Well I just sent off a letter to the editor of the Post Gazette, about critical mass, I wrote because I think critical mass is a bad idea, and hurts cyclists in the long run. Here is the letter I sent off to the editor I would like to write about an “event” that will[…]
Well I did it, I voted today; I went down and voted on the 3 things my voice would matter in. The 2 referendums and the special election for the state senate. Being a republican I did not bother to vote on the primaries, it not like it would have mattered, the republicans never win[…]
Well Wednesday was my dad’s birthday and today is my Mom’s birth day. So Happy Birthday Mom, I love you, I hope you have a good one.
To top off my bike ride today, I saw some news coppers over the north shore, so out of curiosity I bike on over there. As I come up from the bike trail I get told by a police officer to get away from the bridge (the office was not being bossy or anything like[…]
Today on my bike ride I saw the remains of a car wreck in the strip district at around 5pm (click here for a picture), It looked pretty bad, but it did not look like any one got hurt, but there was gas spilled, and it looked like a car tried to make a left[…]
On the day of the Primary there is also going to be a vote on a referendum. It is being promoted as Growing Greener environmental bond. Since I have a bit of a distrust for referendum’s on a election, I looked further into the act that is in question. I found the text from the[…]
Some of my friends have been getting on my case about getting a hair cut, so I thought I would get the cut they have been teasing me about for the last year or so. BOO Well they have been trying to get me to shave it for awhile so I though I would not[…]
I got in email today that the Red Cross will need some help this Saturday. I would go but I have made a commitment to my church 6 months ago that involves a meeting tomorrow at the same time, I will probably tune my HT over to 146.09 to see if there is any activity[…]
The pictures I talked about on April 9th about Kayaking last year came in there are about 20 pictures. I also got 3 pictures from biking last year. And there were 3 pictures from this year. They did not turn out that bad, the pictures of the Kayaking are good. I put the Kayak album[…]
Last year I picked up one of those disposable cameras. It was a waterproof one. I picked it up to take some pictures while kayaking. The problem was I only used 17 of the 27 pictures while out on the water. So I had left the camera in my bike back all the time since[…]
So far as it stands I have not finished working with the VPN yet. I have made some progress, I know which type of VPN I want, and how I am going to do it, I now just have to recompile the Linux kernel to get the stuff I want done, I have not done[…]
I got invited on a ski trip so I though I would go on it. So I started to look for the stuff I payed for last year when I went snowboarding, that I will never do again. But I could not find any matching gloves, at first. While looking for the second to just[…]
I saw a post over at unspace and in the comment I posted about the song “We didn’t start the fire” That song covers events from 1940 to 1989. (Here is a link to the lyrics of the song, that has links to the info behind the song) But I am wondering what would be[…]
Well things are all setup up here. I got the cable modem installed and the wires ran where I want to lay so that they are out of the way. The cable install guy just left them in the middle of the main room of the apartment. I got 2 50″ cables, it turns out[…]
Well I am going to start my aquarium back up. So yesterday I got some supplies that I needed to get it going again. I picked up some gravel and under gravel filter. And a new air pump and all the other stuff needed for them. So I put all the stuff together and filled[…]