the people for fighting the attempt of the Government from stealing their land. Now the government says they will get paid only the market value of the homes of 2000, so the people will not be able to get a similar homestead, and then the government that is trying to steal their land also wants to charge them back rent for living on “government land” BoBo Blogger is calling for a boycott of Pfizer Inc, I wish him luck and I will try to help out with the boycott too, apparently Pfizer Inc is the company that is to get the land.
Yes I use the language of the government stealing the land of these people because the government can not take land to give to another private company, they only reason the government should be permitted to take land is for the public good, and for that land to be used by the public, not private companies, and there should be strong regulations to prevent the government from taking peoples land in the first place.

The strange things that people will believe

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Published on: August 16, 2005

While I was surfing around the Short wave radio bands, I keep finding that US based stations fall into 2 main categories. The first category is the nut job Radio evangelicalisms who think that they know when the rapture will be. And the second category nut job paranoid stuff. I am not saying all Short Wave radio is bad, the stuff I pick up from foreign nations are pretty good. The foreign stuff is an interesting view on the news from another point of view, and it is fun to be listening to a station that could be on the other side of the world. I am sure there might be a good US based station out there, but I have not found it yet. Tonight I ran across a station where the people were talking about mind control, oh well I guess it time to break out the tin foil hats. I can not believe that people actually believe this stuff. I mean go over to and read some of the legends that are there, keeping in mind that some people really believe the stuff that is so obviously false. I had a good night of laughs just surfing around the bands because the 2 classes of nut jobs on the US bands. I still am amazed that the FCC has issues licensee to these nut jobs. But it is well worth the laugh, I wonder if the people at the FCC issues the licensees just for the fun of it.

The radios

Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: August 15, 2005

I have a friend that I promised that would get to him a picture of my radios. This picture was taken around 8pm, so you hams in Pittsburgh will know what I am listening to on the Icom (display reads 146.730MHz)

This picture has my Short Wave Radio, the Police Scanner, my HT and my Icom “moble” radio. Also if you click on the picture you will get a larger view of it.

New Section

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Published on: August 15, 2005

Since I now have my short wave radio up, I might be doing some blog entries about what I hear on the short wave radio, so I figure I will add a new section for my entries for short wave radio posts.

Freedom of the press

Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: August 15, 2005

Some times it takes listening to a foreign broadcast to realize how good we have it in the US. There was an article on Public Radio International (rebroadcast of the BBC, show was “The World Today”) about a “free” (free as in free speech not as in free beer) radio station that works just outside of the country of Burma. One of the things covered is how the reporters for this station, go into Burma (since that is where they are trying to reach with their broadcast) and that when they move about for their stories if they are caught they could be put to death for the “crime” of broadcasting the news in a non-state supported station. We in the US have it nice since we do have freedom of the press, or any one that wants to put up a web site (or blog) they can say what ever they want, with out fear of the Government punishing them.

Short wave radio

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Published on: August 15, 2005

I finally got the wire I needed to put together the antenna for my short wave radio. I got 100 feet of speaker wire. I divided down the middle to get 200 feet of wire. I wrap it around the apartment; I almost made a full loop around the apartment. I turned it on I did not think I would get much since the sun is still up here. But I am suppressed that I picked up a station from Europe already. The station I am getting right now is Radio Sweden (I am wondering why they are broadcasting in English instead of Swedish, but I know it is Radio Sweden since they ID’ed), it at about 9.91 to about 9.93. I can not give an exact freq since the radio has a analog dial, it is an old Lafayette HA-63. I can not want till night to see the stations I can pull in. In my last apartment I had the limitation that there were 7 floors above me. In the place I am now I am on the top floor so there is no one above me, so I should get better reception. In my old home I could get as far away as Australia, I am now wondering how much I can get now.

Wow a Praying Mantis catches a humming bird

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Published on: August 12, 2005

I found this though another Pittsburgh blog, but a web site ( has a story(warning the site does have some pictures that might be considered disturbing for young children) about how a Praying Mantis catches a Humming bird for its dinner. All I can say is WOW. That is something new.
I first saw the post over at small but disorganized

Politics, diffent communities and some thoughts

Comments: 10 Comments
Published on: August 10, 2005

I have been doing some thinking about groups and politics. I have been thinking about this since I started to look into the biking “community” in Pittsburgh. I have found that this so called community is very intolerant of any one that holds any political view that is not their own. I tried to ignore the politics of the other cyclists in Pittsburgh. But I found it very hard to ignore, since at the places they run they have anti-republican posters. They also make all their events political in nature, even if it is simply a bike ride, they will find a way to put a political spin on it. The final straw was they have been harassing me and a few of my friends at our pro-life rallies. I know that they have the right to make their statements but they are trying to push us off the side walk and into the road, where we can not be legally while protesting ourselves, so they are in a sense violating our free speech. At this point I have come to the conclusion, that I have found the the cycling community, and I do not want to be part of it. A good number of people in the biking “community” has also made it clear to me that I as a conservative am not welcome around them at all.
As to other groups I belong to. The first group I am going to explore is wplug I know that most computer people are liberal leaning, but at wplug I have not had a problem of me being discriminated against or made fun of for being a conservative. For the most part the people at wplug do not really care what the other people’s political views are. A few people there (I included) have talked politics, even though we did not agree. It was still civil, which I can say is more then the cycling people in Pittsburgh. For the most part I will say that on the whole wplug has good people.

The next group is my church (First Trinity), and politics do not enter into it. At church the only thing that is at issues is the Christian (Lutheran, LCMS) faith.
I think that covers the groups I am a member of right now. And even where I work which is academia which is historically very liberal, there has not been any problems for me as a conservative, I just for the most part keep to my small work group, and do not go to far out of it, and things for the most part have been fine. In fact I don’t even think that they really care about my politics there, which is a good thing, since the work place should be a place that is free of politics (unless you work for a political organization.)
I wonder if there is another set of cyclists in the Pittsburgh area that are either, conservative, or less confrontational about politics.

CNN Agrees To Air Lies Against Judge Roberts

Categories: Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: August 10, 2005

This was originally posted over at Powerball and being reposted (word for word, cut and past) with promision.

CNN has reviewed and agreed to run a controversial ad produced by a pro-abortion group that falsely accuses Supreme Court nominee John Roberts of filing legal papers supporting a convicted clinic bomber! The news network has agreed to a $125,000 ad buy from NARAL, the DRUDGE REPORT has learned, for a commercial which depicts a bombed out 1998 Birmingham, AL abortion clinic.

The Birmingham clinic was bombed seven years after Roberts signed the legal briefing. The linking of Roberts to “violent fringe groups” is the sharpest attack against the nominee thus far. However, the non-partisan University of Pennsylvania’s Annenberg reviewed the NARAL ad and found it to be “false.” found “in words and images, the ad conveys the idea that Roberts took a legal position excusing bombing of abortion clinics, which is false.”

The Republican National Committee is preparing to send a letter to television stations asking them to pull the spot, according to sources. The RNC’s letter claims: “NARAL’s ad is a deliberate misrepresentation of the facts that has no purpose but to mislead the American people.”


A good read

Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: August 9, 2005

See unspace for a very very good read, I love the second one of the 2 thought experiments. The one called “The Yesterday Experiment.”
Now I wish you ask my few readers that same question but I will just quote it insteade of using my own words.

If I told you that an extremely powerful being created the entire universe sixty minutes ago, and created it as if it had existed for 13.8 or so billion years, when you remember existing yesterday, what are you remembering? Did it really happen?

The answer should be “You’re remembering false memories.” But I clearly remember yesterday. I clearly remember noticing that time was passing and wondering “What if the universe was created 60 minutes ago?” It feels as if there is some external “reality” to these memories. But given the maleability of eyewitness testimony, is that so?

The Wplug picnic

Categories: Friends, Geekdom, Play, Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 7, 2005

The wplug picnic was today. It was up in Whitehall. Bike up to it, it took me 2 and a quarter hours to bike up there. And the way back only took me 3/4ths of an hour. The picnic was alot of fun, food, and a few games. You can see some of the pictures here I am hoping that next year it will not take me so long to get there. They way I tried to get there to start with was I used the GPS coordinates that were posted on Wplug’s site. It got me close but not there. When I got to the coordinates I tried to get to the park with out success. Then I called for help and finally got there. This is an annual event we have at wplug maybe next year we could get more people, and wplug is open to any one that wishes to go. It is fun to hang out with some computer geeks at and not be tied to a computer.

Biking up the massive inclines we have Pittsburgh is only part of the fun of being car free in Pittsburgh.


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Published on: August 5, 2005

I think Podcasting is a mixed bag right now. There are many people doing it, I have read that there are many pod casts that are really bad. I know of a few podcasts that I do like, but also these podcasts are real radio shows that are on the air, and are professionally done. The reason I listen to them on podcast is because 1 they are not broadcasted in the Pittsburgh area. 2 The times they are on I am usually out biking. The shows are on KFUO in St. Louis. They are Issues, Etc, and Law and Gospel. They are very well done. So right now I download them though iTunes (yes they are listed in the iTunes podcast directory) and in the morning I just copy the newest downloaded episodes to my Shuffle. So when I go to work I will listen to Issues, Etc in the morning from 9 am to noon. At noon I turn over to the computer and log into the Rush Limbaugh’s web site to listen to his show. Then I finish up the day with Law and Gospel at 3 to 4. I guess the term Todd Wilkins (the host of Issues, Etc,) uses fits me well, and that term is “Talk show junky”. The rest of the iPod is filled up with a few other miscellaneous talk shows, so when I go biking I still have a few things to listen. I think it is great the KFUO podcasts there shows now.

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