Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : October 2005

Email is nearly dead

Categories: Technology
Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: October 30, 2005

Thanks to sites like sorbs and things like spam, email will soon be dead. When you need email, but you don’t get it because it comes though a sever that sorbs lists (rightly or wrongly) email can no longer be trusted as a communication source. I had to move all my yahoo groups subscriptions to[…]

Sorbs lists mailling list servers as spam servers

Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: October 30, 2005

Sorbs has started to list yahoo groups’ servers as a spam server, so either they don’t like yahoo, or they don’t check the servers they list as spam servers, I bet MSN likes that, just add the competition to the list. And unfortunately my hosting company uses them as a anti-spam list, so now I[…]

Finally the Pens win

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 28, 2005

Finally the Penguins win their first game. It is about time. Lets hope that they start to become a better team then they have been all year, lets hope this is a new team for the penguins and they start to win more games.

What is up with the SW bands as of late

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Published on: October 26, 2005

For the last week or so I can not get many stations. It is not like I have a bad antenna I have 450 feet worth of antenna. I should be pulling in the world, but I just have not been getting anything this week. I use to get almost every thing From Radio Korea[…]

Pens loss yet again

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 26, 2005

What is wrong with them?? 8 Games 8 losses. The only team in the NHL this year with out a win. I think we are well on our way of not being in the Play offs.

South Park on UPN

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 26, 2005

UPN has started to show South Park on it channel. And here in Pittsburgh I was watching one, it is the one where they people become atheists and start to shove food up their buts and crap out of their mouth. I will admit not the greatest stuff, but a bit funny. But I had[…]

A freq for hams and scanners to listen to

Categories: Ham Radio, News
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Published on: October 23, 2005

The W3YJ repeater has linked up to echo link to the Hurricane net in monitor mode. This will allow us to listen to it, and still retain the use of the repeater if we need to. So if you are a ham or have a scanner tune to 443.45 to hear the news of Hurricane[…]

Why are shows like “COPS” so popular

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
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Published on: October 23, 2005

Wired is running an article on how the book “Police Call” is ending its publication run. They made a comment in it that I never really thought of. Scanning of the “Public Safety” bands was just the precursor to shows like COPS. It looks like TV has hurt another hobby. The show “COPS” just puts[…]

DVR and older Hockey games

Categories: Hockey, Technology
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Published on: October 23, 2005

Back on the 16th of this month I had my DVR record the Vancouver Canucks vs the Dallas Stars. And I just watched it today. It was a good game, during the second period of the game the two teams go into some really good hockey. There was a good amount of time where there[…]

The Hockey game tonight

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 22, 2005

Well at the current time (8:45pm) the hockey game is in the second intermission, and they only have the 3rd period to go. I am going to go out on a limb here, and I am going to say I think the Penguins will loss again today. I can say this with some form of[…]

Build your own hell

Categories: Hay it is funny, Politics
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Published on: October 22, 2005

If you ever read Dante’s Inferno you will recognize the 9 levels of hell, well I found a site that lets you create your own version of hell, look below to see the one I created. It is just mean, very politically setup. GreensCircle I Limbo GothsCircle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind[…]

Tropical Storm Alpha

Categories: News
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Published on: October 22, 2005

We finally made it, we have Tropical Storm Alpha. Cool this is our 22 named storm of the season. I wonder how many more we can get, the end of the season is at the end of November. This storm is very close to Wilma, and they will get closer as time goes by. I[…]

Todays WPLUG

Categories: WPLUG
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Published on: October 22, 2005

Todays WPLUG was a good one, Bill gave his talk on SOAP. I will have to say it was a good talk, and I think I will want to look into SOAP a bit more. Also I gave my talk on Linux in the non-profit organization, I think it was well received, I had a[…]

WPLUG Candidates

Categories: WPLUG
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Published on: October 22, 2005

The nominations for the Candidates for the board of WPLUG are in they are Beth Lynn Eicher Mark Sikora Steve Hancock Bobbie Lynn Eicher Mike O’Connor David Ostroske Bill Moran Scott Kriebel Chris Teodorski Steve Boffardi John Vukovic Patrick Wagstrom Also you can find information on voting at the wplug voting page. You can also[…]

WPLUG tomorrow

Categories: WPLUG
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Published on: October 21, 2005

Tomorrow at wplug I will be giving a presentation. Also Bill Moran will be giving a presentation on SOAP.

October 2005
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