Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Friends

Having friends over for dinner

Categories: Friends
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Published on: January 5, 2006

Tonight I had a friend of mine (and his wife) over for dinner. My friend Mike is an old collage buddy of mine, that helped me get my current job. I made meatloaf for them. I know what you might be thinking “meatloaf?” but that is because you never had it the way I make[…]

Blogs I started to read in 2005

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Published on: December 31, 2005

Back in 2004 I started my blog. But I did not start reading other’s blogs until this year. I am going to list the blogs that I started to read on a regular basis this year. Rob over at Unspace Pastor Stiegemeyer from Concordia Lutheran Church Power Ball’s blog WA3FKG’s (Ken’s) blog, a fellow Ham[…]

Sending Christmas cards to friend from on-line

Categories: Friends
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Published on: December 20, 2005

I am wondering what the correct protocal about sending a Christmas card to some one you know from the internet, and never have meet in real person. I know how to get the persons mailling address, but would it be more appopiate to send an on-line greatting instead? There is one person on line, that[…]

Christmas cards

Categories: Family, Friends
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Published on: December 19, 2005

I sent out the balk of the Christmas cards for this year. I had 27 to send out. I will probably get the last 2 in the mail tomorrow. I am only 29 and I have 29 people to send cards to. Well I hope they get to their locations in time.


Categories: Friends
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: December 14, 2005

This from the Trib, Bob Taylor (KA1KTU) was a friend of mine. Robert J. Taylor, 51, of Chalfant, died Sunday, Dec. 11, 2005. Bob was a very talented blue grass and country guitarist and singer and he hosted his own show called “The Country Store” for Radio Information Service where he volunteered. Bob was a[…]

movies from the 80’s

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Published on: November 3, 2005

I just got back from hanging with some friends, we watched “The never ending story”. We got to talking about movies from the 80’s. The 80’s had some good movies. Some other good movies from the 80’s include: Tron SpaceBalls Labyrinth Another good (but stupid) movie is “Killer Klowns from outer space”. The 80’s was[…]

Game night at a friends house

Categories: Friends
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Published on: October 16, 2005

One of my friends from work, Patrick Wagstrom, had a game night at his house, with some of his friends from his church. He also invited me. It was a good time, played a few good games, and meet some new people. I should have a game night at my APT some time in the[…]


Categories: Friends, Ham Radio
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Published on: September 21, 2005

I finally got up to one of the ham clubs that I am a member of. It is the Panther Armature Radio Club or PARC. It was a good meeting we were talking about a camping trip some time in October, so that should be fun, a bunch of hams out in the woods being[…]

Biking Distance vs Map Distance

Categories: Biking, Friends
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Published on: August 28, 2005

Today I went to bike over to a friend’s house. I looked at the distance on the map (google earth) Looking at the distance it looks like a large distance to bike, but when I biked it, it did not seam like it was that far that the map was showing, and it not like[…]

The radios

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Published on: August 15, 2005

I have a friend that I promised that would get to him a picture of my radios. This picture was taken around 8pm, so you hams in Pittsburgh will know what I am listening to on the Icom (display reads 146.730MHz) This picture has my Short Wave Radio, the Police Scanner, my HT and my[…]

Politics, diffent communities and some thoughts

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Published on: August 10, 2005

I have been doing some thinking about groups and politics. I have been thinking about this since I started to look into the biking “community” in Pittsburgh. I have found that this so called community is very intolerant of any one that holds any political view that is not their own. I tried to ignore[…]

The Wplug picnic

Categories: Friends, Geekdom, Play, Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 7, 2005

The wplug picnic was today. It was up in Whitehall. Bike up to it, it took me 2 and a quarter hours to bike up there. And the way back only took me 3/4ths of an hour. The picnic was alot of fun, food, and a few games. You can see some of the pictures[…]


Categories: Friends
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Published on: July 3, 2005

I had a good friend come over tonight. We played some games bother Fluxx and Monopoly. And watched some TV and listened to some old radio shows that I have on my iPod, the radio show is an old show called X-1. It was great fun I love having friends over.

Dinner Party

Categories: Friends
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Published on: May 22, 2005

I had some friends over for dinner; I had 7 people over for dinner. They started to get here around 7pm, and the last of them left at around 11pm, I will have to say that the dinner party was a great success, I love having people over to my place. There were some very[…]

Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith (no spoilers here)

Categories: Friends, Geekdom
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: May 20, 2005

I just got back from the last of the star wars movies, “Revenge of the Sith”; I went with 2 of my friends. And I was very pleasantly surprised; I had very low expectations for the movie. The first 2 were not that great, but I went to see the 3rd because well it is[…]

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