Time between Bible study and church today, I checked my mail box here at chruch. In it was a copy of a newspaper called “The Christian News” (still don’t know how they got my name at the church but oh well) Headline was “Augsburg Confession still Relevant” and the first thought though my head was[…]
Well on Sunday our church had our semi-annual voters meeting. Up shot from it, I am now a trustee for my church again. And it has been made “official” I will be representing my church at the LCMS Eastern District convention this coming weekend. I just have to read though what this years proceedings are[…]
Happy Reformation Day for all the Lutherans out there
Well I went over to my church to hang with some friends tonight. First off we played a game called “Dukes of Hazzard” that was fun. Then I pulled out my Fluxx deck, if you know that game you know how much fun it can be, we did 3 games, the first 2 were fast[…]
My favorit Talk show is Issues Etc, and when I was in Huston I got to meet the host of the show I also did get Todd Wilken to pose for a picture with me, check it out
Got back from Huston on Friday, and I am so glad to be back. I will post my thoughts on the LCMS national convention, but I will do that later, I want to choice my words with care.
Well I am now here at the LCMS convension. One good thing that did happen was that my favorit talk radio show host was here, Todd Wilkins, and I did get to meet him in person, he does a readio show called Issues Etc (I usally listen late via the podcasts. I will post pictures[…]
Today our church had it’s annual picnic, well I talked a friend of mine from church into biking up to it, it only took about 1 hour and fifteen minutes. At the place we had the picnic they also had a pool, so Joe and I ended up swimming for about 3 hours before riding[…]
I went bowling tonight with some friends of mine from church. It was a lot of fun, my first game I got some where in the 60’s my second game I got a 112.
I know some people would like me to post about my latest stuff with my Tin Whistle, well back on Easter Tim Palmer and I played the last hymn at church. Usally this is done on the front lawn for easter Sunday but this year it was to cold. “Christ the Lord is Risen Today”[…]
Well I have been elected to represent the South Western Pittsburgh circut at the LCMS national convention in Huston TX this year. Well I am starting to get a lot of information in the mail, and I am thinking I might not be able to read it all. But I will give a try; I[…]
The Pictures from the Pittsburgh Area Reformation Celebration for this year are up now.
Well today was a bit long. After church today, we had our yearly Octoberfest, then after that we went to First Lutheran in Sharpsburgh. Finally after I and Joe got back we started to practice the Christmas Carols that we are planning to play on Dec 1. We have some work to do. He and[…]
I am going to be going to the Ohio Linux Fest in Columbus Ohio this weekend, which includes Sunday morning. I am hoping I can find some very important information (well to me) I would still like to make a church service this week, so if any one knows of a church in Columbus Ohio[…]
Well this weekend has been a bit tedious. On Saturday WPLUG had our nomination meeting, and for the first time in a year we finally had a quorum, so we had a year of business for the members to have to deal with. It was no fun. Well today my churches monthly operating board meeting[…]