What a day

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Published on: October 29, 2006

Well today was a bit long. After church today, we had our yearly Octoberfest, then after that we went to First Lutheran in Sharpsburgh. Finally after I and Joe got back we started to practice the Christmas Carols that we are planning to play on Dec 1. We have some work to do. He and I have to start to learn each others timing. here were some Carols that we just clicked on and it was almost as only one instrument was being played even though he was on the piano and I was on the Tin Whistle.
One thing that I am excited about the fact that I can play a few Christmas Carols. Back when I started learning the Tin Whistle, that I first mentioned here, in the post titled Chapters, I hoped that by December that I could play one or two, but I am look at about 14 Carols that I have been working on and have hope of really being played ok.
I will also post pictures of the Pittsburgh Reformation Celebration later on when I get them loaded on my computer.

My neighbors must be getting tired of my Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: October 23, 2006

I say this because for the last several days, I have been practicing for 2 to 3 hours a day. I still need to build up the lung capacity, I find at about the 2 or 3 round of a song I start running out of breath and can not keep my lungs filled. Right now there are 10 songs that I am working on, they are 10 Christmas Carols. I am starting to practice them now, that way I have a hope of being semi good at them come December. They are

  • O Come all Ye Faithful
  • Oh come Emmanual
  • We Three Kings
  • O Little Town of Bethlehem
  • Silent Night
  • O Christmas Tree
  • The First Noel
  • Joy to the World
  • Hark! The Harold Angels Sing
  • What Child is this

I should be adding “Once in Royal Davids’ City” to the list soon, but for now those 10 will keep me going with things to practice for a good long while. Also this dang cold I have had for the last 8 days is not helping with my breathing while practicing the music. But come December 1 I will be ready to play these Carols.
I am happy about this because at the beginning I was hoping that I might be able to play one or two Christmas Carols come the Christmas season, and here I am working on 10, so I am hyper close to meeting one of my goals and blasting right past it.
Also over the next couple of months as I practices this more I might not really have the time to post here. I do need to be semi-good by Dec 1.

Rush’s show yesterday

Categories: Blog Stuff
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 19, 2006

I was listing to Rush Limbaugh’s today, yesterdays show via pod-cast. He was reading a post from some conservative blogger. The bloggers comment said that blogs were/are a major influence in the American political scene. Rush did not say this, but this is something I believe and I wish Rush had said it. What is this, most blogs (99.99%) are unimportant, this includes mine, it is nice to see what others think on both sides (or all side since blogs do show there are more then 2 sides now) But at the same time, a individual blog means almost nothing. I do like my blog, and will continue to blog, but I have always believed this, but who many people really read my blog, I am always amazed when I get a real comment on my blog, and that I a set of readers, I am both honored and humbled, that there are people out there that read my opine and think it worthy to respond to. Yes there are some good blogs out there worth of reading, but they are the extreme minority.

Brobdingnagian Bards’ first Music video?

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: October 11, 2006

For those of you that don’t know who the Brobdingnagian Bards they are a celtic style group out of TX. They have a fun song Jedi Drinking Test it is funny as all get out. But some one took the song and added video from the 3 Star War movies it is really funny.

I hate being sick

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Published on: October 7, 2006

For the last few days I have been sick. I ended up having to take Thursday and Friday off. I am starting to feel a lot better, I did spend most of the day resting. And tomorrow after church I will probably will come back and just rest, and by Monday I should be 100% (or darn near it) so I can get back to work.

Last Nights South Park

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 5, 2006

I loved last nights sought park, in fact the primes of the south park is the exact reason I HATE online games and don’t play them. You know there is always that one person with no life that plays all the time, and gets some strange sadistic pleasure of killing new players. I like playing networked games, but I rather play with friends because they might be at the same level of ability as you and that makes the game fun, or they might be better then you but for them it no fun to just be able to kill kill kill, they will teach you and try to bring you up to their level so that it is fun for them (and you). The problem is that on the online games you will run into the people that have no friends, and think it is great fun to hurt others (oh that might be why they have no friends.)

Pictures from the Ohio Linux Fest

Categories: Technology
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Published on: October 3, 2006

Of the 2100 pictures I took at the Ohio Linux Fest, I only put 170, if you want to see the rest I would be willing burn the jpg’s to a DVD and send it off to you, if you want them, contact me and I will be willing to work out how to get a DVD to you if you are willing to cover the cost of the blank DVD and postage.

Preparing for Christmas with music

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: October 2, 2006

I have started to look at music for Christmas. I know of a group from my church that does some singing one day in December. Last year someone said that she would like some music. Well I have gotten the sheet with the songs on them. I am going to see if I can get the sheet music to some of the, and see if I can get practice on them, to see if I can get ok on them with the Tin Whistle.
I also had a friend from church over, he and I went over the list of 40 songs and decided which ones would be best Voice only, with the Tin Whistle, with a Piano (he can play the Piano), or with both (Whistle and Piano)
Now I have to start practicing the songs I have the music to, and see if I can get the sheet music in the key of D or G for the songs I don’t have and start to practice them.
It took us 2 hours to just go though them. and now we have still a bit more work to do.

My Biking Goal for the year

Categories: Biking
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Published on: October 1, 2006

At the beginning of the biking season I said I would like to see if I could reach 1000 miles this year. Well as of last Wednesday (yes I wanted to put this up, I have been very busy as of late) not only did I reach that goal but I also started going over that goal, I wonder how far I will get to this year, and then maybe I can add a couple hundred miles to that for next years goal.

A great Picture I got over the weekend

Categories: Technology, WPLUG
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: October 1, 2006

This is a picture I got with me sitting next to Maddog. He was there to give the opening speech and the closing Key Note speech. I did not get to talk to him much, but the little I did get to, he seemed to be a nice guy.

Ohio Linux Fest Pictures

Categories: Technology, WPLUG
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Published on: October 1, 2006

Some of the pictures I took at this years Ohio Linux Fest have been placed on my photo section, just click on the link. I only put 178 of the 2134 pictures I took up. I hope you all enjoy.

Got Back from the Ohio Linux Fest today

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Published on: October 1, 2006

I am still downloading the pictures I took this weekend to my computer. I took over 2000 pictures. I have to go though them and see which ones are worth keeping, which ones that need to be touched up (adjustment of light) I will post them as soon as I can. I have some other things I want to post on and I will get to them later.

Well I am at OLF now

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: September 29, 2006

I am now at the Ohio Linux Fest. I have started to take some pictures, they will be uploaded some time on Sunday night. And from the sound from my HT sounds like there is another ham here already. So I am going to see if I can find him/her.

Sunday at the Ohio Linux Fest in Columbus Ohio

Categories: Church
Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: September 27, 2006

I am going to be going to the Ohio Linux Fest in Columbus Ohio this weekend, which includes Sunday morning. I am hoping I can find some very important information (well to me) I would still like to make a church service this week, so if any one knows of a church in Columbus Ohio that meets the following criteria I would love to hear about it.

  • LCMS
  • Confessional
  • Liturgical
  • The Eucharist being offered this coming Sunday

Other things that would be a great plus for me (but are not needed, just preferred)

  • With in Walking distance from the Columbus Convention Center
  • Uses TLH
  • Uses the one year lectionary

Finally some one realized it

Categories: Technology
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Published on: September 23, 2006

I hate it when I go to a web site, and one of the stupid ads start to make noise, it is the most annoying thing on the web at this time. But today I was over at cnet, as I we reading my eye got distracted to one of those stupid ads, but this time there was something different, at the bottom of it, it had text to “click here to play this ad with sound.” For that aI have to give cnet a thumbs up for not having audio on the ads with out asking the users.

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