Samuel Anthony Alito Jr is now Confirmed as a Supreme Court judge

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: January 31, 2006

Breitbart/AP is reporting that Alito is now a Supreme Court judge. I first saw this over at Free Republic and then over at Michelle Malkin’s blog.

The “Plan B” pill, what is it, and the morality of it.

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 7 Comments
Published on: January 30, 2006

OK before I really get into it, lets cover some basic stuff. What is an abortificient, well an abortificient is a chemical pill that causes a already fertilized egg to be expelled from a woman’s body, killing a newly formed human, an example of this is RU-486. Birth control pills (oral contraceptives) are pills that prevent the woman from ovulating, so no human is kill since the egg is never released the sperm and egg never join, hence no human and no life.
Now further the “Plan B” pill what is the big deal right now, well there are some Pharmacists that have refused to fill it since they believe it to be an abortifacient (see Powerballs post on some Target pharmacist have been fired for not wanting to fill said prescription) So were these pharmacists fired for nothing (see Rob over at unspace). Well reading both PowerBall and UnSpace I thought I would take a further look into what “Plan B” really is and is not. So I went to the site of the people that make it to see what they said (see DuraMed’s web site) Well what they say is that basically it prevents ovulation, but if the egg is already out and fertilized “it will not work if you are already pregnant.”
So is “Plan B” an abortificient, such as RU-486? I have to say no it is not an abortificient. So is there murder involved with taking “Plan B”? No, if there is no fertilization there is no human, hence no murder. Is “Plan B” wrong? I don’t know, I went to the LCMS’s web site to see what the official statement was But they did not really give an anser one way or the other. What ever answer you come up for the “Plan B” pill must also be applied to all Birth control pills.
I have heard statements from both sides and I am not sure (see PowerBall’s site for a view against Birth Control Pill’s) So finally on “Plan B” I am undecided, but as for the infamous RU-486, RU-486 is wrong, it is murder since it is designed to terminated a fertilized egg, aka a human.
OK so now that I covered RU-486 a bit what does it do, how dose it work. It blocks the body from producing progesterone which is an important hormone needed during a pregnancy, with out this hormone the pregnancy will fail, and a living human will be killed, an abortion.
Well I guess finally my anser to the “Plan B” pill is it ok to use? I am forced to say I don’t know

My Applogizes to the Scanner community of Pittsburgh

Categories: Ham Radio
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Published on: January 29, 2006

I got sick today, I am not sure what I think maybe it was something I ate. Well I spaced out on the scanner net, so I did not record it. I am sorry about that, and apologize for the inconvence I have caused any one.

Comments Wanted

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: January 29, 2006

Back on January 5th, 2006 Rob at Unspace posted Comments on UnSpace Wanted. He got some good responces. I have thought about posting the same question. But since I go into political stuff alot (maybe more then I should?) I been a bit afread of asking it. But maybe that fear should force me to post the same request. So here it is, I request your thoughts and comments on my blog, is it ok, is it the worst thing you ever seen. So the question (stolen from Rob at Unspace) is
Can you tell me what you like and don’t like about my blog?
I hope Rob does not mind to much me stealing his idea for a post.

Some good news about Haleigh Poutr

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: January 26, 2006

Back on Dec 13th I posted about a little girl that was going to be executed by the state by having a ventilator removed. Well now here is some good news, that little girl has started to breath on her own, I have heard reports, that she is also starting to show some brain activity.
On another note of the case, the father of this child should be brought up on attempted murder, he right now is fighting for her to stay alive, but it is believed, by many, that his reasons are just to prevent himself from getting brought up on murder charges. Either way he should server a long time in jail for what he did to this child.

What is the future of pictures?

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 25, 2006

I was just watching a random slide show on my Mac from my iPhotos library. I have pictures from a digital camera from 2001 to present. I also have some older pictures that I have scanned in, that date back as late as 1993, I still have not scanned them all in. All in all I have over 5000 pictures on my Mac. One of the great things about the digital age is that we can share our photos easily, look at to see some of the photos I have chosen to share with the world.
But there are 2 problems I see with digitalizing all photos. First, I am guilty of this, since the cost of development is 0, or you don’t see the cost since it is aggregated into the cost of your electricity, people are bound to take a lot more pictures, yes that will result in some great pictures but at the same time it will result in a lot of bad pictures. Next what happens in the next 50 to 70 years, when the digital generation starts to die? With all of our pictures on a computer, assuming they are not lost to some catastrophe, our next of kin will have to hack into our computers, I will admit I have solved this a bit by giving to my pastor the passwords to my computers. Yes once the computer is hacked into it will be easier to allow every one that wants a copy of a picture to have a copy of it.
With digital photos, I think we should look at change how we think of pictures, it has become very easy to generate a high number of pictures in a short period of time. Keeping track of the photos will become harder and harder as time goes on, and I don’t think current software is up to it. I am already feeling the limitations of iPhoto right now, I will also admit I only have iPhotos ’04

One of my Favorit Pictures from Monday

Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: January 25, 2006

As I said yesterday, I got to get my picture taken with Rick Santorum. Well here is the picture.

Some one on Monday said if I print it up, and mail it to him, I might be able to get him to sign it and send it back, I am very tempted to try to see if I can get a copy of it signed.

The Pictures from the 2006 March for Life

Categories: News, Politics
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Published on: January 25, 2006

I finally got the pictures from the 2006 March for Life up on my web site. Again I am sorry it took me 2 days to get them up.

Word Orgy

Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: January 24, 2006

I have a friend that has a friend that is doing research on a book about Homeless people in the US. you can see it at


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Published on: January 24, 2006

I wanted to post the pictures I took yesterday, but I like an idiot left my camra in Dans car (Dan is the guy that gave me a lift to the March for Life) He will be dropping it off tomorrow to me, so I hope to have the pictures up on the net tomorrow night.
There is one picture I really like in it, I got to have my picture taken with Rick Santorum.
But I am sorry that I do not have the pictures up yet.

Just got back from the March for Life

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Published on: January 23, 2006

I just got back from the March for Life in DC. I will post my pictures tomorrow. I got some good pictures. But for now, I am tired and am looking forward to some sleep.

A new blog just came on the net today

Categories: Church
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Published on: January 22, 2006

I helped one of my pastors get a blog up on the net. It is a blog for him to put anonucments about up comming LSF and ISM events on. I have some more work to do on it, but it is up now. You can see it at

Just got back from skiing

Categories: Friends, Play
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 21, 2006

Well I just got back from the skiing trip with my friend from church. I will admit I was a bit nervous about it before the trip, but I believe things should be tried at lest once. I was nervous because two years before I tried snow boarding, and ended up damaging my knee and let me tell you a cortisone shot is no fun at all. But skiing is much more easer the snowboarding (I will never go snowboarding again, once was enough for me). I only fell once, and that was when my friend (who got me the cheap lift ticket and rentals) was teaching me how to ski. I made 4 runs down the slops today. My legs do feel like jello right now, but it was fun. I am now ready to go and pass out for the night. I would like to go skiing again, I did really enjoy it. We went up to 7-springs and they had a layer of artificial snow down.

Policy on negative comments

Categories: Blog Stuff
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 21, 2006

I just want to put the following statement up. I do not tolerate negative attacks on the comments sections. This statement comes because today, I saw on my comments sections a post that was an personal attack on someone that commented on my blog. And for the record the person that made the negative comment was attacking some one that put a liberal comment up, so the attack (sadly) was a conservative, but I don’t care what side of the political spectrum you are on, I do not want to see negative personal attacks in the comments, they will not be approved.
The person that was attacked is a friend of mine, so I have given him the option if he wants I can forward the text of the attack on him to him, but I am not going to let it stay on the blog.
It is true that I don’t agree with what my friend posted and I would like to see some one debunk what he said, but personal attacks are not allowed.

Bin Laden offers a “truce”

Categories: News
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 19, 2006

Aljazeera is broadcasting some more propaganda from Bin Laden. He is claiming that the US is losing the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is “offering” a “truce”. I doubt it; from what I have seen in the pass Bin Laden’s goal was to destroy the US and the culture because of its decadence. Now he made a turn around? It is more like he is afraid, he is losing big time, and he is trying to find a way out. Bush has said that “the US does not negotiate with terrorists”. It is quite possible that we are close to getting him and he is afraid.
Now would I like to see an end to this war, yes who would not love to see the war end, but we should not bow down to the terrorists, they must stop their terrorist ways. This is proof that we are winning the war on terror.
Plus the audio from him includes the normal threat, just like the one he made that if we elected Bush again (where was that attack from them we did reelect Bush, he failed to attack on that) or maybe he could not attack, could it just be that Bush is really protecting the US from terrorists?) I believe this is just another empty threat like the last threat about the election.

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