I have been vaping for a while and I love this RDA and this is my favorite flavor it is Blue Raspberry Slushie.
This is where I been getting a lot of my news/news commentary as of late
https://www.timcast.com/ Here is his bitchute channel (linking this instead of youtube, incase youtube decides to retaliate against Tim) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ldVrtT5BwSJ0/
Google doing more cencersoring
I got to be careful as or this blog will just be reposting of Tim Pool videos.
Testing an phone app to post here
This is a test post to see if I can post while on the go. This is the next step to see if I can do the move of of Facebook.
Based on the censorship from Google(Youtube)/Facebook/Twitter will posting here more often
The title says it all, I will be posting here more often outside of the Facebook and Twitter censorship, no I never been blocked for anything but I seen many others being unpersoned, er deplatforming as they call it.
Tim Pool gets Censored this is wrong.
Youtube is going over board on censorship now. Tim Pool ( a good Journalist ) posted this originally on youtube Here is a follow up video that he posted about it (sorry if youtube censored this one too)