I love Linux, don’t get me wrong, but it does have one problem. This problem is this, if you want to install a program, you may find that you have to install more libs then you care to. Take today, I am working on getting a computer up and running for my church so we[…]
OK, as I promised here is a post that has some real content in it, and for me this is also some big news, probably the biggest news I have shared on my blog since I started it up in July of 2004. Back then I had been work here in CASOS group of ISRI[…]
I would have to say that DVR’s are great things to have. I wanted to watch the hockey games of the Olympic, but since they are on during the time that most people are at work, how can one watch them. Well I have setup the DVR to grab them for me (except for the[…]
For those of you that are WPLUG members, or mailling list members, or regulars at the meetings, etc. I have setup a blog roll, that I am going to list WPLUG people in. I have added any one that is already on Planet WPLUG I have already added you, if you don’t want to be[…]
What is Linux? How do you use Linux? What programs are avalable for Linux? What does Linux look like? Have you ever asked any of these questions? Are you wondering what I am talking about? Do you just want to hang with other Geeks? Come on down the Demo Days at WPLUG The next one[…]
Ug, the hard drive on my Linux box seems to be having some major problems, Bad sectors and all. So what I am trying to do, is since it only is happening on the /home partion, and that partion is 100Gb large and I only have 30Gb of data on it, and the problem seems[…]
In my last post, I talked about using Virtual Class Inheritance, and was thinking about how to cast it. well I have come up with from books and talking with others to try this: [code] // See http://blog.mikeoconnor.net/?postid=874 // for the class defs grandchild* Base2grandchild(Base *ptr) { grandchild *toBeReturned; try { toBeReturned = dynamic_cast(ptr); return[…]
I am going to post some evil now, I will cover more on it later. But a program I am working on has gotten to a point to where I ended up needing to do something like [code] class Base { public: int value }; class child1 : public Base { }; class child2 :[…]
Well with all the Podcasts I am subscribed to I took my iPod that had only 13Gb of songs on it, to being filled to 34Gb of data. Maybe I should limit the number of PodCasts I copy to it, I probaby will not really worry about it till I get down to my last[…]
CNet has some screen shot of the new IE 7 beta I looked at it, and to me it looks alot like firefox.
I was just watching a random slide show on my Mac from my iPhotos library. I have pictures from a digital camera from 2001 to present. I also have some older pictures that I have scanned in, that date back as late as 1993, I still have not scanned them all in. All in all[…]
As a programmer I will sometimes do some code because I feel it works out the best with minimal effort, also trying to adhere to the KISS principal (Keep it Simple Stupid). One of the things I have been abusing as of late is the STL Map object. I have the following need: I have[…]
Ok I finally did get a del.icio.us account (it took me long enouph to get one, how many years am I behind on this one?) I have a friend Patrick Wagstrom that really likes it, in a way (I don’t know if he even knows) conviced me to get one. But I am abusing it.[…]
Is it posable to put a link on del.icio.us for private use, so you have access to it, but not shared with every one on del.icio.us?
So that people can get an idea about the size of the iPod’s battery I have added a picture of the battery here. click here for the picture The question now is, do I keep it even though it only has an hour of chargable life in it. Do I dispose of it, and if[…]