Almost forgot my full love of the shell (command line to many of you)

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Published on: April 2, 2016

I always feel more comfortable when working at the bash shell instead of in some sort of GUI. And since the Google forcing of Android Studio (that bloatware) I have returned to the command line to do my Android development. But while I have been there I have thought about how I could move more of my stuff to the bash shell and exist inside of the xterm more and more. Well I played around and have setup alpine (a text based mail client) to connect and read my email from gmail. Thanks to Google I am going deeper and deeper into the text based world again. I guess I kind of owe them a thanks for that, I never feel as comfortable as I do when I am typing at a text based system.

Wondering if I could do the web though Lynx, if there are good text based web browsers out there to do the things I do on the web (like facebook)

Further work on ridding my personal development of IDEs

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Published on: April 1, 2016


As I have don’t some work on my computer to prep for the day where I don’t need an IDE for Android development (also this work is making me think I might not need an IDE for any kind of development) This is what my screen has turned into as I done work on it today, there is some Java code there, a few ssh out to other computers. A web browser and all kind of stuff set up on the screen, you will see my second favorite x-windows application, xterm all over the place. Now this is an development environment. Playing with all this stuff here at home makes me wish I could do this same kind of setup at work. Emacs runs faster then Eclipse, and both Emacs and Eclipse puts IntelliJ to shame, I still can not get over the 40 minute load time for IntelliJ. Eclipse is up in 2 to 4 minutes, and Emacs is up in seconds.

I guess that what you get when a company wants all developers to use the new “hotness” well for me I am giong to back away from the “hotness” and go with the old school, I can make it work. I have one last task to cover and that is how to design a Android interface with out one of the IDEs.

Also part of my work today was to remove the need for a separate program to interface with my SQL databases with, I have found and installed a nice SQL mode setup for Emacs. Yes Emacs can do it all.

Starting to get hot here

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Published on: April 1, 2016

I don’t think it is do to the weather, according to Google it is only 63F out. But my Thermostat is reading 82F in the state of off. I have the air on circulate (no hear or AC just moving the air around) I have all the windows open in the APT. I just need to figure out how to cool down a bit, I don’t want to be running to the AC just yet.

Android Development in Emacs on Linux

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Published on: April 1, 2016

I found this blog post Development for Android with Emacs today. I am working on porting all my development for Android over to Emacs. As I noted here Android Studio is unusable, and not something that I want to suffer though. I am now working on getting Emacs to do auto complete for Java.


Auto complete is installed. See for the Emacs addon that I am using. Not the same as I am use to in Eclipse, but it does work. I will have to see how it works out. So now I have Android setup and Autocomplete setup. Now I need to find a way to do the Android Screen layouts.

Android Studio

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Published on: March 29, 2016

I have tried using the new google android studio for doing coding on android, but the program sucks, I mean it just plain sucks. I have not seen a program run so slowly. Most of all my programs run at a good speed, but if I try to use android studio, it takes 10 minutes to just load up and another 30 to load the workspace. All the while the load of my computer goes from 1 or 2 to 16 to 20. I wish they would bring back the Android ADT for eclipse, but for now I am going to look into doing android development from the command line and emacs, android studio is just bloody unusable.

How Apple lost today

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Published on: March 28, 2016

With the news that the FBI did not need Apple’s help on getting the data from the terrorists iPhone, apple lost big today. How you might ask. Well if Apple did help with a valid warrant for the phone, they could have retained the software with out giving it over to the FBI (the warrant did say they could do that) and Apple could have still claimed that their encryption was unbreakable by even the US government. But now with the news that the FBI was able to defeat the protection that Apple put in place, it says that the FBI can get into any iPhone they want with iOS 9 or below (and possible future ones) Apple can not claim the best security as if the FBI can do it any government (or nefarious individual) should be able to figure it out to, which means encryption on the iPhone is worthless.

While this has always been true that the security system is defeatable on the iPhone (and any other phone) it just means with this high profile case, the general public has been made aware of this, and that is probably something Apple did not want people to know about.

To People everywhere that live in APTS with shard washer and driers

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Published on: January 3, 2016

Please don’t monopolize all of them all day. I know you have laundry to do, but when you take all the washers and driers all day and then leave your last load in the driers all night you make it so others are unable to uses these shared resources. Other people don’t want to wear dirty clothing. So stop and think of others. I am not talking about the occasional using both for one load each, I am talking about using both for 6+ loads each. If you tie up all the washers and driers for more then 2 loads you are a jerk.

I guess this Blog has gotten a new life in it.

Categories: Geekdom, Programming
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Published on: November 27, 2015

My blog has not been updated in a long time. But now I have updated it a few times this month. Not sure where I will be going with this blog, but that is ok it is just a personal website and blog, so it does not really need a direction. To those of you that still read this site, I am surprised and thank you. We will see where this blog and new web server goes. I have already made use of the fact that I can have tomcat7 running on it, I have put up for a friend a demo of some code I could do for her, going to be showing it to her tomorrow. It is nice that I now can make use of my skills as a Java/Struts2/JavaScript/JQuery programmer and have some more fun on the other side of this computer, and maybe try out some random stuff. I am no longer stuck with what a limited version of php will do, I can go in and make use of my skills that I use most days at work. It did take some setting up, there are still things to be setup but for tomorrows demo I do not need to get the last part going till later. I just need to link up the SQL database and tie it into the program I am playing with.

Just a little bit of coding.

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Published on: November 27, 2015


This is what my screen looked like while playing on some code today. I need more screen realist, as you can see I am almost out of space on the screen.

Working with 4 monitors

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Published on: November 22, 2015


My current setup while working on the new web site. I got to many xterms open but it what I need to get the work done. I will probably post a few more screen shots over the coming week to show off how my 4 monitors work for me as I do different tasks.

Not enough monitors or to many monitors

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Published on: November 21, 2015

As posted last night I moved my web site from one hosting company to another. While doing it I had many xterms open. And I was finding that even with 4 monitors I still did not have the required space I wanted to do all the work for the configuration and work on the different systems that I was working on.

Changing who I do my web hosting though

Categories: Geekdom, Web Site
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Published on: November 21, 2015

I hope this one works out nicely, the last ones were find, but were a bit expensive at $90, and all I could do was limited PHP stuff. The new one I am going though is only $5 a month, and I have more access to it, I can setup servlets and struts bases stuff to if I want, this will allow me to play around more with the web then I could at my last provider.

Things I hope this will get me, is better backup of my site. Better access to my SQL system so I can play with the posts in the background, etc. It does decrease the amount of space and the amount of bandwidth, but 20Gb is enouph space and 1Tb is enough transfer for me.

I also get much better control over the DNS for my systems.

Dunbar is a despicable company

Categories: Politics, Random Thoughts
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Published on: September 15, 2015

My dad made a post to Dunbar about their people illegally parking in handicap spots. The response they gave just floored me. They are very arrogant in the response. See for your self from the screen shot I took… (click to get a better view of the image)

Older Geeks/Nerds vs Younger Geeks/Nerds

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Published on: July 28, 2014

All my life I have hung out with the Younger Geek/Nerd set (18 to 35), and all of that time I have had one glaring problem with them. Their level of hate to any one who is a Christian. With them not always a good idea to even let is slip that you might be inclined to believe in God. One learns to deal with it, but there is always that nagging that if they found out you are a Christian you will be rejected by the group. I have had one tell me I should not be allowed to work as a computer programmer because I reject evolution.

As of late (about a year now) I am starting to deal with the Older Geek/Nerd set (tend to be 40+). And one glaring difference I have noticed. They are not as judgmental of people of Faith. In fact the last Sci-Fi con I was at I found out that they were having a real Christian service very early in the morning so the Christians can have church and not miss any of the Con, While I did not make use of it myself (I wanted to go to my old home church and see my old friends there as I was back in Pittsburgh for the con) But the fact that they would even consider the Christians and make a accommodation for us. I feel I can leave my guard down when I go to these cons. while they are not all Christian, I would not expect that nor would I want to force that. they accept us as one of them, I feel welcome, welcome so that I don’t have to fear that it might leak about my faith, and I can have more brain power set to having fun with them.

I was talking to one of my new friends (very nice lady) and she pointed out that I am no longer a Younger person I am 37, and maybe it time to move up to the older more mature Geeks/Nerds. Mind you the word used is mature not grown up. Mature as in more accepting those of different backgrounds.

To those of you that find yourself as one of the younger geek/nerd crowd, please please look at the older geeks, see how they interact socially with one and another. You don’t have to agree with what some one says or does or believe but please they are still human and deserve some level of respect. With the younger set I feel as an out cast even though they don’t know my religious and spiritual believes.

To those of you that find yourself as one of the older geek/nerd crowd, please please don’t change, I feel I have found a home for my geek side, I might be annoying some times, just tell me and I will pull back, I feel comfortable with you guys.

All of us have something we can learn from one and another, and the only way for that to happen is if we become humble look at the old geek/nerd crowd and try to emulate them a bit more. And this I think would make the geek/nerd world so much better.

With fear about the SCotUS about to distorty the future of cloud computing.

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Published on: May 11, 2014

I have decided to look at over the air DVR (I will not pay for subscription TV) I first looked at TiVo, but wow the monthly cost of that is well it would be cheaper to get cable. So now it it time to look at other options, I would say I am thinking of doing a Myth TV setup. But if any one has suggestion for a good cheap (aka reasonably priced) DVR setup let me know.

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