Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Technology


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Published on: September 21, 2010

I am always behind on my Podcasts.  I have a 2.8 day queue left (if I was to listen straight) the PodCasts I listen to are Issues Etc (www.issuesetc.org) Fighting for the Faith (http://www.fightingforthefaith.com/) Irish and Celtic Music ( http://celticmusicpodcast.com/) Pub Song Podcast (http://pubsong.com/) Armature Radio Newsline (http://n5pre.podomatic.com/) Bill O’Reilly Rush Limbaugh and I am[…]

New cell phone

Categories: Technology, Web Site
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Published on: September 19, 2010

I just got a new cell phone(on Friday), it is an android cell phone (a Motorola cliq). I have played with it a bit (not as much today as I feel a bit sick). The reason I picked a android is because it is java basid and as I do java programming now it is[…]

What a day

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Published on: August 29, 2010

Today I was a bit busy.  After church I did not get home till late since they were doing construction on 66 (I have to go up to Alexandria for church as there are, to my knowledge any good confessional/liturgical churches in SoMD)  So I decided on the way home to stop for some food[…]

Got my verizon DSL up and cancled comcast

Categories: Technology
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: April 20, 2010

Finally I am off of comcast. When I called in to cancel the comcast account talk about hostal, the person tried to tell me I did not know anything about computers and my setup was all wrong and I was causing my own problem. At that point I got angry and told him 1) I[…]

Just 6 more days

Categories: Technology
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Published on: April 14, 2010

6 more days and my Verizon DSL will be up and I will be able to cancel comcast. I hope they get it up faster then by the 20th, I got the modem today, I just have to hold till they turn things on.

Well I will be ditching comcast

Categories: Technology
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: April 12, 2010

As I type this post I am on hold with verizon, I am going to dump comcast and get DSL. Why am I dumping comcast, well I am tired of horrible connectivity to no connectivity. it is every day from 6pm to 8pm. I finally had it today when I called in for the second[…]

Comcast (aka comcrap) in SoMD sucks

Categories: Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: March 28, 2010

For the last 2 weeks I have had the most unstable internet connection, if it was not for the fact that comcrap had a monopoly here I would drop them so fast, but there is on other option, no fios, no other real high speed options, if fios ever comes to Indian Head MD I[…]

fsck comcast

Categories: Technology
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: October 21, 2009

I am so pissed at comcast right now. I get told we will have a tech out there tomorrow, be home from 1 to 5pm. So I have to take time off work, well I am there from 1 to 5 no one comes, I call in and get “oh you did not have to[…]

Cleaning up my Itunes

Categories: Technology
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: September 18, 2009

Well I am going though all my Music and Podcasts on my Itunes and cleaning it up. There are some podcasts I just don’t listen to anymore, and I don’t think I will be again, so I have deleted them from my computer (freed up over 50 Gigs of room).

Vista sucks more the xp

Categories: Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: October 13, 2007

Well I got a new computer this week, on Wednessday, it crashed 5 times on the first day before I even installed anything. It is running slower then a computer 5 years older then it. It is a crap shoot if the sound will work. I have been told by other people that work with[…]

Upgreaded my OS on my Linux box

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 12, 2007

I have been running Fedora 2 for the longest time on my Linux box well today I just put Fedora 7 on it. I am still in the middle of the install, aka I am downloading the updated patches for the system.

The new Linux box

Categories: Technology
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Published on: June 13, 2007

Well I been messing around with this new Linux box I build this weekend and I think it seems to be working out well. I still need to update the OS from FC2 to FC7 I am working with the old hard drives so I have all my old data, the hard drives were not[…]

Got my Linux box back up

Categories: Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: June 9, 2007

Well I went to get a new CPU for my Linux box today, well I could not get one to fit my mother board so I had to get a new mother board, and new memory, but at lest I got my Linux box back up and running it feels nice to have my Linux[…]

I hate spam

Categories: Technology
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Published on: January 2, 2007

It does not matter how big I make my mail box quota, I just upped it again I upped it by another 100Mb it was only 100Mb, I get a phone call almost every other day I get a call that mail is bouncing again. I get so much spam that my personal email address[…]

I should check my spam folder and sorry to my friends

Categories: Blog Stuff, Technology
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Published on: December 9, 2006

Well my account was full, I was wondering why I did not get any email for the last few days, well over 50 Megabytes were full of spam in my spam filter folders, I have deleted those, and clean up some room on my account. I have deleted some photos from my photo album (Biking[…]

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