The Pens game

Categories: Hockey
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Published on: December 2, 2005

I watched the Pens game tonight, still not happy that they losed yet again. But tonights game gave me some hope for future games. The new goalie that they brought up from the minors (Fleury) did a good job on the net, and they looked more like a team tonight then before. I still say that Mario should get off the ice, but the team did better then I have seen in the past.

Why do people steal stuff that is not theirs?

Categories: Work
Comments: 6 Comments
Published on: November 30, 2005

I hate it when I bring a lunch to work, and since it is a frozen TV dinner I put it in the freezer here at work. When Lunch came around I go to get my lunch and find that some one took it. Yes it was only a $1 frozen meal, but the true cost of the theft is 7.72. Where do I get 7.72 from, well since my lunch was stolen I had to got out and buy a lunch, which cost 6.72, so I add the price of the stolen lunch to the price of the food I got for lunch since my lunch was stolen, and get the 7.72. Luther was right when he said that when presented with a choice of doing the right thing or the wrong thing, people by their nature will do the wrong thing, because of their fallen nature. This is not the first time my lunch has been stolen when I have brought it in. I been bring in my lunch to try to save some money, but thanks to these thieves it is actually costing me more then just going out to eat each day.

A fun waste of time

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Published on: November 29, 2005

I found a link to a fun flash game. The game is called Nanaca Crash. I been messing arournd with it a bit, so far my best score is 9379.93 I am hoping that maybe this weekend I can mess with it a bit more and get over 10,000. Here are a few things I found out on the game (instructions are in another language) after you get the victum flying you can click to do a bust, you will have red boosts and blue boosts, the red ones you get 3 to use while playing the game, and the blue will start at 100%. The blue will refill during the game, when you use it it will drop to 0%. Red are use when the victum is falling and blue is for when the victum is going up. Their are other people that will scroll by as your victum is flying down the feild. each one does something to your victum, you will not want to have your victum hit the green girl, she will end the game, well unless she is labled as a “special” then you will have less then a second to click the screen to get a boost out of her. Good luck if you try the game.

Happy Advent

Categories: Church
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Published on: November 27, 2005

Well today was the First Sunday in Advent. Thus begining the church year. I hope that you have a good Advent.

This makes me feel good

Categories: Web Site
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Published on: November 27, 2005

This makes me feel good, today I got some hate mail from a spammer. The spammer was not happy that I put an IP ban on him/her. This makes me feel so good, that I made a spammer day less bright. The spammer said “oh dear you are a very cross man”. To this I say (I am not responding to the spammer, that way he/she does not know if the mail went though or not) yes, I am very cross when it comes to spammers, that spam my blog. This email brought some sunshine into my day, that I made a spammer upset.

Sorry about the delays on posting

Comments: 2 Comments
Published on: November 26, 2005

I am sorry about not doing many posts this week, but I have been feeling under the weather. But as it stands today, I am feeling alot better, I stayed home and rested, and I will probably do the same tomorrow, except I will venture out to go to church. So I hope come Monday I will be 100% (well 75% at the worst) and I will be able to get back up and get to work.

I hate being sick

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Published on: November 21, 2005

I been sick for the last 5 days. This is getting annoying. I hope to be able to get back up tomorrow and get back to work, I hate laying around the apartment all day.

Can I call it or can I call it

Categories: Geekdom, News, Technology
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Published on: November 21, 2005

C|net is running a story saying that TiVo is going to do what I said probably would happen back on the 15th of this month. and that is move recorded TV to a iPod video. Boy can I call them.

Due to spam

Categories: Blog Stuff, Web Site
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Published on: November 19, 2005

Due to the excise spam (over 1000 a day) I have disabled the trackback here. My site is not a place for people to try to advertise their porn sites, so I have removed trackbacks from this site until further notice. I know I will have 1000’s of 404’s in my error log, but I rather have 404’s instead having to delete all that spam.

That is it I am never buy a CD again

Categories: News, Technology
Comments: 3 Comments
Published on: November 17, 2005

John Dvorak (Passably one of the greatest opinion writers out there) has a entry on yet another DRM program (yet another root kit, that damages the users computers) that the RIAA is using to hurt their customers. At this point, I am save since my music is all done on my eMac, but it is only a matter of time before they port it to Macs and Linux. It seams to be only safe to get my music from the iTMS (or other only music stores)
I have read on other blogs, that some companies are thinking of banning the use of audio CD’s on company computers, and from what I read about the sony and bmi CD issues, I think it might be a good idea, not just for companies, but for every one, no one should put a new CD in their computers, unless they want a computer that does not work, and needs to be rebuilt.

iPod, Podcasts, and iPod accessories

Categories: Technology
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Published on: November 16, 2005

I have talked about all of these in the past, but I am starting to think that apple is working hard at trying to corner the whole of the digital entertainment market. They will be there when the TiVo or other DVR companies produce a DVR that when hooked to a network that has a computer that has iTunes on it, and send the shows to the computer, or some how integrates its listing in the iTunes Library, then the shows you record off of the TV would end up on your iPod (if you have a iPod video, I don’t have one, and I will admit I don’t plan on getting one for now my 3rd generation 40Gb iPod works the way I want it to, no more no less)

Also with all the accessories (I am in this case thinking of things like the iHome and portable speakers for the iPod), out there, the iPod is no longer just a portable music device, as many of the new mp3 players are, but it has morphed into a storage device that happens to have a mp3 decoder in it. I think that some day soon you will see on a car ad that it has listed that it “has a doc for your iPod” so you can “charge and listen to your iPod at the same time”.
Now on to podcasts, with the many podcasts out there, commercial talk show could be hurt. Even the popular talk shows out there now, have made available (as be it you have to be a subscriber to their sites) as a Podcast (you do need to use their software for the pay/”free with your paid subscription” podcasts) So now you can get all your talk shows on your iPod and listen when and where, no need to be tied to the radio stations line up.
Going on that last point, and the DVR stuff, TV is also moving in that area, where one does not have to be tied to the line up that the TV stations have, you can watch what you want when you want. Entertainment is now becoming more and more “On-Demand” (to steal comcasts’ term). Apple now is selling shows in the iTMS, and I heard that comcast might soon be doing On-Demand shows for $.99 per episodes, so you can pick what you want when you want it (I hope they have all the star treks available that way soon). The one problem I have with Comcasts’ way, is that after 24 hours, you loss the things you get via On-Demand, that is why I think Apple’s way is nicer, but I hope that Apple has (or will have in the near future) a way to burn them to a normal DVD so you can play it on a normal TV, or some way to play from the computer to the TV, but you might need a new device to use as a remote control to control you iTunes Library.
Finally with all the stuff Apple is adding to iTunes, I think they might want to think about changing the name of iTunes, to something that is more descriptive of what it is now, since it is for more then just Tunes.

A fun site, worth a look, what did we watch as kids

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Published on: November 14, 2005

A friend of mine pointed me to Retro Junk. All I can say is check out the 80’s TV shows, did we really watch that stuff. they have some of the ones that I watched as a kid on it, I know when I list them some of you might get a good chuckle out of it, but here goes

  • Alf
  • Duck Tails
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
  • Fraggle Rock
  • The Wonder Years
  • Thundercats
  • He-man

They also has videos of the Show Openings.

In sweeden it is now legal to hunt Mythical Creatures

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Published on: November 10, 2005

Radio Sweeden is running an artical on how now it is now legal to hunt a mythical creature, apparently this mythical creature was listed on the endangered species list. I find that funny, that a creature that does not exist is listed as a n endangered species list, hay lets add dragons to the US’s endangered species list.

The iHome

Categories: Family, Technology
Comments: 1 Comment
Published on: November 9, 2005

A week ago I mentioned to my mother that I wanted to get a radio with an external antenna; the reason for this was that RF reception in my bedroom is really bad. Well today for my birthday (Nov 9, 1976) the gift my parents got me (well one of the 2) is a radio called the iHome. This radio has a dock connector for the iPod, and 2 external antennas (one for FM and one for Am) I will admit I have been wanting one of these radios for a while, but I could never bring myself to spend the money on one, and today I got one from my parents (Thanks mom and dad I love it) This thing is sweet, I have not gotten to use it much since I just got it, and just set it up, but it is going to be great. I also don’t have to worry about the battery on my iPod going dead during the night, the iHome will charge the iPod also as it plays music from it, via the dock connection. I got this iPod 2 years ago from my parents as a Christmas gift, and I use it all the time, and now I am going to get even more use out of it because of this new gift the iHome from them.

They also got me something called TuneTraveler this is a portable speaker for the iPod, this will be convent for times I am out of town over night, but with it I will have to remember to take the iPod’s charger with me since the TuneTraveler does not charge the iPod when you use the iPod with it.

Sorry about the lack of updates

Categories: Blog Stuff
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Published on: November 8, 2005

Sorry about not updating my blog for a few days, but I have had other things I had to attend to. But I am now back to updating the blog.

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