What is Matins (and Vespers)

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Published on: November 2, 2004

In responce to a question I got in my guest book I will make a statement of what Matins (and Vespers) is. They are liturgical prays of the day, there are 7 prayer offices. They are

My church, First Trinity Lutheran Church,
offers Matins Sunday, and Tuesday thur Friday
My church also offers Saterday night Vespers
These are liturgical prayer offices. When I am at home I use both “The Lutheran Hymnal” and the “The Daily Office” edited by Herbert Lindemann (CPH 1961, very hard to get a copy of this book)

Matins (from TLH) follows this order as typed up at the folks at lutheranhymnal.com

I will also pray them at home myself. Using both TLH and TDO

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