Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Misc (no other place to put this stuff)

“The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe” the Movie

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Published on: December 23, 2005

Last night I went with a friend to see “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe.” I will admit that I can not say if it is faithful to the book or not, since I don’t remember the book that well. Maybe after I finish up the 5 books that are on my reading list[…]

My News sources

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Published on: December 22, 2005

sources here, with a list of the last few entries from them

Just Venting

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Published on: December 21, 2005

Why the heck is it when ever some one asks what I am listening to and I respond Rush Limbaugh, I always get one of to response, in a voice that is more of a lecturing voice. The to responses I always get “Remember he is only for entertainment and has not facts” or “How[…]

My finger makes it to a UK bb, but they stealing my bandwidth, and faild to give me credit for my picture

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Published on: December 20, 2005

I was looking at my web logs today, some one is stealing my bandwidth. I find that some one posted directly to an image that I took of my finger after I cut it in October. Check it out at http://threads.fuk.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=47543&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=45 But people viewing that site will know soon, since it is comming from my[…]

What is the world comming too? This just beats all

Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: December 16, 2005

Ok I saw a post on Free Republic that was reprinting an article from Jews for Life (I am assuming it is a Pro-Life Jewish group) That was titled “Christmas Desecrations: Anti-Christian Bigotry Reaches New Lows”. In that article it talked about a group called Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation There was another article on Free[…]

Pittsburgh Blogger changes their site

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Published on: December 16, 2005

It looks like the site Pittsburgh Blogger has changed their site setup. The have taken the list off of the right side of the page. And they are posting the most recent posts from the blogs right on the front page. I am not sure I like that, you will get less posts. I am[…]

Rush Limbaugh used some Pittsburghese today on his show.

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Published on: December 16, 2005

For those of you in Pittsburgh (or from), you know what the term “Hoagie” means, to the point where you can not image that some one might not know what that means. But there are many outside of Pittsburgh area that does not know what a hoagie is. Well today was having fun doing the[…]

I got my Christmas Tree up

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Published on: December 14, 2005

I just put up my Christmas Tree. I have posted some pictures here This is the tree from the front This is the tree from the side This Ordainment is from 1976 the year I was born, this ordainment is only about a month younger then I am This is another Ordainment from the year[…]

Christmas decoration

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Published on: December 13, 2005

I will be putting up my Christmas decorations tomorrow. I know most people will wonder why the heck I am doing it on the 14th. No it not because I am lazy or forgot about it. The reason is that growing up my family always put up the Christmas Tree on the 14th and did[…]

I was going to do my Christmas shopping at amazon.com

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Published on: December 3, 2005

I was going to do my Christmas shopping at amazon.com, but when I tried to check out, I tried to use my checking account info into the checkout area, I checked to make sure it was right. It returned saying something was wrong, but it did not say, so I entered it again and double[…]


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Published on: December 2, 2005

Well it looks like we have entered the snow season. I hate snow. Well I guess it is time to bring out the cold weather clothing. The NWS is showing snow for most of the next seven days. I just hope that we don’t get much coverage on the ground. Also for those of you[…]

Sorry about the delays on posting

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: November 26, 2005

I am sorry about not doing many posts this week, but I have been feeling under the weather. But as it stands today, I am feeling alot better, I stayed home and rested, and I will probably do the same tomorrow, except I will venture out to go to church. So I hope come Monday[…]

I hate being sick

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Published on: November 21, 2005

I been sick for the last 5 days. This is getting annoying. I hope to be able to get back up tomorrow and get back to work, I hate laying around the apartment all day.

movies from the 80’s

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Published on: November 3, 2005

I just got back from hanging with some friends, we watched “The never ending story”. We got to talking about movies from the 80’s. The 80’s had some good movies. Some other good movies from the 80’s include: Tron SpaceBalls Labyrinth Another good (but stupid) movie is “Killer Klowns from outer space”. The 80’s was[…]

Sorbs lists mailling list servers as spam servers

Comments: 5 Comments
Published on: October 30, 2005

Sorbs has started to list yahoo groups’ servers as a spam server, so either they don’t like yahoo, or they don’t check the servers they list as spam servers, I bet MSN likes that, just add the competition to the list. And unfortunately my hosting company uses them as a anti-spam list, so now I[…]

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