Well I just spent the last 4 hours working on a demo site for my church. I have some ideas for a new site, I am thinking of using phpNuke for it. So I installed it configured it, put some icons up for the sections, put some content in to it. I then went out[…]
That was fun, tonight we had our “First Friday at First Trinity” I tried to make my mothers lose lasagna. I did not do well at it; I was very dissatisfied with it. Some of the others said it was good, but I was not happy with out it turned out, it did not taste[…]
In responce to a question I got in my guest book I will make a statement of what Matins (and Vespers) is. They are liturgical prays of the day, there are 7 prayer offices. They are Matins Lauds Terce Sext None Vespers Compline My church, First Trinity Lutheran Church, offers Matins Sunday, and Tuesday thur[…]
This is the video I took at the Pittsburgh Area Reformation Celebration today at First Evangelical Lutheran Church in Sharpsburgh. The video is 30Mb’s large so it will be a bit of time before it starts to play so please be peasant Also if any one know of a good PHP program I can get[…]
Ok that seems odd, but there are 4 big days in the next 3 days this year. Usually it would only be 3 big days in 2 days. But of course depending on who you are you might only recognize 1 maybe 2 normally so for some people they might only see 2 maybe 3.[…]
Today being the 31 of October and this is the day that in 1517 that Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church of Wittenberg. Well today the churches of the LCMS in the Pittsburgh area had the Reformation Rally for the entire area. I got a few pictures of it[…]
Our church today had it annual Octoberfest that we have every year. It was like most Octoberfests good food good friends and some fun. You can see some pictures of it here.
For those of you who want to see the part of the service where Erica is brought into membership at first trinity to see the whole service the full hour and 15 minutes click here. Enjoy. Or to download the whole thing click here and remember to change the extension from mv to mov
Ok since Erica was received into membership at First Trinity, she asked me if I could record the service for her, so here is the whole service all one hour and fifteen minutes of it. Enjoy. Click on the read more to see the video!! If you wish to download the movie instead you can[…]
Today a friend of mine Erica just be came a member of First Trinity you can see pictures taken today of it. I will post some videos later, as soon as the mac finishes incoding the quicktime movie of it.
I am one of the few fortunate people that get to live near my church. Today it paid off. I kind of forgot about Saturday night vespers at church, until I heard the church bell ringing. I am only a five minute walk away from church, so I was able to get there fast.
This is truly sad, but first some back story. It has been 2 months since I got to read the Lutheran Liturgy mailing list. The last hot topic was the Perpetual Virginity of Marry (PVM). The confessions teach the PVM. But now the hot topic it looks like are Allergies and modifying the Eucharist. I[…]
Where does the free time go? I dont seem to have the free time I thought I would have more free time, I have tried to create more free time by going into work early in the day, but that time gets taken up faster then I could create it. Oh well, I am living[…]
And I am not referring to the prez of the US. I am talking about the prez of the LCMS. The bad news is that the liberals won almost all of the positions :-(. Well lets see what happens now. I would love to have seen the confessional Lutherans win, and take the Synod back[…]
I spent the day going from 1 house to the next. I attended 2 house warming, 1 house blessing, and the birthday of a child of a family in the parish. so you don’t think I went to 4 homes, it was only 2. the first was a house blessing and a house warming, the[…]