Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Technology

Next move in my home network updates

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: February 10, 2021

As I have been talking about in prior posts, I am moving things off of the router supplied by Verizon. I have moved the DHCP server off of it, I have moved the DNS caching server off of it, and am using a Pi-Hole DNS server, for add blocking and malware blocking at the DNS[…]


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Published on: February 10, 2021

In my posts talking about the text based internet here is yet another. I been starting to go back and mess around on SDF.org. This is a free Unix shell that anyone can sign up for. It is a BBS style community. Remember BBSes? having some fun there. Find me there as mpop. It is[…]


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Published on: February 9, 2021

As noted in my last post, I am looking at Usenet, I am also going back to IRC, there seems to be some life still in IRC, on freenode, I found my old stomping grounds of wplug, that seems to be dead, but the Linux chat room still seems to be alive, and along with[…]


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Published on: February 9, 2021

As I have left social media, and web based discussion boards. I have decided to go back and look at Usenet. For those of you who don’t remember or don’t know Usenet was the original place where online forums and discussions took place, and they still take place there. I also found this https://www.blocknews.net/ looks[…]

A problem with the subscription model of content consumption.

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Published on: February 6, 2021

People are all excited about subscription model for music/video/games. But they are over looking one major issue, and that is cost. Back when you got things physicaly you bought it once and you owned it, pay $15 for a CD and it yours permanently. Now you pay $12 something a month for a streaming services,[…]

Google wants to be dictator!

Categories: Politics, Technology
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Published on: June 24, 2019

When it rains it pours

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Published on: January 29, 2019

This Sunday when I came out of church I found a 4 inch gash in my driver side back tire. My church is 70 miles from where I live so I am already behind the 8 ball here. I get towed to a tire shop. They have tires that fit my car, but not the[…]

So I did get a switch and here are my thoughts

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Published on: October 14, 2017

So back in June I posted about my new PS4, but still did want a switch (nintendo, I mean nintendo who does not want one) I got it back in July, so here are my thoughts. First nintendo needs to fix their attitudes about artificial scarcity. Mind you I got it in July 5 months[…]

I guess Google is working hard to kill Google Home even before it comes out.

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: October 2, 2016

Google Says if you support Amazon Echo you will not be allowed to work with Google Home I saw this article today. Given that Amazon Echo is already out (I have it, and love it) Given that most smart home devices already integrate with Amazon Echo, looks like Google is trying hard to kill Google[…]

Google whants to do a vertion of Amazon Echo.

Categories: Geekdom, News, Technology
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Published on: June 1, 2016

In the news as of late it is said that they want to do a rip off of the Amazon Echo. I wonder how many people would risk getting the device given that Google bricked the Revolv be not to long ago. Google has a long history of abandoning things they once did. latitude, Reader,Google[…]

How Far we have come

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: April 14, 2016

I can transfer a nice large set of files (read 5+ Gb) with out batting an eye. I remember back when moving data between 2 computers was done in 1.44Mb batches. My how far we have come. My first install of Linux was done via 5 1.44Mb floppies. It when pretty much DD a floppy[…]

Google bricks devices

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 6, 2016

Seeing this this has made me rethink something. I was thinking of getting a nest smoke detector. But seeing this article makes me rethink that. There is a different between not supporting something, and breaking hardware that a customer has payed for. This article is making me think I don’t want to by hardware from[…]

Wagmans and Google/Apple Pay

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 4, 2016

A couple of weeks ago I found out that Wagmans takes Google pay. Of the stores I know of in the Hunt Valley area, this is the only one I know of that takes Google pay. I will be changing where I do my shopping now. I like the convenience of them taking it, as[…]

Old Blogs

Categories: Blog Stuff, Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: April 4, 2016

This is an older blog it has been around for over a decade. That got me to wondering what Blogs still exist from the time I was really into reading Blogs. I had not really read many for the last few years, I am thinking of pulling up a new RSS reader (I stopped for[…]

Nice trick for Google Now

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 2, 2016

Yes another Tech post in this weekend. I been playing with all kind of stuff. But here for the post I my main email address that I use (on this domain mpop at mikeoconnor dot net) where I get all my emails, but all my other google services I use off of my google account[…]

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