Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Random Thoughts

I heard something today, that makes me nervous

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Published on: June 26, 2006

I have a friend who’s son got hit by a car. Today he said he found out that in a pedestrian vs car accident, the car insurance of the pedestrian is responsible for the medical bills. I sure hope that he misquoted or was give bad info. My question is if he has right information,[…]

A new nightly schedule

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Published on: May 16, 2006

As I posted here, about a new schedule that I was thinking about well I have worked on implementing it. It is nice to get back into reading my books (I am way behind on the books I want to read). And it has kind of making my nights a bit more relaxing. Another thing[…]

Becoming co-dependent on my Palm Pilot

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Published on: May 10, 2006

Back when I was in Pitt, I was co-dependent on my Palm Pilot, After collage, I was able to stop being co-dependent on it, but now with my new job, I am again becoming co-dependent on it.I have a much better Palm Pilot then I did when I was at Pitt, and I can do[…]

Lack of posts

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Published on: May 10, 2006

I know, I have not been putting many posts up, I have been busy, busy, busy. I hope to be more attentive to my blog. Maybe if I put it in my Palm Pilot like I have almost every other thing I try to attend to, it will get more attention. Hum lets see my[…]

Cell phones and manners

Categories: Random Thoughts
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 7, 2006

Is it me, or don’t people seam to have manners when they are on their cell phones? First, here is what brought it to my mind, the other day I was in a public rest room, this guy comes in talking on his cell phone, and goes. I would not want to be the person[…]

My collage class ring

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Published on: March 23, 2006

Today when I was washing my hands, the gem fell out. I will admit I am not at all happy about that, I got it back ’99 it should not have fallen apart in less then 7 years. I called the manufacture of it, they said if I send it in, they will fix it[…]

Free Time (where did it go?)

Categories: Random Thoughts
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Published on: March 22, 2006

OK, I know where it went but gee I miss it. The “problem” is as follows, I now have a longer commute to work (instead of 5 minutes it is now 15 minutes) I am heading into work earlier since it is a longer bike ride and I will sweat I think it would only[…]

Bat in the church today

Categories: Church, Random Thoughts
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: March 18, 2006

Well today, as I was working on some of the computers for the church (I am still working on them at this time) a bat got into the lecture hall. There were some of the ladies from the church in there doing some scrap booking. Well they were not to happy about the bat in[…]

The importance of the ADA

Categories: Random Thoughts
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: March 17, 2006

Over at John Dvorak’s blog, there was a post about movie theaters wanting to put cell phone jammers in. I know it sounds wonderful, no one talking on the cell phone during a movie, no more cell phone ringing during the movie. But before we go for it, lets think of the down side. Medical[…]

I am out of shape

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Published on: March 16, 2006

Today I biked up to Squall hill, then down to the Pittsburgh Irish Center for the CCE meeting, this is a group of people that meet to play music together (I don’t play, yet, I hope to be able to join them in playing in the future when I get OK with the Irish Tin[…]

Irish Lutherans

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Published on: February 16, 2006

On a lark I decided to start up a new yahoo group. I call it Irish Lutherans. I know of one other Irish Lutheran, but I wonder how many people out there have Irish ancestry and are Lutheran, not a common combo to my knolage. The group is at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IrishLutherans/ I have not really set[…]

Martin Luther King Jr. day

Categories: Random Thoughts
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Published on: January 16, 2006

Every year many people (students) get mad that CMU does not have Martin Luther King Jr. Day off. But I think in an odd way this is very good. No I am not against the observance of Martin Luther King on this day. Here is why I think in an odd way it is good[…]

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