Michael P. O'Connor archive
Category : Irish Tin Whistle

Those stupid 1/8th notes

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: May 16, 2006

I am still struggling with the 1/8th notes on my Tin Whistle, it is starting to get a little bit frustrating, but I will be keep at it, I will some day figure out the 1/8th notes, I fear it might not be for a year or so, but I will get them. I have[…]

Music and the church

Categories: Church, Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: May 14, 2006

The church has such wonderfully music, in it rich collection of Hymns. And what I am finding great now, is that now that I am learning an instrument, after I get home from church, I can try my hand at some of the tunes from the service that same day. It is not that good,[…]

I don’t know if I should do this but . . . Here is a recording of me trying to play the Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: May 13, 2006

OK as I have posted in the past I am trying to learn the Irish Tin Whistle. Well today, I tried recording one tune. It is not very good, in fact it is just down right wrong the way I killed the tune on the Whistle but here goes. Click here if you want your[…]

Click here if you want your ears to bleed

I finished going thought the 2 hymnals

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: Comments Off on I finished going thought the 2 hymnals
Published on: May 11, 2006

Well I finished looking though the hymnals that I own to find hymns that I in theory could play on my Tin Whistle. I really like this one that I found “Lord Jesus Think on Me” (the lyrics linked to here are from The Lutheran Hymnal Web site, to hear a mid of it just[…]

Passed the point of no return on the Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: May 7, 2006

Well I think I passed the point with the Tin Whistle where I can see myself some day being OK on it. Right now I am going though my 2 hymnals. Yes I own 2 hymnals, I got them a few years back so I can use the liturgy sections, Matins and Vespers. I am[…]

My progress on the Irish Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: April 30, 2006

Well my progress on the Tin Whistle is not that great, but I am making some progress. For a while I had been using the crutches that the books had put in the music telling what holes to cover on the whistle. But for the last couple of weeks I have been working on being[…]

The High D on the Irish Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
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Published on: April 10, 2006

I don’t seem to be able to hit the high D on my Tin Whistle, this is driving me crazy, according to my chromatic I am hitting an A and not a D. I wish I could get that high D, I do ok if I try to play that note alown, but if I[…]

The Irish Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: Comments Off on The Irish Tin Whistle
Published on: March 28, 2006

Well I have been messing around with the Irish Tin Whistle for all most a month. I still stink at it, but at lest when I am practicing, it is starting to sound like the song that it is labeled. I do need to find a book with Irish Tin Whistle music in it at[…]

I am out of shape

Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: March 16, 2006

Today I biked up to Squall hill, then down to the Pittsburgh Irish Center for the CCE meeting, this is a group of people that meet to play music together (I don’t play, yet, I hope to be able to join them in playing in the future when I get OK with the Irish Tin[…]

Well I tried to play my first song on the Irish Tin Whistle today

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: Comments Off on Well I tried to play my first song on the Irish Tin Whistle today
Published on: March 13, 2006

Well as I have said about 2 times before, I am trying to learn the Irish Tin Whistle. Well as I was practicing today (and boy do I have a loooooooong way to go, before I can do anything OK), but today, I did try a song, a very simple song, but I did try[…]


Categories: Irish Tin Whistle, Play
Comments: Comments Off on Finally
Published on: March 12, 2006

Well I been more then busy this week, but I finally got some free time today (well not really free time, I just multi-tasked, aka recorded the Scanner Net, and finally got to practice the Irish Tin Whistle. For the last week I been unable to get time to practice it. I also got most[…]

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