Michael P. O'Connor archive
Author : Michael O'Connor


Comments: Comments Off on IRC
Published on: February 9, 2021

As noted in my last post, I am looking at Usenet, I am also going back to IRC, there seems to be some life still in IRC, on freenode, I found my old stomping grounds of wplug, that seems to be dead, but the Linux chat room still seems to be alive, and along with[…]


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Published on: February 9, 2021

As I have left social media, and web based discussion boards. I have decided to go back and look at Usenet. For those of you who don’t remember or don’t know Usenet was the original place where online forums and discussions took place, and they still take place there. I also found this https://www.blocknews.net/ looks[…]

Why the US wants to ban vaping and the UK is encouraging it, follow the money

Categories: Politics, Vaping
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Published on: February 8, 2021

Ever wonder why the US (well the dummyrats) want to ban vaping while the UK is encouraging smokers to switch to vaping. Well lets look at some facts. 1) The UK has nationalized health care (while I am not a fan of nationalized health care this is important to why the UK is doing what[…]

How did we go from 15 days to almost over 365 days.

Categories: Politics
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Published on: February 7, 2021

I went from flatten the curve, to till there a vaccine to a cure. The sad thing is people are so afraid of dieing they are to scared to live. People are so afraid of dieing they will give up their constitutional rights. Now the elites know all they have to say is “this is[…]

Made my first batch of vape juice today

Categories: Vaping
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Published on: February 7, 2021

I made my first batch of Vape juice today, I have to wait till tomorrow to try it. But I am trying a Blue Raspberry flavor. Looking forward to trying it tomorrow. I got some PG that has 3mg/ml of nic in it, then I got some VG, I used 70ml of the PG and[…]

Why banning vaping product mailing will fail at the stated goal

Categories: Politics, Vaping
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Published on: February 6, 2021

The dummyrats in DC think that banning business from mailing vaping products will “prevent teens” from getting vaping products. But they are foolish if they think that, it will just make it easier for teens to get them. Here is the reason. First UPS and FedEX NEVER will ask for signature, I have on UPS[…]

A problem with the subscription model of content consumption.

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Published on: February 6, 2021

People are all excited about subscription model for music/video/games. But they are over looking one major issue, and that is cost. Back when you got things physicaly you bought it once and you owned it, pay $15 for a CD and it yours permanently. Now you pay $12 something a month for a streaming services,[…]

Snow Days

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Published on: February 1, 2021

Talking with a coworker of mine this morning I came to the realization of something, that kids will not like. Back story first Where I work if you telework and they close the building you are to still work, not unreasonable, just how it is. Now when we were talking this morning, he noted his[…]

With MD talking about banning the sale of flavored vapes… my solution if it comes to that.

Categories: Politics, Vaping
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: January 29, 2021

I just got these, I ordered the ingredients to make my own juice (still waiting on the liquid nicotine to come in,should be here soon). And since Propylene Glycol, Vegetable GHlycerin, and liquid nicotine are used for things other then vaping, they should easly get pass any ban on vaping. And the flavor comes from[…]

Setup my own DHCP server on one of my Raspberry Pi

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: January 28, 2021

I setup one of my Raspberry Pi’s to server as the DHCP server for my home network as I was not happy with the built in DHCP server on the router that Verizon supplied. First issue, is it wanted to be the DNS server for the network and only go out to my DNS when[…]

My next network project for my home network

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: January 27, 2021

I am not happy with the lack of control over the DHCP setting I have on my router from Verizon and thinking I want to setup a DHCP server on one of my Raspberry Pies, so I can have better control of how my network is configured. Such as I don’t need the router to[…]

Interesting find on the Verizon router

Categories: Geekdom
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Published on: January 27, 2021

So I run a Pie-Hole DNS server here at home. But I could not find out why the custom entries I put in were not resolving. Exploring around the routers setting I found one called prevent DNS rebinding. When I disable that my custom entries on my Pi-Hole were working, to test to see if[…]

Been feeling much better

Categories: Random Thoughts
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Published on: January 24, 2021

Well as I wrote a bit ago I would be posting here more then on facebag and twitter. Well that has held true. Ot also means I am posting things a lot less as a blog post takes a bit more thought. Also the key here is I have not gone on social “media” as[…]

For any one that thinks Sleepy Joe is good for the US, look what an enemy of the US posted

Categories: News, Politics
Comments: Comments Off on For any one that thinks Sleepy Joe is good for the US, look what an enemy of the US posted
Published on: January 21, 2021

China is no friend of the US, in fact they are still officially an enemy of the US, and here is what their state media said. Now why would a enemy the the US be happy Sleepy Joe won? Could it be they have bought him off (via Hunter)? Could it be he will sell[…]

Arguments against digit only consoles.

Categories: Games
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Published on: January 19, 2021

I know people are excited about digital only consoles, but there are many good reasons to avoid them. First what do you do when the store closes down? Try to go download a game you bought on a Wii from the digital store now. You can not as it is completely shut down, you can[…]

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