Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : News

Ed Rendell claims to spend more on Pittsburgh then Philadelphia

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Published on: January 6, 2006

Ed Rendell claims to spend more on Pittsburgh then Philadelphia, but lets look at the numbers that comes from KDKA (a liberal news source) and they quote Rendell’s numbers from his people. The proof they use to claim they spend more on Pittsburgh is the per person cost in Pittsburgh compared to Philadelphia. Now lets[…]

Can not pray in the Name of Christ/Trinity/Allah/whatever

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 6, 2006

World Net Daily has an article about the Naval chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt’s hunger strike. The article covers that the Navy claims they said no such thing, but only said it about “Official” gatherings. To this I have to say, and ask. If you want a Christian to pray at the gathering, then you have to[…]

Save the GOP has a good post on the Pat Robertson problem

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: January 6, 2006

Save the GOP asks a great question over at their site. And that is, “does anyone take Pat Robertson seriously anymore, or have we all agreed he’s the Al Sharpton of the right?” I mean come on Pat Robertson is a moon-bat, I don’t think he ever spoke for the right, nor has he spoken[…]

Media filters

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 7 Comments
Published on: January 5, 2006

Where are the so called media filters? People say you can not trust Rush Limbaugh, or blogs such as drudge report and the like, because they don’t have the filters that the media has. But I ask where are these filters? Remember the media reporting the rapes and shootings at the supper dome after Katrina,[…]

Add 3 new feeds to my News site under Politics section

Categories: News, Politics, Web Site
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Published on: January 4, 2006

I just added 3 new blogs to my news aggregator that I want to watch, the first is Rick Santorum’s official reelection blog the second is Save the GOP blog a conservative blog in PA. The last of the 3 is ProLife blogs (this one is more of an aggregator, I have also submited my[…]

Tropical Storm Zeta

Categories: News
Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: December 31, 2005

I just looked at the NHC’s web site, and we have Tropical Storm Zeta I wish I was joking but we have one more storm this year. It is a good thing that tomorrow is the last day of the year. I wonder what would happen if another Storm was to form, we have ran[…]

A deaf girl is given the gift of hearing

Categories: News
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: December 23, 2005

The Telegraph is running an article about how a young girl (12 years old) has been given cochlear implants and can now hear. It brings joy to my heart to read that. More so to me, then maybe it should, you see when I was born I was also deaf, I was deaf for the[…]

I call for a boycott of products from TX, TX law permits “doctors” to murder people

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 22, 2005

A law in TX has allowed “doctors” to murder another person. (thanks rob at unspace for bring this up) This is just pure murder pure and simple. From what Rob posted (and I don’t have reason to not belive what he wrote) the woman did not want to die, she was pleading not to be[…]

My News sources

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Published on: December 22, 2005

sources here, with a list of the last few entries from them

Finally some good news, the Anti-Christan Lawyer Union losses a case

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 21, 2005

PowerBall is running an article how the ACLU failed to push their agenda this time. The judge ruled that the 1st amendment does not create a wall of separation between church and state. Lets look at what the First amendment really says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the[…]

The Statement that caused all the problems in PA

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 20, 2005

The Pennsylvania Academic Standards require students to learn about Darwin’s theory of evolution and eventually to take a standardized test of which evolution is a part. Because Darwin’s Theory is a theory, it is still being tested as new evidence is discovered. The Theory is not a fact. Gaps in the Theory exist for which[…]

Kids are not being taught to think for themselves in PA

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 21 Comments
Published on: December 20, 2005

Well it is a victory of narrow mindedness. A US court has ruled it is unconstitutional to mention that some one may not believe what is taught in schools. In this case it is evolution. All it was, was a two minute statement to the student that there are those out there that do not[…]

Embryonic Stem Cell takes another hit.

Categories: News, Politics, Technology
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Published on: December 15, 2005

The BBC has a story on how the “pioneer” in embryonic stem cell faked his results. While Adult Stem Cells are already being used to cure things, embryonic stem cells is taking a hit, and it looks like it has less to offer then they claimed to have in the past. At the same time[…]

Rush now has the Video Podcast going

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 14, 2005

Well today, Rush has started the first installment of the Video Podcast that he is doing. Basicly what it is, is he is doing a video recording of himself recording the Morning Update. It is basicly a very short monologue, about one topic. Not half bad, I first signed up for Rushes 24/7 site, when[…]

More hope for the use of Adult Stem Cells

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: December 14, 2005

The BBC has an artical up on how Adult Stem Cells are being proven here in the US to be more usefull then predicted. Also it should be noted that there are already real treatments that already use Adult Stem Cells, this is a proven technology, and it is being shown that it is more[…]

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