Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Technology

What ever happend to the Linux community

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 16, 2004

I wonder what ever happened to the Linux community. When I started to use Linux back in 97 there was a good community for it. If you had problems you could just go to any #Linux chat room and get help, or any usenet for Linux. Now if you go to a #Linux chat room[…]

This up coming weekend

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Published on: August 13, 2004

This Saturday if it does not rain I am going to go biking I have spent far to much time this week on computers. Not only my work time, but my home time was spent on the computers. If it rains, which it looks like it is according to the forecast, I will do some[…]

I have figured out what to do with the new computer when it finally comes

Categories: Play, Technology
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Published on: August 12, 2004

OK I figured out what to do with the new computer when it comes. I am going to let it stay a windows box. I will then get the data off of the gateway laptop, which is about 2 years old and windows starts to take a dive at that time. I will then convert[…]

The new Mac

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 12, 2004

Well the eMac has come and I have setup it up. It did a great job of getting all my files off of the iBook, even the setting and program files came over. So I went ahead and deleted all the music and photos off of the iBook to save some hard disk room on[…]

Well the eMac came today

Categories: News, Technology
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Published on: August 12, 2004

I am now having it copy my files over to the new computer. This could take a bit of time, it will be faster then if I tried it over the network, but still might take time, I have about 15Gb of data on the iBook. When I finish I will probably take the music[…]

The new mac should come today (I hope)

Categories: News, Technology, Work
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Published on: August 12, 2004

Well I pulled an all nighter to get some work done that needed to get done. John is designing a database for use with a program I am working on, I was there to answer any (the few he had) about the variables in the program, and I looked for some ODBC drivers for C++.[…]

My new Mac shipped today

Categories: News, Technology
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Published on: August 11, 2004

So I should have it soon. I went over board on it, and got over night shipping so I should have it tomorrow. This assumes fedex does not fsck up again. The last 2 things I ordered from apple that were shipped fedex, were not delivered correctly. The first one, was not delivered till a[…]

Moving Mail (part 5, and final)

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 11, 2004

It is done, all the mail and all the contacts are now in evolution. The mail is moved. The only thing left on the windows box is quicken stuff, and games (which I don’t play many of.) The question now is when the other intel comes in should I let it stay windows (since it[…]

Moving Mail (part 4)

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 10, 2004

Ok so this is going on too long, but the good news is that all the email is now off of lookout. And most of it has been moved from the imap account onto my new Linux box. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get the contacts out of outlook,[…]

Moving Mail (part 2)

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 10, 2004

Well lookout, is not letting me finish moving my mail. I has stoped copying my email to my imap server. I guess it might have figured out that I am not going to use lookout, and you know how MS, is, lock the user out of leaving if posable. Well I will get my email[…]

Moving Mail

Categories: News, Technology
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Published on: August 9, 2004

I am moving my mail from the old lookout program to evolution. I could not get any method of converting the mail to work, so now I am using my imap server I have access to, to put the mail on it, and copy it down to the evolution program. It will be worth it[…]

Fedora Core 2 net install (part 2)

Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 9, 2004

Well I started the net install at 1:30am, and it did not finish till 11:30 am. I took out my DSL speed for 10 hours. Well at lest I slept for most of the install. But it got done, and it looks ok, I just have to configure the interface to my personal settings, so[…]

Fedora Core 2 net install

Categories: News, Play, Technology
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Published on: August 9, 2004

This is going to be painfull to my bandwidth, but I tried to get Fedora Core 2 installed on my new computer. The burn a friend of mine did for me just would not work, don’t know what is so borked about it but it will not pass the md5sum check. So I am doing[…]


Categories: Technology
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Published on: August 6, 2004

Boy do the makers of slackware make it ever hard to get a copy of slackware, it took me about an hour before I went to the slackware chate room on the freenode irc servers, to ask for where I could get one, so now I am killing my bandwidth downloading 2 ISO’s right now.[…]

More computer stuff

Categories: News, Technology
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Published on: August 6, 2004

Well the question now is I want to move all my music and Pictures from my iBook to the eMac when it comes, I just wish I did not have to want till the eMac comes, but I think I figured out how to move the music. I found the XML for the Music and[…]

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