Old scuba pictures

I have just uploaded some old pictures scuba pictures that I took back in 1995 in Australia and I have put them in my photo section of my site. These are old pictures that were taken with a disposable waterproof camera. Then scanned into the computer only a few months ago. These are not the same pictures on my scuba page, well they are the same pictures, but not the same scan, the pictures on the scuba page were scanned back in 1996. That page was made back in 1996 and has went though 3 web sites before this one and was updated a few times.
That page does show that I have not have had a chance to scuba dive in almost 6 years now. That would be something I would like to fix some time soon, if I get the chance.

Taxes what a pain

More pain then normal. First I ordered TurboTax back in Nov, well I never got the software, so I call back in Jan. Still I did not get the software. So I call back again today. This time I ask since there has been a major problem with the shipping of the software, if they could just set it up so I could download the software. Well I finally get the software (all 300Mbs of it). So now I have started doing the taxes, so the painful part should be over now. I will be glad when the taxes are finished and I don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Planet WPLUG

One of our member of wplug is working on a new aggregate of the blogs of members of wplug you can see the test page at http://wm-eddie.info/planet/. He has said it will be moved to planet.wplug.org some time in the future. It could be fun to see what “wplug” is thinking in any given day. He also said he will be adding my site, So one of the many voices of the wplug group will be there, we are borg.

Napster’s commercial

I am starting to get really annoyed at the napster commercial, first they are annoying to beginning with, and I am going to go as far to they are engaging in false advertising. Yes it will cost 10K to full fill up the size iPod they are talking about. Also they may cost only $15 a month. But that is $15 a month, for as long as you have the device. I have an iPod, and I am not forced to spend money every month to keep my music. Then there is the fact I have a collection of mp3’s from before I had the iPod that filled up 1/4 of my iPod, again money I did not have to spend. The most I have spent over the past year on my iPod is $66 above the cost of the play (which was free since it was a gift to me from my parents) since I got the iPod Dec of 2003 if I had one of the napster players for the same amount of time I would have spent $240 on it above the player.

I must be boring

I must be boring, I just finished watching NOVA on WQED (Pittsburgh’s PBS) on string theory and I find it very interesting. It is kind of interesting to see the current thoughts on how the universe physically works. And I am watching it while I do some work I brought home that I want to get done tonight (taking a short break right now to write this entry)

Pictures from the CPLUG Security Conference

You can see the few pictures I took at the CPLUG conference on saterday here, in the CPLUG picture page

CPLUG’s Security conference

On Saturday I went out with some friends of mine from WPLUG (Western PA Linux User Group) to CPLUG’s (Central PA Linux User Group) Security Conference. It was pretty good; I found one of the more interesting talks was from a PA trooper on the PA cyber crime laws. They seemed to be well written, I have read about other states that have very poorly written laws, but from what I saw of the PA laws from his presentation the PA laws are well written, and pretty technology friendly, while still outlawing the stuff that would hurt people.

Also they were giving out door prizes, I won one of them, I did not even expect to win, since I don’t win things like that. I got a book on Building Linux VPN’s the cool thing is I been looking into how to do this for a few months, so this book is a God sent. I look forward to the day when I can open up a VPN on my network for my use and have access to all the resources I have on my home network when I am at work.

Stupid kiddy scripters

Well today was “fun” my computer (laptop) was hacked into by some one, I assume it was just some stupid kiddy scripter. Why do I say it was probably just a stupid kiddy scripter, was because the stuff that was put on. A ftp server was put on, so it makes me think it was some stupid kiddy scripter who wanted to have some place to drop his/her stolen software. Well within about 15 minutes of the hacking the computer was taken off the network, and the hard drive will be blasted so that little child will not get the “warez” site he/she wanted. Unfortunately for me I will lose the use of the laptop over a weekend I really needed it. I think that the law should have stiffer laws about computer crimes, some one who is convicted of a computer crime should be bard from using a computer for 20 years, that way their limited knowledge will be totally useless by the time they are allowed to use a computer again.
The kicker is last night I installed the latest XP security updates from MS last night, more proof that XP is not secure period.

Spammers are idiots

Ok in my inbox today got two of those Nigeria scams today, normaly I just delete them but for some reason I was so board I read them for the humor factor.

The first was for a lotory I never entered WOW I won 500,000GBP wow 😉 I can not belive that there are people stupid enouph to fall for this scam, but there has to be a stupid person out there or these scams would not continue, here is the email for this scam.

REF: 014/060/532
BATCH: 762901-PCD03 
We are pleased to inform you of the release, of the
long awaited results of the INSTANT CO. LOTTERY
held on the 30th January 2005. You were entered as
dependent clients with:
Reference Number:REF: 014/060/532
and Batch number BATCH: 762901-PCD03 .
Your email address attached to the ticket number:
369739 that drew the lucky winning number, which
consequently won the INSTANT CO. LOTTERY first category,
in four parts.
You have been approved for a payment of
credited to file reference
number:014/060/532.This is from a total cash
prize of FIVE MILLION POUNDS Shared among the ten
international winners in first categories.
To begin your claim,do file for the release of your
winning by contacting our accredited agent:
Foreign Transfer Manager.
Mr Mike Egarton
FAX +44 8716616579 
They are your agent, and responsible for the
processing and transfer of your winnings fund to you.
YOUR SECURITY FILE NUMBER IS 27522465896-6453 (keep
personal) Remember, your winning must be claimed not
later than 31-2-05).
Congratulations again from all our staff and thank you
for being part of our promotions program.
Your Sincerely,
Mrs. Lori Myer
N.B. Any breach of confidentiality on the part of the
winners will result to disqualification. Contact your claims agent.

Oh well I guess I am in breach of contract with that one since I made this mail public.

The next one is a new variant I have not seen yet, it claims that “the moneys” has already been shipped to me. Ok who are you why are you shipping me money, and why are you addressing me as “Dear Sir”? Also I would think that if there was a real thing really going on would there not be more personal information? This one is a real bad attempt; do people really fall for this one? The scam mail is as follows

FROM: Dr Paul Okoro.
E-MAIL:(info@drpaulokoro.com )
DATE: 24th February,2005


Dear  Sir,

Sequel to the secretive arrangement in regards of the shipment of your
contract sum, I wish to inform you that all necessary modalities have
been automatically concluded and have left Nigeria to your country via
South Africa today by Express Cargo Flight.

Note carefully the contents of the crates is "MONEY" but I did not
disclose it to the Courier Services as Money, rather I informed them that
the crates contain Vital "DIPLOMATIC DOCUMENTS" belonging to my client
(thats you).

Furthermore, the weight of the consignment is 220kg but I manage to pay
120kg, which cost US$75,600.00. On no account should you disclose the
contents of the crates to the Diplomatic Courier Services to avoid them
from seizing the consignment. So do not allow them to know that the
content is money.

In the meantime, contact the Diplomatic Courier Services agent Frank
Thando on Tel: 27-833 606 170  to know the status or position of the
consignment and also  furnish them with your particulars such as your full
names, address and telephone number so that they will know exactly
where  the consignment will be delivered to and then get back to me as soon
as possible so that we can have an agreement signed before I will give
you the shipment documents.

Meanwhile, I will be coming over to your country immediately the
consignment arrives to you for my 40% share. Send me your response via:

Best Regards,
Dr Paul Okoro

Oh well there are more idiots out there then one could imagine.

Added comments to the picture section

I have given people the ability to add comments to the Photo section of my web site. I will see how this goes, if I see that there to many spam or hate posts I will disable them, but for now I am going to see how it works out.

OK now I have seen everything

I was looking though the logs for the web site to see where people have been coming from and I see the following hit, http://www.technorati.com/cosmos/search.html?rank=&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mikeoconnor.net%2F. So it looks like some one was searching for my blog on a search engine, out of curiosity I looked at their about page, and find out they are a search engine devoted to just blogs, well ok now I have seen everything.

Microsoft wants to help cure aids?

I don’t know about others, but I would be afraid of a medicine developed by Microsoft, I don’t want any parts of my body to crash like their OS crashes. I can just imagine it now, some one is driving down the road after getting some medication helped devolved by MS and then their brain crashes for no reason, I wonder how many lives could be lost if MS is allowed to continue on this path.


I could not resist it. Today I picked up a Betta, and a 2 gallon tank for it. He is a beautiful fish. You can see pictures of him here. I am sure that once he start to settle into his new home. I know that there is a myth out there that Bettas can be kept in a small bowl. But I have read other peoples accounts of how Bettas react to different tank sizes, and the people that give the Bettas seam to have them live longer and they seam to be more colorful. To me that says they should be in a larger tank.
The funny thing is he is trying to fight his own reflection in the glass. It is funny to watch him.

So looking forward to the spring

I am so looking forward to the coming of spring. I do not like the winter; I am looking forward to the warmer weather when I can go biking again. When the temps start to get into the 50’s consistently the time will be ripe for the bike to be pulled out. And more pictures of Pittsburgh from a bikers point of view for the web site.
I am also hoping to get a group going for a weekly bike ride, I am right now looking into it and talking with friends about it, there is some mild interests, so I am hoping I can get something going.


I just looked at the web logs for my web site, and found some one came in for a search “Michael O’Connor” normally I am use to my web site being hit #1 for “Michael P. O’Connor” but I never thought that I would get in the top 10 on Google for just “Michael O’Connor” Well I have hit the top 10, I am hit number 10 for my first and last name alone no need for the middle initial anymore just to be on the first page of google. Now the question is can I make my way up to the top part of the page.
I have also noticed I get a lot of hits from google for search requests I would not have though would have returned my page, but when I look at the results I do have all those words and/or phrases on my page but they are usually not connected

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