
Comments: Comments Off on Snow??
Published on: March 14, 2006

Well I went to lunch with one of my coworkers, and it was snowing out there. What happend? it was in the 70’s yesterday, and now we have snow. I really hate snow, I wish it would go away.

Well I tried to play my first song on the Irish Tin Whistle today

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: March 13, 2006

Well as I have said about 2 times before, I am trying to learn the Irish Tin Whistle. Well as I was practicing today (and boy do I have a loooooooong way to go, before I can do anything OK), but today, I did try a song, a very simple song, but I did try it, and it resembled what I thought it should sound like. I am hoping that by Christmas I can play a few Christmas songs.

A video up for my friends

Categories: Church, Friends
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Published on: March 13, 2006

Many months ago I helped some friends of mine with a video. I was the first (besides them) to find out this info, they had me hold onto it for a while. Last week I was asked if I could put a link up for them so they could post it to their blog, so I added it to my video section of my web site. You can see it at here on my site you can see the Wards web site here. They are good friends of mine from church.

Goals for this year

Categories: Biking
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: March 12, 2006

I am going to try to bike 1000 miles this year, I got the idea from Rob at unspace


Categories: Irish Tin Whistle, Play
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Published on: March 12, 2006

Well I been more then busy this week, but I finally got some free time today (well not really free time, I just multi-tasked, aka recorded the Scanner Net, and finally got to practice the Irish Tin Whistle.
For the last week I been unable to get time to practice it. I also got most of the stuff I brought home from my office organized, I never realized how much stuff I took in over my 2 years and 4 months in CASOS. My couch still has allot of stuff on it to be organized and sorted, and put some where.

Todays St Patrick’s Day Parade

Categories: Ham Radio, Web Site
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Published on: March 11, 2006

Well I got to help out with the St. Patrick’s Day Parade today. I also took my camera, and when there was a moment that I could snap pictures I did so, I got some pictures of people, that some in the Pittsburgh region might recognize. You can see the pictures here on my photo section of my website
It was a fun time, I also got to meet and shake hands with Rick Santrum again, that is 2 times in 3 months, I must be doing something right. I also got to meet and shake hands with Governor Rendal, and Mayor O’Connor, not my first choice in those offices (if you read my blog you probably already know that), but still a honor to meet and shake hands with them. We worked off of the .88 repeater for the time, I first was to tail one of the parade marshals that was in charge of the General Devision of the Parade, then after that I helped out with keeping track of what group was marching by so that the order of the people could be kept clear, I ran that info back to Jeff H. who then just radioed that on to the front of the pack.

I went for my first bike ride of the season

Categories: Biking
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Published on: March 10, 2006

I decided to do a short bike ride today. I don’t count my rides to work and back for the last 2 days since, they are only about .2 of a mile long. I decided to try out a route to where I will be working from the 20th on. I decided on the way to go, I am thinking of dropping down Neville St. to the Panther hollow path, then jump on the jail trail, then get off of the jail trail at the Bates St. exit. At the bottom of Bates, I will cross over 2nd Av, to Technology Dr. and take a right on Technology Dr, and that will take me right to USS.

Biking goal this year

Categories: Biking
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: March 10, 2006

I got an idea from Rob at unspace, he has a goal of walking 1200 miles this year, and I am thinking if he can do 1200 as a goal for walking this year, maybe I should set a goal of biking 1000 miles this year. The one question I have is can I use my commute to work as part of the miles that I bike, right now the ride to work is less then a mile, but when I start over at Union Switch and Signal it will be a bit longer, so can I use that as part of the goal?
So I have 2 questions for my readers
1) should I set a goal of 1000 miles to bike this year?
2) if I set such a goal can I use my bike ride to and from work as part of the total mileage?

Miscellaneous Stuff

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Published on: March 10, 2006

I just thought I would put up a post for miscellaneous stuff now, so here goes.

What does that P. in my name stand for?
The P is for Patrick yes my full name is Michael Patrick O’Connor, how is that for a good Irish name for you.

What does the mpop stand for in my email address.
Well you probably should be able to guess the first 3 letters, if not all, but the first 3 letters are my initials and the forth stands for what I am, a Programmer, so it fully stands for “Michael Patrick O’Connor, Programmer”

Why instead of or
I figured that michaeloconnor.<*> would have been too long, heck mikeoconnor.<*> is a bit long I think. And when I went for it was already taken so I just fell down to, this has been OK, but there are those that when they try to email me they really want it to be .com and I have had some friends (non-computer friends) complain that I did not respond to an email they sent and when I work with them, I find that even though I stressed .net they still wrote .com, but it is still a rare case that there is some one out there that does not understand there are other things out there besides .com

So can I give you some history about me?
Well I was born some where in the state of New York, but we moved to the Great City of Pittsburgh when I was 3. When I was born I was deaf, and was so till I was about 3, when we moved to Pittsburgh the medical system here was able to fix the problem. The problem was very simple to the point were my mom has related to me a story about when the first doctor here took the first look in my ears he started to yell at here for child abuse since the problem was so obvious to him, and so easy to fix, but it turns out that the quack in NY said there was nothing wrong with me, and that I was just “a late bloomer”. The problem was I had, had massive ear infections from birth pushing out on the ear drums, and the answer to fix the problem was just simple ear tubes.

What are some of my hobbies?
Well I guess this means you probably don’t read my blog much but here they are: Ham Radio, Biking, Keeping Fish (I now have 6 tanks at home), Watching Hockey, Playing with Technology, Listening to Short Wave Radio, Messing around with Linux (but I guess this might fall under Playing with Technology).

When did I first start getting into computers?
Well I got my first computer when I was about 8, it was an IBM XT with and 8088 processor, it had 448Kb of Ram, and (get this) it had a 10Mb hard drive. At that time I played around with some programs I wrote in BASIS, then when I was about 13 or 14 I started to play around with C++, I never really got into object or pointers back then, but I did play a bit with C++ then. Then in collage, I majored in Computer Science. And the rest, as they say, is history.

What is your favorite Programming Language?
C/C++. I did do some Java here and there, but I hate Java, I did some Lisp in collage, now there is a nice language.

Rush’s PodCast should be on iTMS on Monday.

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: March 9, 2006

I was just listening to Rush’s Pod cast today, and he talked about how they are going to be getting his Pod Cast to be downloaded via the iTMS pod cast system. It will be nice to dump that software that I had to use to download the stuff with.

Pulled the bike out of storage.

Categories: Biking
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: March 9, 2006

Well today I pulled my bike out of storage today. I went to get it at about 7am I was hoping to get to work by 7:30, but it took 45 minutes to fix the bike up so that it was ride able, the breaks needed to be adjusted, I had to put a new tube in the back tire. I had to also adjust the seat, and I still need to tighten the handle bars.
Despite all of that, it is great to have the bike back in service. Not bad to bring it out already (the third month of the year)
It is a good thing that I brought it out today, I need it ready for service on Saturday Morning.

Penguins Season Tickets next year?

Categories: Hockey, Politics
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Published on: March 8, 2006

I will admit I am tempted to buy a 6 or 12 pack season pass next year, in the C or D section of the arena, I would like to not be on the end zones. There is just one thing holding me back at this point from saying I will. The slots, if the Pens get the slots I will NOT be buying season tickets. What I am going to do is probably just set some money aside each month for the tickets, and see what happens, if they get the slots, I will just blow said money on something else, if they don’t get the slots I will go ahead and get the tickets.
I said before and I will say it again, I will not do business with any business that profits from the slots.
I will probably know what to do by August of this year.

The pictures are up from the Pens game.

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: March 7, 2006

You can see the pictures from the game here I also got a picture of the first score that the Pens made Here is the picture of the loading of the “gun” and then this is just as the score was made and we start to get to our feet. The next picture was since the camra was still takeing the last picture you can see what happens when you move a camra to fast when it is taking a picture. To give you an idea about how close we were to the ice This picture should give you an idea of how close we were and this picture was taken with out any zoom. here is a picture of my friend and me.

Tonights Hockey game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: March 7, 2006

Oh man tonight’s game was bad, not the players, but the officials. I am not going to say if we had better officials that it would have changed the out come, but the officials we had were just bad. Come on it is known that if a stick hits another player in the FACE it is a high sticking, one of our guys was hit, he was spitting up blood, a log of it, there was a good size pool of it on the ice, and no call was made, COME THE F*** ON it was a bloody high stick. And there was the so call hocking on the Lightning player when there was no player around him, the guy took a F***ing dive, and if it was a truly hocking the guy would not have fallen forward and rolled. I don’t think the out come would have changed, but it just boils the blood when you see such horrible calls like that. And finally there was the time the Lighting player charge Flurry, the ref was so close to not calling it, I think he only called it because he knew that if he did not call it there might be major trouble from the fans. Heck when I was at the Ottawa game there was not any booing at the officials, but tonight there was so much of it, the official was just horrible.
But enough of the bad stuff, the pens did play a good 3rd period, they came back from at 4-1 deficit to tie the game, amazing just amazing.
In my record of not watching any shoot outs, since I reject them, I walked out just before the shot out, and when I was asked why I was leaving I told the person, “I reject the shoot out, it has no place in Hockey” then I left.
I don’t think I will have a voice tomorrow, between routing for the pens, and booing the stupid officials for their lack of calling, or calling fake penalties.
Finally as much as I hate to admit it, the Lighting’s 4th goal was really good, they really deserved that goal, it is one of those goals that you just look at and marvel at. They got Flurry to look to the left, and they got it to the right and just one timed it in, to Flurry’s right, very well played goal.
I also got the Pens first goal on my camra, I will upload the pictures tomorrow, and will point out that picture when I up load them.

Tonight’s Hockey Game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: March 7, 2006

Well I am going to be going to tonight’s hockey game. The Pens vs Tampa Bay looking at the numbers, I don’t think the Pens will win, but hay you never know, they could pull something out of thin air. So “HERE WE GO PENS”. I will post pictures after I get home from the game (or tomorrow morning, if I get home at 10 or later.)

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