Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Work


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Published on: August 5, 2005

I think Podcasting is a mixed bag right now. There are many people doing it, I have read that there are many pod casts that are really bad. I know of a few podcasts that I do like, but also these podcasts are real radio shows that are on the air, and are professionally done.[…]

I hate windows

Categories: Technology, Work
Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: June 13, 2005

I really hate windows, today while tiring to get work done, I had to contend with 4 blue screen of death from XP, and then when that stopped, I find that Visual C++ crashes every time I try to compile something. I tried to compile other things and it continues to crash, I even tried[…]

I wish my work computers could be setup the way I have my home computers setup

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: October 28, 2004

I would make it much nicer, when I have to consitrate on the windows box at home, it is right there right next to the linux box, no moving of the head. Here at work the way things are setup since the windows box is a laptop it can not site just as nice next[…]


Categories: Work
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 27, 2004

The fun thing about debugging a program is that the bug you are looking for that is causing the program to crash is rarly ever were the program crashes but just a cumative bug that happend long before in the program. And I think that is part of the fun of debugging, the hunt, the[…]

CMU had a robotfest today

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: October 12, 2004

Went with some coworkers for a little bit. we got some video, will be posting it eather tonight or tomorrow, Keep an eye here for said video, it was ok. Now I would love to get to work on programming a robot. When I was at Pitt I did resurch into Power Aware Real Time[…]

mySQL how I hate it

Categories: Technology, Work
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Published on: October 7, 2004

I am working on debugging the program I am working of for work. Well now, when I step over a call to a function that just calls into the Mysql lib, it get a unhandled exception, so deep in that VC++ (I have to use this compile for work) will not give me the stack[…]

The new mac should come today (I hope)

Categories: News, Technology, Work
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Published on: August 12, 2004

Well I pulled an all nighter to get some work done that needed to get done. John is designing a database for use with a program I am working on, I was there to answer any (the few he had) about the variables in the program, and I looked for some ODBC drivers for C++.[…]

More on this demo

Categories: Work
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Published on: August 3, 2004

Well I found the problem and solved it, BUT I had already started on a new update to the code, so I can eather undo all of the changes or forge ahead and finish it tonight, I am removing alot of code that I did, and making calls to existing code, so it should be[…]

More Demos

Categories: Work
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Published on: August 2, 2004

Well there is another demo this week, and there is one minor bug in the code, not major, and it is hiden well so it will take some time to find, it is not fatal, but it makes things a bit odd at times. So for the night it is another all nighter for me,[…]


Categories: Work
Comments: Comments Off on Sweet
Published on: July 21, 2004

I just got word from my contact in Aptima that she feels that they are set with the demo. OK now I just have to worry about how the demo goes, I am not going to have to put any all nighters for this demo. So I am going to have less stress about it[…]


Categories: Work
Comments: Comments Off on Demos
Published on: July 21, 2004

Well there is apparently another demo of Vista coming up on the 5th of next month, and Aptima NEEDS a stable version by this Friday. I just hate demos, but OK. I am doing a bunch of bug tracking and making sure things are right and the way they should be, I am still working[…]

Day after the Demo

Categories: Biking, News, Work
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Published on: July 16, 2004

Ok so this is the day after the demo, I am still wanting to hear from my boss who it went. I destroyed my sleep schedule during the demo, but I have put it back on track, I am surprised I did it in one night, I sleep straight though the night, and still got[…]

Up comming demo

Categories: Work
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: July 8, 2004

Well at work my boss has to demo my program VISTA on the 15 or 17 I am not sure exactly when, but I should have a copy to her by the 13 at the drop dead latest, I am hoping for tomorrow to have a good copy for her, I am just trying to[…]

Why, oh why oh why

Categories: Biking, News, Play, Work
Comments: Comments Off on Why, oh why oh why
Published on: July 2, 2004

Well what does this world need, another Blog. Well for a while I was doing this over at slashdot.org but wanted more control over it, so here I am putting a blog on my web site. So here it is. Well for the first blog I have allot to put here. First I finally put[…]

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