Come on I wake up this morrning to find I got 39 spam posts to my blog. Ok, spammers you have done it, now all posts with links will be moderated, if I have to I will go to a full moderation system. Spam is hated and unwellcome here, and will not be allowed. So[…]
Oh man, I hate, let me repeat that *HATE* spamers, this morning I found at 9:25am I got 6 spam posts to my blog. Well I deleted said posts. Besides this blog has such low reader ship even if I did not delete them it was wasted effort, maybe I am wrong I would love[…]
I now have figured out how to get a “read more” link for my longer posts, so for the long posts I will cut them off at some point and have a read more link so that if people are interested they can read the whole thing and for the people that are just skimming[…]
And I can go back to not worrying to much about it, and this blog will go to something not politicl almost every post or every other post.
I figure just a bit more of php out so now instead of having the old hack of doing an instant redirect when some one comes to my page to the blog, I just included it via php and there is no ugly redirection going on. This should make things just that much nicer for[…]
It adds no functionality to the site; I just think it look cool on the site. I like the way it looked on other sites, so I have added one here. Next I would like to change the colors of the site. So in the next few weeks expect the colors of the site to[…]
I have been using Misc (no other place to put this stuff) more then I should, so I think I need more sections for my blog, I am open to suggestions, just leave a suggestion and if I like it, and find that it might be usefull, I will use it.
I did not realize there was such a massive market in blog pinging. but today I found this site, and they promise to ping all the blog pinging sites. Ok that seams like a bit much, but hay who am I to judge, and hay since I had the info and my blog software[…]
Alot of people have requested that I kill the frames on my page. So many so that I have gone ahead and removed the frames. I hope that people are happy with the new look of the site, I have moved the navigation bar from the left frame to a table on the right side[…] is now up. You can now go to for conservative Geek news, I am still looking for some contribitures for it, but any one can submite a story and I will check the submitions once and a while to see if there is anything good in them and if there is I will[…]
As a response to the liberal bias over at Slashdot, A friend of mine and I are working on a new web site we call ConGeek, I plan on getting it is own domain tonight. I have registered the URL for the site (that is now 3 domain names that I own) and I[…]
I have started a new web site that is just in its infancy, it is Geeks For Life. The main thing there right now is the Comunity forum. If you are pro-life and a computer geek go on there and register, maybe we can get a large geek group of pro-lifers together and get some[…]
John Hogg who is spending time in Russia is now doing a bit of blogging on my web site, you can find it at Good luck on the blogging John. I look forward to seeing more entries from you.
I am thinking of removing the BB on this site, it does not get any traffic. Maybe later if I get an idea for a real BB I will put one up, but for now I think next week I am going to take the BB down from this web site. So here is the[…]
I would like to get ride of the frame that I am using right now and just have a CSS that will suppressed all of the pages on my site. Right now I am working on it. I was toying with the idea that phpNuke might allow me to do what I wanted to do,[…]