As you might have noticed I have redone, my blog. I have also kept my old posts, to do that, I had to first go to WP 2.0 get a script to import my bblog posts (comments and categories) migrate them to WP 2.0, then after that I removed the files for WP 2.0 and[…]
Well I decided to clean up some files on my domain, that are not being used anymore, along with some databases for things that have been removed from my web site a while back, I had a lot of legacy stuff there. But now it is clean, for me to do more stuff to it.
On the weekend of the 24 and 25 of July I helped out in the PVGP again as a ham radio operator. I have a few pictures you can see them at (also for the record I did not take these pictures, one of the flag operators took them for me, I am having[…]
Matthew Harrison defeated the old pres of the synod, maybe we can get the synod to go back to it’s confessional roots. This is truly a gift from God With the attempt of the old president attempt at a power grab, this is just poetic justice. This just might be the start of the path[…] enjoy.
Well I needed a new Battery for my VX-5. I went into a Batteries+ plus store and find that they are now $104, to much if you ask me. So I decided to be cheap… I built a new Battery see the pics below As you can see from the radio display it is getting[…]
Finally I am off of comcast. When I called in to cancel the comcast account talk about hostal, the person tried to tell me I did not know anything about computers and my setup was all wrong and I was causing my own problem. At that point I got angry and told him 1) I[…]
6 more days and my Verizon DSL will be up and I will be able to cancel comcast. I hope they get it up faster then by the 20th, I got the modem today, I just have to hold till they turn things on.
As I type this post I am on hold with verizon, I am going to dump comcast and get DSL. Why am I dumping comcast, well I am tired of horrible connectivity to no connectivity. it is every day from 6pm to 8pm. I finally had it today when I called in for the second[…]
Just some music I have played recently, hope you all enjoy it, I know I am not the greatest player but still it is some nice music and I enjoy playing it.
For the last 2 weeks I have had the most unstable internet connection, if it was not for the fact that comcrap had a monopoly here I would drop them so fast, but there is on other option, no fios, no other real high speed options, if fios ever comes to Indian Head MD I[…]
Yes the blog still lives, don’t update much, but I have been updating it a bit more lately then before. Working on fixing the links to the right.
Well this morning I am on my way to work. Driving up to an intersection (going maybe 5 MPH) some one in front of me coming to a Yield sign, we both look to the on coming road and see traffic coming, the person in front of me stops, I go to stop, nothing, try[…]