Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : May 13, 2006

Again lets guess the number of storms this year.

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Published on: May 13, 2006

Last year I posted near the beginning of the Hurricane Season for your guess as how far we would get into the names for last year. Well since we are about 2 weeks away from the “official” beginning of the Hurricane Season, lets do it again. You can see a list of the names for[…]

I don’t know if I should do this but . . . Here is a recording of me trying to play the Tin Whistle

Categories: Irish Tin Whistle
Comments: 4 Comments
Published on: May 13, 2006

OK as I have posted in the past I am trying to learn the Irish Tin Whistle. Well today, I tried recording one tune. It is not very good, in fact it is just down right wrong the way I killed the tune on the Whistle but here goes. Click here if you want your[…]

Click here if you want your ears to bleed

Mac, reboot after reboot after reboot (yes I am talking about a mac not windows here)

Categories: Technology
Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: May 13, 2006

On my make I am trying to do something on my mac that should take only 2 minutes, but since the latest update from apple I can not expect my mac to work at all, I have had to reboot it 20 times in the last 30 minutes to do anything, there is something wrong[…]

May 2006
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