Fish cam now off line for a bit

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Published on: January 28, 2005

Well now that I know that it can be done, I just have to figure out how and where to put the fish cam. So now I have to look into buying that software I was testing, and how I want to put this stuff on the net correctly.

Experimenting with a “fish cam web cam”

Categories: Aquarium, Technology, Web Site
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Published on: January 28, 2005

Right now I am toying with the idea of putting on my site a fish cam (web cam pointed into my fish tank). I am testing it right now, I want to see if it is posable, and how much bandwidth it will need to do this. Click the read more link to see the test as long as it is up, and maybe leave some feed back on it. It should be up and running for most of the day of Jan 28 2005. If it works I might make it a permanent part of my web site.

Right now I have it set to refresh the image every 5 minutes, if I feel I need to increase or deacrease it, I will will, but right now this is just a beta test of the idea, and the setup. Right now the software I am using is unregistered shareware, so you might see a red bar that says unregistered, if I decided to go with this software I will register the software I am testing with this, so if it becomes periment that unregistered notice will not be there.

Oh Wow

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Published on: January 21, 2005

I got invited on a ski trip so I though I would go on it. So I started to look for the stuff I payed for last year when I went snowboarding, that I will never do again. But I could not find any matching gloves, at first. While looking for the second to just one pair of the 3 sets I found; I ran across some OLD! Pictures. No these are not the same pictures I posted about before when I first got the scanner, these pictures are older then those. I am just a kid in these pictures

I am guessing that they are both around the year 1990 when they were taken. I was only a kid then, the first one I am sure it is 1990; in fact it is the only one that is labeled to the date.

It was from my Birthday dinner in 1990. Back then we always went to Chi-Chi’s.
The second one looks like it is, this is just a guess to where it is, taken in the parking lot of the primary school I went to. Faith Community Christian School, that school does not exist anymore, and also in it is my sister.

I can not believe I kept all of these pictures, there looks like there are between 100 to 200 pictures in the pile I just found. I guess I have a new weekend project. I am going to scan any of the ones that are OK and put them in my iPhotos library, there is a gold mind of memories in these pictures. Looks like there are the record of 3 family vacations in there, an old pet of ours when we where kids.

Oh boy was I UGLY!!!!!!! I joke about how I am ugly now, but I just joke now, but man back then I was UGLY, only the face a mother could love!

The final entry in the iTunes & iPod saga

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Published on: January 20, 2005

Boy, am I glad I had the Home Dir of my Mac box backed up onto my Linux box. After trying that thing I found to try to get the iTunes working again, it toasted my Mac’s file system. I was able to get most of my data back from the back up. For some reason the iTunes music dir did not back up correctly. But I had a copy of it on my iBook; I had copied it over to the iBook when I started to have the problems, so I could get the music played and keep the data of the plays from the iPod. Well I reinstalled the Mac OS today, got my data back, then copied the iTunes music Library onto the iPod from the iBook then off to the eMac. I just have to do a few confutation changes on the eMac and it will look like nothing ever happened, I even got iTunes 4.7.1 to work with the iPod now. But for now it is time for bed.


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Published on: January 19, 2005

I got in my email today a copy of a story about a lawsuit filed against verizon (I will not be posting it here, if you look around it was posted on the wall street journal and titled “Cellphone Users Sue, Saying Carrier Cut Phone’s Features” and was writen by CHRISTOPHER RHOADS) But what I will post below is my reaction and my thoughts of CDMA vs GSM click the readmore link to read my thoughts:

This just shows how the companies that use CDMA believe that they have to have complete control of their customer’s choices; the problem with the complete control is that they fail to give the customers what they want. This just angers the customers and makes them what to ditch that company for another one.

This is one of the reasons I am happy I dumped the CDMA ones (sprint and Verizon, I had sprint untill the wireless portability number law came into effect in Nov of 2003) and went with a GSM on (T-mobile & Cingular)

GSM is a more mature technology, and it is a free technology, instead of having to want till my provider decided to support a phone I can have that phone, the account is tracked on a removable “sim” chip that stores all the needed information, from the information about the account for the towers, to the address book. I can pop in an Cingular sim card and my phone would have a different number because of the sim card, or if my phone breaks I can just get a new one, that new one will work as soon as I put the sim card in, no calling to get the phone activated, and no 1 hour want for it to get going, it up and running, just a better more mature technology that puts more power in the customers hand.

Also another reason for CDMA companies disable the internet abilities is because at the tower level the tower does not know if an incoming stream is data or voice, so how do they know which to give priority to. While on the other hand GSM which is a packet switching technology (the same technology the internet is built on) the towers can tell the different, and also if there is a high demand time, the tower can just drop a few packets of the data ones here and there, netting to only a slower internet connection for the user, the technology is built around the possibility of packet loss, so the phone and the users device has no problem with a few packets not going though the first time, the device will just try again, and all is good.
Also some other good things about GSM is it has an easer time of jumping from tower to tower then CDMA and if you loss connection with a tower for a short time, CDMA will die and call is disconnected, GSM will try to establish connectivity for about 2 seconds, all the user will hear is a bit of silence then the voice on the other end will just come back if connectivity can be obtained again, over all GSM (T-Mobil and Cingular) is a far more advance technology then CDMA (Verizon and Sprint)

And for the record I have T-Mobile now. I would like to wish those bringing the suit against Verizon the best of luck.

More on the iTunes issue

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Published on: January 18, 2005

I was looking for more information on how to get my iPod to work with the new update of iTunes. At one of the online discussion forums it said to reapply the 10.3.7 OS patch, well, I found out that that was not a good idea, it toasted the file system, so right now I am waiting for the OS to re-install, I am just glad that I do have the back up of my home directory of the Mac on my Linux box, this way I can restore the home directory after I reinstall, The computer would not even boot after doing the steps suggested. I had to turn on the computer on it Target Disk mode, I am glad I had another Mac to use to fix the drive up.

The thought of this makes me sick

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Published on: January 17, 2005

Over at snopes they have an article about a real place that serves a 6lbs burger. They have a contest for any one that can eat the whole thing in 3 hours gets some prize, well the sick part is some one did it recently. 6bls of beef in 3 hours!! I like beef as much as the next guy and I love burgers but, 6bls!! I myself have trouble with a Wendy’s triple burgher, and that is only about 3/4bls of beef.

More on the iPod vs. iTunes problem

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Published on: January 17, 2005

Well I downgraded the iTunes to 4.7 but what ever the update did, it really borked the system. I ended up blasting my iBook (I had nothing on the iBook everything was on the eMac) resetting up the iBook. Downloaded all of my mp3’s to the iBook (the mp3’s use about 50% of the hard disk on the iBook) And that worked.

I tried everything to get the iPod to work on the eMac and nothing worked, I tried resetting the iPod (effectively formatting the iPod) so for a while I did not have any music on the iPod. I did a hard drive scan of the iPod and there were no errors, I checked the promotions on the eMac, again there was no problem there. I could plug the iPod into the eMac with no problems if I deleted iTunes. And I could run iTunes if I did not have iPod plugged in. But this is no solution, so I for now have the iPod on the iBook. For now I will not be buying anymore music from the iTMS until apple fixes the problem with iTunes and I can use my iPod back on my eMac again. The hard disk of the iPod is larger then the hard disk on the iBook, so I don’t want to leave the iPod on the iBook permanently.

Holy Molly

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Published on: January 15, 2005

I just watched the football game and it was intense. All came down to 3 kicks, I am glad the jets missed the first 2 and that the stiller got the 3rd. while watching it I was on the phone with my friend in Findly Ohio, she said she love close games like that one was. I normally don’t watch football, but I thought about watching it since Trish is a big football fan.

Mac iPod users don’t get 4.7.1

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Published on: January 15, 2005

I just downloaded it today, and wow the problems. When ever I would plug in the iPod to the coputer it would freeze up iTunes and freeze up the OS. I will have to say this is the first time I have seen a Mac freeze. Right now I am working on going back to 4.7! My network load on my network is very high as iTunes 4.7 resorts the music coping form the network and writing back to the network. After that I will see if the iPod works again, and if it does I will back up the iTunes dir and test if I can delete the old files after consolidating the library. But for right now I have to want till iTunes finishes blasting my network.

Right now my Linux box is reporting about 2.3 Megabytes a second going over the network to its Ethernet card!! At this rate it should take about 3 hours to finish it.

The central area of my network.

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Published on: January 15, 2005

Over the time that I have had this computer network going in my place, I have put more and more of a load on my Linux box. Today I have just added my Mac box’s home directory to my Linux box and have it shared to the Mac via NFS. So now the Linux box is severing up the directory that windows is using for the “My Documents” directory and the home for my user on the Mac is now on the Linux box also. I am going to have to burn 2 DVDs of my Linux home so that I have a current back up of ALL of my user data for all of my computers. I have stored on the linux drive 38Gb’s.

Java moss

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Published on: January 6, 2005

Today I picked up more plants for my fish tank. I picked up some Java moss. My plan is to see if I can get it to grow all over the base of the tank where there is no other plant life. I figure this will give a nice look to the base of the tank. I seen this described as making a lawn for the tank, I just hope it does not take the same amount of time that a lawn would take, and I have always hated lawn work.

Pictures of my fish tank.

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Published on: January 5, 2005

Last night I took some pictures of my fish tank (as talked about in last nights post) well last night I put them in my photo section. I have a few pictures of my fish there; I right now have 10 Red Eyed Tetras and 6 Neon Tetras, and 3 snails, and a lot of live plants. I hope you enjoy the pictures of my fish, I hope to get more up if I can get better lighting in there.

Cameras and lighting.

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Published on: January 4, 2005

Tonight I tried to take some pictures of my aquarium but I could not get any good lighting for it. I have the normal light for the tank, then I put around it 2 of my lamps and that still was not enough light, the camera was saying it needed 1/8 of a second for the shutter speed, I went into my closet where I had a 150w bulb and put that in my lamp. That helped a bit but still the camera wanted 1/10 of a second for the shutter speed. I would like to gets some good pictures of my fish but I just need to figure out how to get more light into the tank, I might have to want till spring and summer when the sun is higher in the sky and might shed more light into my apartment that I might get to use. But for now I got some OK pictures of my tank, they are not great since the shutter was open for such a long time and the fish moved during that time.

I wish there was a easy way to since 2 iTunes collection

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Published on: January 4, 2005

I would like to have access to my iTunes music Library at work. I make it a point to buy my music on my home computer, but then I have to go though all the problem of uploading and manually syncing the 2 libraries. I understand why Apple has disabled the internet sharing, because there were scum out there that were abusing it and they ruined it for every one else. It would be nice if apple offered some way to sync 2 computers (one work and one home) music collections. Maybe if I could ever get a VPN setup for my home network I could VPN into my home computer and then have access as if I were on the home network, but for now that is just a pipe dream.

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