Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : September 26, 2005

Audio from Radio Sweden finally up

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Published on: September 26, 2005

I finally got some audio from Radio Sweden. I got it tonight, and it is up here, as an mp3 It is about an anniversary of some boat that did trade with China. They don’t seam to be very forgiving of their ancestors though, the had some very harsh words for the people that did[…]

here, as an mp3

The Short Wave bands seem to be active as of late

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Published on: September 26, 2005

I was tuning around the Short Wave Radio band tonight, and there seems to be more active now then it has been for a while. I wonder exactly what is causing the upsurge in activity tonight. It is nice to have more stations to listen to. They are coming very nicely, I am still having[…]

A union backing a Republican??

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: September 26, 2005

The Pittsburgh Post Gazette is running an artical on how the Fire union is backing Republican canidate for mayor of Pittsburgh: Joe Weinroth. I did not belive this when I read it at first. But being this is Pittsburgh I will still put my money on the Democrate canidate to win. You know the 2[…]

Bush asks people to conserve gas (again)

Categories: Biking, News, Politics
Comments: Comments Off on Bush asks people to conserve gas (again)
Published on: September 26, 2005

Bush has asked people to conserve gas again. I have a way people can conserve gas. I have posted about this before. But I will restate it since I think it is a good idea. You can bike to work. The good thing about this, is it just might save you time in your day.[…]

September 2005
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