It is Half Time

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Published on: February 5, 2006

Yes this non-football fan is watching the Super Bowl, I am because I am at my churches Super Bowl Party. And this is cool we are leading 7 to 3. Also check out Robs site he has alot of Super Bowl Links.

Computer Problems

Categories: Technology
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Published on: February 5, 2006

Ug, the hard drive on my Linux box seems to be having some major problems, Bad sectors and all. So what I am trying to do, is since it only is happening on the /home partion, and that partion is 100Gb large and I only have 30Gb of data on it, and the problem seems to be at the beginning of the partion, I backed up the data, then did the /home partion to partion out the bad block area from the file system. When I finish formating the new /home partion, I will restore my files. But till then my Linux box is a bit down :-(. The partion will be will finish formating soon (I run the badblock check on it as I format) then I will get the data to restore, it should be finished by the time I get back from my churches Super Bowl party.

The one for the Thumb, Here we go Steelers Here we go

Categories: Friends, Holoday stuff
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Published on: February 5, 2006

Well this was funny today. First before I get into what I found funny, I will admit I am 1 of the 5 non-football fans in Pittsburgh, yes there are about 5 of us in the city, please please don’t hunt us down and kill us ;-). Also I have a friend that lives in Findly Ohio, Trish, who is a big football fan I remember some time before last years season her calling me up all excited to tell me that the Steelers drafted Ben Roethlisberger, I responded “Who is he? and is that good?” She in an exasperated voice says “MIKE!” Then goes on to tell me about him apparently he was a big star when he was in High School in Findly, Ohio — as most of Pittsburghers probably already know. So today I was talking with Trish on IM and the following conversation went down.
(22:32:56) PrgLnx: Hi, how are you, question for you, I keep hearing that there is some sort of sporting event tomorrow, did you hear about it? 😉
(22:35:09) xxxxx: very funny and yes, it is a Super Bowl.
(22:35:14) xxxxx: Go Ben!
(22:35:26) PrgLnx: I know, so you hoping for the “One for the Thumb”
(22:36:32) xxxxx: What does that mean?
(22:37:09) PrgLnx: “One for the Thumb” = the Steelers have in the past won 4 Super Bowls, so that is one for the Little Ring, Middle, and Index finger
(22:37:21) PrgLnx: so the 5th is the “One for the Thumb”
(22:37:34) xxxxx: oh
(22:38:02) PrgLnx: You should have known that you are a football fan, and I am one of the 5 in the city of Pittsburgh that does not follow football
(22:39:47) xxxxx: LOL, but remember, your QB is from my neck of the woods.
Note I have x’ed her IM name out for her privacy. But I was kind of shocked a Football fan that is following Ben Roethlisberger big time did not know the phrase, “One for the Thumb” even I some one that has only seen 4 football games in his entire life knows that phrase. Yes I have only seen 4 football games, 2 when I was in High School, my High Schools Team, The Crusaders, of Canevin Catholic High School (yes I did feel out of place there as a Lutheran, also I was a computer geek back then so that even put me further out of place) and 2 Super Bowls at the Super Bowl parties at my church for the last 2 years, this year will mark the 5 foot ball game I ever watched. When I was in high school I will admit I did not understand the game, it was not till 2 years ago when I went to the Super Bowl party at my church that some one told me what was going on, I still don’t like foot ball but I now know the rules.
Yes PrgLnx is my IM name. And that probably was a very bad joke I did about only hearing about some sporting event, that one is almost bound to get me killed here in Pittsburgh — “A drinking town with a football problem.”
And finally I probably should put this in “Here we go Steelers, Here we go” I do hope they win tomorrow, and humiliate the seahawk, I hope they do to the seahawks what the Seanators did to the Penguins on Thursday night ;-).
I bet if the Steelers win (which they will) that Feb 5 will be declared a Pittsburgh Holoday.

What to do with 2 domains I have

Categories: Geekdom, Web Site
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: February 3, 2006

I have 2 domains that I am not using right now and wondering from my friends what should I do with them. The first is and the other is Right now their is nothing up there, I want to do something with them, so I ask my friends what should I do with them.

Tagged… I’m It: Meme of Four

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: February 3, 2006

I have been taged by Small But Disorganized so I guess I should anser it

[b]Four Jobs I’ve Had[/b]

1. Computer Programmer (CMU and current)
2. Computer Operator (CMU)
3. Undergrad Teaching Assistance (at Pitt)
4. Software installer (for my old high school, well it was installing Windows 95 on some computers so not really Software per say)

[b]Four Movies I Watch Over and Over Again[/b]

1. The Lord of the Rings
2. The Passion of the Christ
3. Hitchhickers Guide to the Galaxy
4. Tron

[b]Four Places I’ve Lived (only 3)[/b]

1. Hunting Ridge (just outside of Bridgeville), PA
2. Oakland section of Pittsburgh, PA
3. Shady Side section of Pittsburgh, PA
4. (that is a compleate list)

[b]Four TV Shows I Watch[/b]

1. Simpsons
2. South Park
3. O’Reilly Factor
4. FuterRama

[b]Four Places I’ve Vacationed (I got to travel when I was younger)[/b]

1. Townsville, Austrilia
2. London
3. Tokyo, Japan
4. The Red Center of Austrilia

[b]Four Websites I visit daily[/b]


[b]Four of My Favorite Foods[/b]

1. Manicotti
2. Cheese Burger
3. Taco
4. Lasagna

[b]Four Places I’d like to be right now[/b]

1. A nice long bike trail
2. Diving
3. Townsville (see above)
4. Well I would like to visit my sister in Modling Austria

[b]Four Folks Now Tagged With This Meme[/b]

1. Rob at unspace
2. PowerBall
3. SimDan
4. Russell Lucas

Pens vs Senators

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: February 2, 2006

OUCH!!! First that is what I have to say about the game OUCH!!!!! I was at the game tonight, you can see the pictures I took tonight here. The Pens start out strong and end the first period 2 to 0. In the second Ottawa gets a penalty, and is short handed, this is where the pain starts, they score 2 goals while short handed, that really sucked the big one. As they would say in Zypher in the CS community at CMU that sddd, if you don’t know what that means it basically is an expletive to say it sucked big time. In the 3rd there was a bit of a scare the Seanators’ Christoph Schubert was hit and hit hard, it looked like he was out cold for a bit. There was cheering when he was able to get back up and walk off the ice, but ouch I hope he is OK, I admit I like violent Hockey games, and I like fights in Hockey, but I don’t want to see any one hurt like Mr. Schubert was. Christoph Schubert was down for what seemed to be about a minute to two.
The First score of the Pens
The Second score of the Pens
Before the game the Pens mascot came out with some thing that looked pritty scary

Solution to the Virtual Class Inheritance cast

Categories: Technology
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Published on: February 2, 2006

In my last post, I talked about using Virtual Class Inheritance, and was thinking about how to cast it.

well I have come up with from books and talking with others to try this:
// See
// for the class defs

grandchild* Base2grandchild(Base *ptr)
grandchild *toBeReturned;
toBeReturned = dynamic_cast(ptr);
return toBeReturned;
// cast failed deal with it
return NULL;
So it looks like what needs to be done.

Virtual Class Inheritance

Categories: Technology
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: February 2, 2006

I am going to post some evil now, I will cover more on it later.

But a program I am working on has gotten to a point to where I ended up needing to do something like
class Base
int value
class child1 : public Base { };
class child2 : public Base { };
class grandchild : public child1, public child2
grandchild() { /* I want to access value here */ };
Now with the above I can not access value directly I have to say which value I want since it comes down twice I have it as both child1::value and child2::value. Well I looked around to see what I can do with this problem, I found out about Virtual Base Classes so to deal with it check out the code below
class Base
int value
class child1 : public Base { };
class child2 : public Base { };
class grandchild : virtual public child1, virtual public child2
grandchild() { value };
Now the above does work, the virtual keyword in the inheritance causes the grandchild object to get only one copy of the Base class so I can get to value just like if there was only one path to the Base class.
The problem I am dealing with is assume I now have a virtual function call getWhatAmI() that returns info that I can use to know what type of object I am working on, so I end up in a portion of the code where I have a grandchild object being pointed to by a Base pointer. I have an if statement that only happens if I am working with a grandchild object, now I have to cast back to a grandchild so I have access to the grandchild objects. But I can not just cast it any more I get the error of [code]
“error C2635: cannot convert a ‘Base*’ to a ‘grandchild*’; conversion from a virtual base class is implied”
So now I have to find out how to cast with this virtual base class stuff.
I will post the solution when I find a good one.

Stupid item of the day

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Published on: February 2, 2006

The BBC is running an article about an idiot who is suing Apple computers over the dangers of the iPod. He claims there are not adequate warnings on the device about the dangers of hearing loss on it. I guess if he wins we will see yet another stupid warning label, maybe it should read “if you are too stupid to know it, loud sounds can hurt you ears.” We really need some legal reform in this country if some one can bring a stupid lawsuit like this and not have it though out. The man should be fined for wasting the courts time, and tax payers money.

The Open Pitt

Categories: WPLUG
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Published on: February 2, 2006

I was holding off on talking about this one, I wanted to make sure it got published first, but for wplug‘s news letter The Open Pitt I have started a small monthy artical, called “Links of the Month” The link I gave above is from the Jan issue of the Open Pitt, I have another one in the Feb issue, so if you are going to be at the Feb 4th WPLUG pick up a copy and see what I thought might be intersting this month.

Cindy Sheehan at the State of the Union Address

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: February 2, 2006

As most people probably have heard that Cindy Sheehan was arrested yesterday for a T-Shirt she unveiled just before before The State of the Union Address from President Bush. There are a range of opinions of this on both sides, I will list 5 blogs (blog sites not news sites, this will give you an idea of what a cross section of the people in the US might be thinking)
First here is a site that is anti-war and pro-Cindy showing her shirt at the SOTU address
Here we have Rob at unspace, he is against the reasons for going to war, but believes that “[T]he immediate pullout Sheehan is asking for would be suicidal” and thinks that what Cindy Sheehan did was stupid (Rob I hope I represented what you think correctly, if I failed to please let me know and I will correct it)
For the fun of it lets though Michael Moore in to the mix here, do I even need to state where he stands.
This looks like a site that is pro-war, and anti-Sheehan
I guess I should put my $0.02 in. First I think Cindy Sheehan is wrong. I was for the war, and I believe that we should stay till it is finished. I admit I voted for Bush. But I think what they did to Cindy Sheehan was wrong. Why? Was she making a commotion, I don’t think so, it is just a T-Shirt, now if she was shouting, or getting violent then remove her. But it is just a T-Shirt, I admit I think the T-shirt is stupid, but she does have the right to wear it. Unless there is a dress code for being there, and from what I have read there is no real dress code.
I will admit I am against those stupid “Free Speech Zones” that they now using, and sadly the SCOTUS has declared as constitutional. I am also against the stupid law that Pittsburgh has passed against Pro-Life protesters. It has 2 parts, Pro-Life protesters must stay x feet away from the doors of a abortion clinic, and must stay away from y feet from any one going into said clinic. The second half of this law will be shot down if it gets to the SCOTUS why do I say that, well if you check that link given you will find that the SCOTUS has in the past voted 8-1 (pre-Roberts) to struck down the the floating buffer zone. This was decided on 02/19/1997 and I believe that was the Clinton court.

I think I am going to be sick

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: February 1, 2006

Ever seen a burger with 100 patties on it I saw this the other day, and I felt like I wanted to visit the bathroom to expel my lunch from my mouth.

My 40Gb iPod down to its last 6Gb

Categories: Geekdom, Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: February 1, 2006

Well with all the Podcasts I am subscribed to I took my iPod that had only 13Gb of songs on it, to being filled to 34Gb of data. Maybe I should limit the number of PodCasts I copy to it, I probaby will not really worry about it till I get down to my last Gigabyte.
iTunes reports it as 56 days 9 hours 11 minutes and 35 seconds of total music/talk show to listen to and that is in 4393 items.

Humor in the State of the Union address

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 31, 2006

I am not going to give a review of it, most people probably decided if they were going to like it or not before it (and I bet it was along party lines too), and I am sure by noon tomorrow we all will be sick of the reviews of it(news, blogs, and the political pundents)!
But there was one moment where the camera (NBC) panned to Senator Clinton, she was giving this kind of “I am smiling, but I don’t want to” smile. When they jumped to Bush he winked, and it looked like he winked at Senator Clinton. I wonder is it possible that Formal President Clinton is not the last president to cheat on his wife. Gee Bush, Senator Clinton?
Sorry bad joke.
The sad thing about polotics now is people don’t find any humor anymore, so here is some, enjoy.

IE 7, or firefox rip off

Categories: Geekdom, News, Technology
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Published on: January 31, 2006

CNet has some screen shot of the new IE 7 beta I looked at it, and to me it looks alot like firefox.

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