Happy Birthday Mom
Well Wednesday was my dad’s birthday and today is my Mom’s birth day. So Happy Birthday Mom, I love you, I hope you have a good one.
Well Wednesday was my dad’s birthday and today is my Mom’s birth day. So Happy Birthday Mom, I love you, I hope you have a good one.
Well if they are a member of First Trinity, they might find themselves at a Graduation party (congratulation Jonathan). We had “Dance Dance Revolution”, and Karaoke. It was great fun, one of our Pastors did Elvis songs, and I got 2 videos of it, here and here. I also got a lot of pictures of[…]
I just looked at my log files, and found that people are finding my site from google with search terms that hit my web site for an entry that I put in just the day before. It is cool that google indexes my site almost once a day.
The City of Pittsburgh is limiting scalpers to a limited area, I think this is a good start, but I believe that the city should make scalping illegal; my opinion is that scalpers are the scum of the earth. They try to buy up all available tickets then try to sell them for more then[…]
To top off my bike ride today, I saw some news coppers over the north shore, so out of curiosity I bike on over there. As I come up from the bike trail I get told by a police officer to get away from the bridge (the office was not being bossy or anything like[…]
I did a bit of a different ride today, I rode up to the civic arena, and when deep into the heart of the city on the city streets, not something I would recommend for the faint of heart but I did it. I toped the day off with a bit of excitement (see next[…]
This is getting annoying I been trying to list something on eBay for the last 2 weeks, but I can not get to eBay, they seam to be very very slow, I started to load the page 10 minutes ago, and only now are the images starting to download, and this is the fastest is[…]
Today is my Dads birthday, Happy Birthday Dad, I love you.
Today on my bike ride I saw the remains of a car wreck in the strip district at around 5pm (click here for a picture), It looked pretty bad, but it did not look like any one got hurt, but there was gas spilled, and it looked like a car tried to make a left[…]
On the day of the Primary there is also going to be a vote on a referendum. It is being promoted as Growing Greener environmental bond. Since I have a bit of a distrust for referendum’s on a election, I looked further into the act that is in question. I found the text from the[…]
Today when I started out on my bike ride today, I saw a couple of wild turkeys in the path, by the time I got my camera out they were off the path in the woods, but I did get a few pictures of them. Also I got some great pictures of the Point state[…]
Mom if you see this Happy Mothers Day, I hope you had a good one.
I went on a nice short 1 and a half hour bike ride today. I am very happy with the speeds I made today, coming back from the city on the jail trail I was going between 18 to 21 mph the whole way, this is about 8 to 11 mph faster then my old[…]
Some of my friends have been getting on my case about getting a hair cut, so I thought I would get the cut they have been teasing me about for the last year or so. BOO Well they have been trying to get me to shave it for awhile so I though I would not[…]
I went out for a great bike ride today. I got to try out the new toe clips I got on Monday, and I have to say I am impressed with them. I was going 50% faster then I did before with the same effort, and I did not have to down shift as soon[…]