Michael P. O'Connor archive
Date : July 2004

No Biking tonight

Categories: Biking
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Published on: July 16, 2004

I did not get to do much biking tonight, I did not see the broken glass on the path, well I hit it and my back tire went out, so I walked back to get my car put the bike on the bike rack and went down to the bike shop to get a new[…]

Biking for the weekend

Categories: Biking
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Published on: July 16, 2004

So now I am off work for the weekend, and it is the first weekend after a demo. I will be doing some major biking this weekend. I should be heading out soon, as soon as the last of my biking pictures are uploaded to the server, so I can add them to the photo[…]

The net now and days

Categories: Technology, Web Site
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Published on: July 16, 2004

It is nice now that one can get all kinds of PHP programs for ones site, and all one has to worry about is providing content. I have just added a photo section to my web site (www.mikeoconnor.net/Photos) and I don’t have to worry about how to get the format now, all I have to[…]

Day after the Demo

Categories: Biking, News, Work
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Published on: July 16, 2004

Ok so this is the day after the demo, I am still wanting to hear from my boss who it went. I destroyed my sleep schedule during the demo, but I have put it back on track, I am surprised I did it in one night, I sleep straight though the night, and still got[…]

Not really a blog but.

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Published on: July 15, 2004

While surfing around today I found this http://www.georgewbush.com/blog/ , OK. It is just a press release forum, not really a blog, but still a good read.

Random stuff

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Published on: July 15, 2004

Ok, so now I am at the office, going to go get some food with a friend (yes at 1:05 am in the morning) but my boss has to demo the program I am working on tomorrow. So I have a list of stuff she wants done, but I have mailed her with some questions[…]

Java How I hate it

Categories: Technology
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Published on: July 14, 2004

Well the demo for vista is tomorrow, and there was a feature my boss asked to be put in, so I spend a few hours working in java to get it done. It now works. But since it was java, it took me longer then if it was C++ or C for me to work[…]

Trish’s Blog

Categories: News
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Published on: July 14, 2004

Well my friend in Ohio put up a blog, I kind of think she did it because of mine. But you can see it at Here at http://www.livejournal.com/users/pualanijo She is a very nice person, I would like to drive up to meet her some day, if I can ever find the time. I first meet[…]

First entery from palm

Categories: Uncategorized
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Published on: July 13, 2004

Ok this is the fist entery from my palm pilot with ihis software. If ihis works out i!i might buy this software to use more often. right now for this test I am at work trying to build an installer for vista for my boss. I wish this supporter the catagoros and wish it had[…]

Palm Pilot

Categories: Technology
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Published on: July 13, 2004

I finally did it, My palm died 3 weeks ago and I have been forgetting things left and right, I am going to get the old one fixed, but that is going to take a while, so I went out and got the Tungsten T3. When the T2 comes back I will keep it for[…]


Categories: Web Site
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Published on: July 13, 2004

Why do spammers think they can get away with spamming every place they see. I had to delete 2 comments that were spam, one was for spam for a sex site. SPAMMERS this site if rated PG (maybe PG-13 at the most) I don’t want to see X rated stuff posted here. I guess I[…]

New Blogging tool

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Published on: July 12, 2004

Ok so I found a new program to add entries to my blog. One feature of it (this is for you Trish) it has a built in spell checker. So lets see how it goes, and if anything good can come of it, also the last question is does any one really care about my[…]

How many Lutherans does it take to break into a car?

Categories: Hay it is funny
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Published on: July 11, 2004

Well today we found it took 7 Lutherans, one being one of my Pastors. How you might ask, well I locked my keys in my car (ok so I had an id10t moment). Well it took seven of us to get in, and 2 hours. We used 2 coat hangers and 2 crowbars!! I am[…]

The Elections this year

Categories: Church
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Published on: July 11, 2004

And I am not referring to the prez of the US. I am talking about the prez of the LCMS. The bad news is that the liberals won almost all of the positions :-(. Well lets see what happens now. I would love to have seen the confessional Lutherans win, and take the Synod back[…]

House Warmings and Blessings

Categories: Church, News
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Published on: July 11, 2004

I spent the day going from 1 house to the next. I attended 2 house warming, 1 house blessing, and the birthday of a child of a family in the parish. so you don’t think I went to 4 homes, it was only 2. the first was a house blessing and a house warming, the[…]

July 2004
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