Michael P. O'Connor archive
Author : Michael O'Connor

Why I canceled my preorder for star wars battlefront2

Categories: Games
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Published on: October 24, 2017

Three words “pay to win” If you are going to charge the full $60 for a game, then do not make it pay to win, if you want to have it pay to win, make the game free. I also detest micro-transactions, and don’t do them, but to make a game pay to win (as[…]

Got “South Park The Fractured but Whole”

Categories: Games, Geekdom
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Published on: October 20, 2017

On Thursday night I picked up the new South Park game “South Park The Fractured but Whole”. I will say I was surprised at what I got in it. Not only did I get what I was expecting, but I also go “South Park The Stick of Truth” Well since I have not played the[…]

So I did get a switch and here are my thoughts

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Published on: October 14, 2017

So back in June I posted about my new PS4, but still did want a switch (nintendo, I mean nintendo who does not want one) I got it back in July, so here are my thoughts. First nintendo needs to fix their attitudes about artificial scarcity. Mind you I got it in July 5 months[…]

Got a new game console recently and it was not a switch..

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Published on: June 8, 2017

I thought about a switch for 2 months, I been wanting a new game console for about a year and a half, my last game console was the game cube, I had played Rock Band at a friends house and that made me think about a new game console. The switch came out and I[…]

Another epic fail by google

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: May 2, 2017

Android Auto, it has my contact list. I can say Call find and good, it can call the number, which means it can find the contact card, the contact card also has a home address but navigate to , drive to

To game desiners

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Published on: May 2, 2017

When your game is 90% cutscenes (Final Fantasy X on vita) or nothing but text (press X to read the next line persona 4 golden on vita) It does not make me care about the characters back story more, it makes me return the game. Yes I like watching videos, but I have a DVD[…]

(no title)

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: October 11, 2016

I have been using PcGen for a while for my characters in RPG games. Good program, but as of late one of my characters will not export, so instead of being one of those that just complain that there is a bug. I downloaded the source code (got to love open source code) Set up[…]

I guess Google is working hard to kill Google Home even before it comes out.

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: October 2, 2016

Google Says if you support Amazon Echo you will not be allowed to work with Google Home I saw this article today. Given that Amazon Echo is already out (I have it, and love it) Given that most smart home devices already integrate with Amazon Echo, looks like Google is trying hard to kill Google[…]

Guess Baltimore requires all to use windows

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Published on: June 7, 2016

I have to renew my pet license so I went to the Baltimore count site, well guess they will not let me do it on line because it requires silver light (an old dead technology by ms) to use their site, I guess baltimore is anti-Linux. Boo on them, I guess I will have to[…]

Google whants to do a vertion of Amazon Echo.

Categories: Geekdom, News, Technology
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Published on: June 1, 2016

In the news as of late it is said that they want to do a rip off of the Amazon Echo. I wonder how many people would risk getting the device given that Google bricked the Revolv be not to long ago. Google has a long history of abandoning things they once did. latitude, Reader,Google[…]

How Far we have come

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: April 14, 2016

I can transfer a nice large set of files (read 5+ Gb) with out batting an eye. I remember back when moving data between 2 computers was done in 1.44Mb batches. My how far we have come. My first install of Linux was done via 5 1.44Mb floppies. It when pretty much DD a floppy[…]

Google bricks devices

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 6, 2016

Seeing this this has made me rethink something. I was thinking of getting a nest smoke detector. But seeing this article makes me rethink that. There is a different between not supporting something, and breaking hardware that a customer has payed for. This article is making me think I don’t want to by hardware from[…]

Wagmans and Google/Apple Pay

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 4, 2016

A couple of weeks ago I found out that Wagmans takes Google pay. Of the stores I know of in the Hunt Valley area, this is the only one I know of that takes Google pay. I will be changing where I do my shopping now. I like the convenience of them taking it, as[…]

Old Blogs

Categories: Blog Stuff, Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: April 4, 2016

This is an older blog it has been around for over a decade. That got me to wondering what Blogs still exist from the time I was really into reading Blogs. I had not really read many for the last few years, I am thinking of pulling up a new RSS reader (I stopped for[…]

Nice trick for Google Now

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 2, 2016

Yes another Tech post in this weekend. I been playing with all kind of stuff. But here for the post I my main email address that I use (on this domain mpop at mikeoconnor dot net) where I get all my emails, but all my other google services I use off of my google account[…]

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