Email Humor

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: October 13, 2005

Reposted from the wplug mailling list (with a bit of editing to give credit to who wrote what.) But some what funny.

Duncan Hutty wrote:
>>Michael P. O’Connor wrote:
>> What is wrong with sports? I will also admit when I was younger I
>> played Hockey.
> Nothing, in the privacy of your own home.

Okay, if anyone on this list maintains a funny quote archive, this one
needs to go in it. ROTFL.

Chris Ott

Apple unveils video iPod

Categories: Technology
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Published on: October 12, 2005

I guess the rumors were right. I wonder will this mean that apple will be soon selling movies though the iTMS, if they do I guess they will have to rename it to iTS (iTunes store) I wonder what the prices will be, and will we be able to burn them to DVDs so we can watch them on normal DVD players connected to a real TV. I will admit when I watch a movie I don’t want to site in front of the computer, I would rather then site in a more comfortable chair to watch it.

Speaking of iTunes, on feature I would like to see, is that you can setup iTunes to copy all music to your iPod except the files that are in a special Play List. I have some podcasts that do not work though the iTunes podcast feature, I have to use a different program because they require validation since it is a subscription service, but when I put them in my iTunes music library, they are all loaded on the iPod, and I would like to have them not loaded to the iPod. Or a way to mass select some mp3’s and uncheck them so they will not be loaded to the iPod.


Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 12, 2005

A internet friend of mine, simdan has a post on nick names. So I think I will post a post on same thing. So here are nick names or handels I have been known by
Computer related ones
Ones in real life

There they are, not many in real life, I have not been called CrazyMike in a long time.

The Stitches came

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Published on: October 11, 2005

I got the stitches out today, I can now type again without the finger getting in the way. It took a little time for me to get use to bending the finger again since it was kept straight for about 10 days.

The Stitches come out today

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Published on: October 11, 2005

Finally the stitches come out today, I have a doctors appointment for 3pm today and the stitches should come out then. I can not want till they are out and I can type at my normal speed, having the lose of a finger for me is a pain. My typing speed is way down, and it feels like I am fighting my own finger when I try to type.

Vancouver vs Detroit

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 10, 2005

This was a good game. Detroit took the lead early in the first period. Vancouver then took the lead in the second period. Making the score 3-1. In the Third Detroit tied the game. Near the end of the period Vancouver takes the lead. At the end in the hope of tieing the game Detroit pulled their goalie, and with less then 3 seconds left a Vancouver play, makes a shot from center ice and scores on an empty net. It was a good game.

A good site for the times you can not watch the Hockey games

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 9, 2005

Tonight I could not watch the hockey games. But I do want to keep an eye on the scores, and I found a site by ESPN that has the scores as they happen. I wish I could watch the games but I have alot of other things to do today.

The Traffic I sent from Columbus

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: October 9, 2005

I did not check into the traffic net last night, but when I checked in tonight, I was informed that the traffic I sent from Columbus Oh on Sep 30 arrived to the destination yesterday (October 9) That is about 10 days for it to be delivered. I would have thought it would have taken 3 maybe 4 days to deliver. Oh well.

Hurricane VINCE

Categories: News
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 9, 2005

We are now on Hurricane Vince now. After this storm we only have one name left in the names this year. If we get 2 more named storms, we will have a stormed named Alpha. I half hope that we do get a storm with the name Alpha just for the fun of it. We still have just a little less then 2 months in the storm season.

This finger is getting annoying

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Published on: October 9, 2005

My finger that I cut is starting to get very annoying. First it is preventing me from typing well. It is now itching and at some times it burns. Also I have been overly tired, and all I can think of is that it is the finger still healing. I slept allot yesterday, and I slept a bit more today. I am looking forward to Tuesday at 3pm when the stitches are scheduled to come out. I know that, that will not stop me from being tired but I will be able to use the finger again (I hope)

The Trama Podcast now listed in the iTMS

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: October 9, 2005

I submitted the TRAMA podcast to the iTMS to be listed in their podcast list, yesterday I did a search for it in their system and it was listed. This might help incease the number of poeple that will subscribe to it.

Canceling my Post Gazette subscription

Categories: News
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Published on: October 9, 2005

Since I got my RSS news aggregator going on my web site, and I am starting to get more and more of my news off of the Internet, and reading less and less of the news paper I think it might be a wise thing to do to just dump the paper. At this time all I am looking at in the paper is the cartoons, and the editorials (letter to the editors) But I got rest of my news from the Internet. I can also get my letter to the editors in the form of The Pittsburgh Bloggers (and I get allot of news from there too), and comics, and those are all over the Internet. So I am not really losing anything.

The Coyote’s game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 8, 2005

Here is my review of the Minnesota vs Phoenix game. It was a good game a bitter fight to the very end of the game. In the first Period there was a big fight, and I do mean big, there were at lest 5 people involved in it. There was a slashing penalty that started it then the teams went for it, but the way that the penalties were handed out there was a 5 on 3 power play for the coyotes, but Nash of the Coyotes was ejected from the game. With 54 seconds left in the 5 on 3 the Coyotes get a penalty and end up with a 4 on 3 for the 54 seconds. during the 4 on 3 Minnesota breaks the 0 – 0 tie with the first point of the game with 6:28 left in the first period. Also during the first period Nagy does a great break away, but he is tripped by one of the Minnesota players, and gets a penalty shot, which he puts to great use and ties the game.
The Tie breaking gaol cam lat in the third period by #19 with only 4:42 left in the third and the game was set at Coyotes 2 and Wilds 1. With only 1 minute left in the game the Wilds pull their goalie in the hopes that the extra player on the ice could get them a gaol to tie the game, but it did not work, and the Coyotes end the game with their first win, 2-1.
I will say that the Coyotes have a brave set of defense men, they were putting themselves in the path of the puck to block it, there was one block by the defense men that bounced off his shoulder, they have got some good defense men, and if a team has a great set of defense men their goalie’s job will be all that much easier.

The Penguin’s game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: October 8, 2005

When I was younger I was told that a team that allowed more then 3 or 4 goals against them has some real problems that they need to look at. Well tonight’s game for the Penguins both teams allowed more then 4 goals (6 or more). As much as I hate to say this I don’t believe the Penguins will do well this season. At 10pm I got tired of the Penguins game, so I jumped over to the Minnesota vs Phoenix game. I just checked the score and saw that the Penguins lost in over time, oh well. I will post a review of the Coyotes game later, it is still the first period and turning out to be a good game. It is now between the first ans second period now, and period 2 should start very soon.

Tomorrows Games I want to watch on Oct 8

Categories: Hockey
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 8, 2005

First of all I love all these games on Digital Cable (man I am starting to sound like an ad for Comcast). I have looked at the list of games for tomorrows (channels given here are all in the Pittsburgh Area) The first game I will go for is the Boston vs Pittsburgh game (starting at 7:30pm on channel 29, Fox Sports) the next game on my watch list is the Minnesota vs Phoenix (771 at 10:00pm) I really want to see what Gretzky does with the Coyotes, he right now seams to be trying to find his line up, but he still has a good game going for that team. I will also have the DVR record on the second tuner the Vancouver vs Edmonton (channel 772 at 10:00pm) game.

On the Penguins end of the sport, as much as it pains me to say this, I don’t think that they will have a good year. Mario is the problem, I love the guy as a player, he was a great player (well I think Paul Coffee was better but that just me) But now he does not help the team, it is as if when he is on the ice the other team as a power play since he is so much slower then the rest of the players. I still think he would do good to get off the ice and coach them. The only reason I can think of that he even gets ice time is because he owns the team, and he who pays the piper picks the tune.
With the game I am going to record I probably watch that on Sunday, after church.

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