Taking apart an iPod

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Published on: January 5, 2006

The new internal battery I bought for my iPod came today. The company that i got it from (sonnos) also includes a CD with a video on how to replace the battery and the tools you need. The iPod is very hard to take apart, I ended up needing both tools (they say to use one) and I pulled my Swiss army knife into the mix to get the thing apart, but I did get it apart. Took the hard drive out and the old battery put the new one in. Right now the new battery is getting it first charge. I plugged it into the iHome so I can still use it tonight, but by tomorrow I can unplug it for the first time since the new battery was installed.

Having friends over for dinner

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Published on: January 5, 2006

Tonight I had a friend of mine (and his wife) over for dinner. My friend Mike is an old collage buddy of mine, that helped me get my current job. I made meatloaf for them. I know what you might be thinking “meatloaf?” but that is because you never had it the way I make it. I make it the same way my mother made it when I was a kid (no I can not give the recipe out she made me promise not to) and it is not like most meat-loafs you have had. First there is no glaze on it, it does not need it. I always love having people over for food. Normally I don’t cook (I hate doing the dishes) but when I have people over I will make some stuff, I am not half bad at cooking, if I do say myself.

Merry Christmas (this last day of Christmas)

Categories: Holoday stuff
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Published on: January 5, 2006

Well today is the last day of Christmas, it is Epiphany or the celebration of the 3 wise man arriving at the nativity. I hope every one had a great Christmas time.

Media filters

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 7 Comments
Published on: January 5, 2006

Where are the so called media filters? People say you can not trust Rush Limbaugh, or blogs such as drudge report and the like, because they don’t have the filters that the media has. But I ask where are these filters? Remember the media reporting the rapes and shootings at the supper dome after Katrina, or the 12 miners found alive, Dan Rather’s documents with the raised “th” that the typewriters that most used at the time did not have.
On yesterdays Rush show some one called in and suggested that maybe the media can blame bad intelligence.

Added 2 new blog rolls, and changed the number of posts on the home page

Categories: Blog Stuff, Politics, Web Site
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Published on: January 4, 2006

I have added 2 new blogrolls to my site on the right side. They are “GOP blog roll” and “Pro-Life blog roll” to go along with the “Conservative blogs of PA” blog roll I add. I am listed on the “Conservative blogs of PA” blogroll; I am right now trying to get listed on the other 2 that I just added. Also so that the content of my site is still longer then the links on the right side of my main page, I have increased the number of posts that are displayed on the main home page. Those that have read my blog for any amount of time will not be suppressed about the new blogrolls added.

Add 3 new feeds to my News site under Politics section

Categories: News, Politics, Web Site
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Published on: January 4, 2006

I just added 3 new blogs to my news aggregator that I want to watch, the first is Rick Santorum’s official reelection blog the second is Save the GOP blog a conservative blog in PA. The last of the 3 is ProLife blogs (this one is more of an aggregator, I have also submited my site to be listed with them, if I get listed I will have to add another link to them on the right side here, even though I do already have a link to them, under the section of “Sites I am synidcated at”)

Finally filled up 3/4 of my iPod

Categories: Technology
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Published on: January 3, 2006

It been a bit over 2 years since I got my iPod. It is a 40Gb 3g iPod, and I got it for Christmas of 2003 from my parents. It is one of the devices I use every day, and I am glad I have it every day, it is one of the best presents I have gotten in the last decades from my parents (but that is not really fair to them since since it is so great, very few things the can get me now will top it) But I just saw today that I have filled it up to 3/4 of the space on it. For almost a year and a half it was only half full, but then I started to get Podcasts downloaded to it, and now I have used up 10Gb of the space in the last 6 months, I might start having to limit the amount of the podcasts that are being uploaded to the iPod if I start to run out of room.

Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League

Categories: Politics
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Published on: January 3, 2006

While going around the web I found this Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League. I am not sure they picked the right name for themselves, but it their site, and their self image they are promoting. One thing I think this site will be great for is since not every one is Christian, nor another religion, this site my have some non-religious arguments to use. It is all fine and good that when I talk to a Christian about the life issue, I can reference the Bible, but what about the non-Christians what can I do, they will not accept the Bible as a valid argument. I don’t have time to read all though his site at this time, but I hope that it will contain stuff on arguments for the life cause that does not depend on religious point of view, and can be used for any one, religious or not.
Maybe I should put up a page that is just links to pro-life pages out there, I know of the “Lutherans for Life”, “Jews for Life”, “Prists for Life”, (now) “Atheists for Life”, and a few more.
Well I wish the “Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League” the best of luck.

Blogs I started to read in 2005

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Published on: December 31, 2005

Back in 2004 I started my blog. But I did not start reading other’s blogs until this year. I am going to list the blogs that I started to read on a regular basis this year.

  1. Rob over at Unspace
  2. Pastor Stiegemeyer from Concordia Lutheran Church
  3. Power Ball’s blog
  4. WA3FKG’s (Ken’s) blog, a fellow Ham in the Pittsburgh area
  5. SimDan, a Internet friend of mine that John Hogg introduced me to
  6. Russ Lucas’ blog, he is a Attorney, and a friend of mine from church, also a fellow Hockey fan
  7. bloggledygook
  8. Small but Disorganized
  9. The Ice Burgh, a hockey blog
  10. Igloo Dreams, yet another hockey blog
  11. Random Thoughts Of A Confessional Lutheran
  12. Patrick Wagstrom, some one I know from CMU
  13. John Dvorak, good on computer stuff, but on political stuff, so liberal it is not funny
  14. Mark Rauterkus’, a local Libertarian Politician, that is also running for city counsel next year.
  15. Michelle Malkin, a good colonist, I really like her blog, now this is a blog that leans the same way I do politically

Yes there are some blogs in there that are of different political options then mine, but hay if you can not deal with some one with a different political option then you probably should not live in the US, that is one good thing about the US, we are not forced to agree on thing

Tropical Storm Zeta

Categories: News
Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: December 31, 2005

I just looked at the NHC’s web site, and we have Tropical Storm Zeta I wish I was joking but we have one more storm this year. It is a good thing that tomorrow is the last day of the year. I wonder what would happen if another Storm was to form, we have ran out of Greek letters to name them after. This has been one hack of a year for Tropical storms in the Atlantic. If I did not see it on the NHC’s site, I would not believe that there is a tropical storm Zeta, this year. It looks like it formed today (Dec 30) wow, this has got to be the latest that a Tropical storm has ever formed, the second to last day in the year. I wonder what next year will be like.

The Pens vs Devils Game

Categories: Hockey
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 30, 2005

I watched the Pens game tonight. A friend of mine and I went to a “sports bar” at the water front. It was a good game. Really good game. I was impressed that the Pens won so nicely (6-2). The Pens goalie played very well. I did eat too much there.

My iPod’s battery

Categories: Technology
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Published on: December 29, 2005

After 2 years of faithful service, my iPods battery finally is at the end of it’s life. It lasts only about an hour now. So I have bought a new iPod battery, it should be here on the 5th. I also got a belkin backup battery pack. The battery pack uses 4 AA batteries for the backup power.
It does not seem to be able to charge the internal battery, when I turn it on, but turn off the iPod the iPod does not give an indication that it is being charged, but when I turn it on with the iPod on, the battery indicator seems to show the power level of the backup battery. When I first connected it today, the iPod was down to almost no power, but when I connected it and turn on the power, the power indicator on the iPod jump back up to being full. I will have to test it to see what happens when the iPod has full power, but the battery pack has 1/2 power to be sure what it does.
This should last me till the new internal battery gets here, then this might end up in storage until I find myself going on a long trip where I might not have access to power for the iPod. Here I am thinking field day this comming year. The nice thing is that it does not need to be charged up like the iPod. I might look into getting rechargeable batteries for it, but in a pinch I could always pick up a pack of AA’s and be good to go.

Ouch my back

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Published on: December 28, 2005

I think I pulled something in my back, for the last week it has been having a dull pain. Then on Monday it started to hurt allot. Today (Tuesday) I was doing some work with my Pastor (we or working on the computers for the church) and when I was moving a monitor, felt like something in my back broke. So I want to ask my few readers, any suggestions on what to do to decrease the pain, it hurts to move my back in any way.


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Published on: December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas to all. And to all a good night.

Christmas Meme

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: December 24, 2005

1. Hot Chocolate or apple cider?
Hot, spiced apple cider,I don’t like Chocolate

2. Turkey or Ham?
Ham, don’t like Turkey

3. Do you get a Fake or Real you cut it yourself christmas tree?
Fake. I can not justify blowing that much money on something that is going to be trashed in less then a month since I am a ugly baculare, if I was married with children, then I might go with live

4. Decorations on the outside of your house?
I live in an Apartment, and I am sure my landlord might not be happy.

5. Snowball fights or sleddin?
Sledding! Speed, something that has the chance of killing me is always fun.

6. Do you enjoy Going downtown shopping?
No, to much trouble, and no real stores that I want to go to.

Got the Questions from http://www.unspace.net

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