I love the hymn that I titled this post after, the church I am going to in Alexandria, VA we sang it on Sunday and it has haunted me all week, I just love that hymn. The music http://www.lutheranhymnal.com/lutheranworship/lw126.mid here are the lyrics I wish I could play this hymn on my Tin Whistle, but[…]
Well today I meet up with 2 friends and we played some music together, it was a bunch of fun. Jess was on the Guitar, and Joe on the Alto Recorder and me on the Tin Whistle, it was a blast, I love playing music in a group.
I am so pissed at comcast right now. I get told we will have a tech out there tomorrow, be home from 1 to 5pm. So I have to take time off work, well I am there from 1 to 5 no one comes, I call in and get “oh you did not have to[…]
Well I am going though all my Music and Podcasts on my Itunes and cleaning it up. There are some podcasts I just don’t listen to anymore, and I don’t think I will be again, so I have deleted them from my computer (freed up over 50 Gigs of room).
Last sunday my friend Joe and I recorded some of our playing, I was on the tin whistle he was on the alto recorder and here are the products Come Thou Almighty King Look Ye Saints the sight is Glorious Lord God We Praise Thy Name The Lords my Sheperd Yes I know we are[…]
Time between Bible study and church today, I checked my mail box here at chruch. In it was a copy of a newspaper called “The Christian News” (still don’t know how they got my name at the church but oh well) Headline was “Augsburg Confession still Relevant” and the first thought though my head was[…]
Well today I started some “cleaning” out of the apartment. You know the kind you pull the boxes of stuff you have stored in the closet and just trash stuff that you don’t need. I ran across a lock in one of the boxes. Now why did I ever keep this lock, it is the[…]
Well on Sunday our church had our semi-annual voters meeting. Up shot from it, I am now a trustee for my church again. And it has been made “official” I will be representing my church at the LCMS Eastern District convention this coming weekend. I just have to read though what this years proceedings are[…]
Well I was playing a game I love playing on line (World of Warcraft) and they have in this game a private messaging system called tells. Also in this game they have a currency gold. Well much against the Terms of Service people have started to sell gold in game for real life money, and[…]
Well about 3 weeks ago I got back on my bike and went biking with some friends, well we pushed my limits and did 17 to 18 miles on that first day. Well for the next 2 weeks my right knee was in major pain, so bad that at times I could not walk. Well[…]
I have a friend that asked me to take http://www.netaddiction.com/resources/internet_addiction_test.htm for a research paper he was doing, he was asking several people to do it. I personally got a score of 29, I would have guessed my score would have higher, but I guess it is a good thing I did not score higher.
Well I put it off and put it off and put it off, and today I finally did my taxes. I don’t know why I put it off, it only takes maybe an hour to do all 3 of them, it is not like it is that much time. Oh well they are done for[…]
I am currently looking for a Job as a C/C++ programmer. Here is a link to my current Resume I have in this copy removed my Home address and phone number, for obvious reasons, but if you are looking for a Programmer in C/C++, you can email me at mpop@mikeoconnor.net