Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : August 2005

Aquatic Gardening

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: August 27, 2005

Today I did some gardening work in my 2 10 gallon betta tanks. I also did some work in the 10 gallon take I had setup for the baby fish when they were born in my other tank; I have since moved them back to the 20 gallon tank. I am thinking that the 10[…]

PETA hypocrisy

Categories: Politics
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Published on: August 27, 2005

It looks like the so called animal rights group PETA real kill animals. The same group that thinks that animals are more important then humans. Right now I am listing to the 3rd hour of Issues Etc, From August 25 2005 They have as a guest on the person that does the PETA kills animals.com[…]

3rd hour of Issues Etc, From August 25 2005

Deleted some Photos off of the web site

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: August 27, 2005

I deleted some old photos on my photo section. I freed up about 100Mb on my space at my hosting company. So this should allow me to add some other pictures to my web site. I right now only have 280Mb free on my account. I have over 1.5 GB of photos on my web[…]

The location of my Mac computer

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Published on: August 26, 2005

I am thinking it would be nice to have a small desk just for my Mac. I would like to put it opposite of my other computers in my technology section of my apartment. I might have to move some things around in my apartment if I get a new table for the place for[…]

The Temperature

Categories: Aquarium
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Published on: August 26, 2005

The temperature here has finally fallen below the 80 degree F. I have now turned of the AC unit. I was running the last 3 months because I wanted to keep the temperature of my fish tanks below 90, since if the temperature went above 90 I could loss my fish. Now that it is[…]


Comments: Comments Off on SWlogger
Published on: August 26, 2005

I have been putting together the core objects for the SWlogger program. I have so far defined the info I want to track, I am thinking the next step would be to build a testing interface. Once I get a test interface done, I will then go on to testing the interface and the core[…]

Packet Radio

Categories: Geekdom, Ham Radio, Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: August 24, 2005

The other day I picked up miscellaneous plugs from Radio shack the other day. I plan on building a cable to go from my computer to my Icom 2100H radio. Also I am going to try setup a packet station. I will not be on all the time like some other stations would be, but[…]

Google Earths view of the Point

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: August 23, 2005

I was messing around with Google Earth. I zoomed in on the point (Point State park) and when I looked at it, there was something out of place. When I zoomed in closer there were boats on the land. And I realized that the picture that they are using for that view is from last[…]

Short Wave radio recording (again)

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Published on: August 23, 2005

Last night I went to record my scanner (I did this to test the recording software.) and it worked well, I set it to record a radio station (an FM station, but the thing being record is unimportant right now) and the software recorded the audio well, the only problem there was scanner changed station[…]

Tropical Depression Jose

Categories: News
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Published on: August 23, 2005

I just looked over at the National Hurricane Center, and I saw that we are up to Jose, there is also 2 more areas of possible Tropical cyclone development. There is one near Florida; it is so close to land I don’t think it will develop into anything of note. But there is one in[…]

That was odd

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: August 23, 2005

I tryed to make my last entry but every time I tryed to enter it I would get that it was forbidding. So I ended up posting with the Title as test and the entry text as test, and then I selected all the sections I wanted I wanted it in. After entering the post,[…]

Short wave radio and scanning recording

Categories: Geekdom, Ham Radio, Play, Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: August 23, 2005

I am working on finding a good way to record the stuff I listen to off of the short wave radio. and off of the scanner. So far I have tried GarageBand but that has a limit of 1 hour and fifteen minutes. Right now I am trying a program called AudaCity, if it works[…]


Comments: 7 Comments
Published on: August 22, 2005

I have looked around the net for a Short Wave radio logging program. So far I have not found on that I liked. So I figured that this might be a great chance for me to work on learning SQL (mySQL). So I have started the program. Right now I am defining the classes, I[…]

What a night

Categories: Ham Radio
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: August 20, 2005

Well tonight there was an interesting night. At around 5:30 the weather service got on the air looking for some one to take the net. For a few minutes no one responds. So after about 5 minutes, I decide that if no one is going to do it, I might as well do it. That[…]

The XXX domains

Categories: Politics, Technology
Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: August 19, 2005

I have heard a lot about the XXX domains out there. I am sad to say that my fellow Christians out there are against it. I think it is a good idea, and let me explain why I am for it. But let me first say this, I would love to see the day where[…]

August 2005
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